Gratitude is something that I find even more precious after spending time in the hospital. I believe that there are so many great people out there. Nurses, doctors, and the staff whoever and whatever they did to help me I am very thankful.
Gratitude to all who helped pull of the great night we had at prom. Not only was my daughter and her family very helpful but my sister in law also was here. How precious they looked and then we looked at the little ones that are coming up and realized that they would grow quickly as well.
Gratitude to the members of my Sunday school class who brought a great recipe to be shared by all. Oh how wonderful it is to share a meal prepared by friends. I am so thankful for great friends like these as we travel through life is it not great how friends are placed in our path.
Gratitude for the ability to move without pain, to take the time and relax with my children, and know that God has placed these doctors exactly where they were to be. Thank you Lord for creating a path to travel life along you know what is coming and what is going and you alone are the one I give all my praise to.
Gratitude is so sweet and should not be taken lightly. Want to know what others are thankful for? Head over to the blog Heavenly Homemakers and list your own so that others can read what you are thankful for
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