I will always remember learning about Melba toast. I was told the story by my elementary music teacher. She shared many stories with me many of which have stayed with me since the first time I heard them. The story about the Melba toast stuck because I thought that it was so wonderful to have food named after you. If you all are not familiar Melba toast was named after the stylish and talented opera singer miss Nellie Melba who in 1897 complained about that her bread was too thick to the Parisian chef Auguste Escoffier. The chef then created a thin bread wafer that he termed Melba toast and that term has stayed even to this day. Thirty years later Old London would be able to use the Melba oven and be able to create melba toast packs to serve in public. Old London now has over 20 flavors of authentic original crunchy taste rounds and toasts. My grandmother would serve such tasty rounds with salad as well to simply serve along side dips and such. Old London is available to us at home to allow us like Mrs. Melba herself to keep our stylish trim fit.

Recently we were able to try a few different products from Old London. One of these delicious and tasty snacks that we were able to try were the bagel chips flavored with garlic and herb. Talk about tasty the chips surprised me with the powerful taste that they possessed. I paired them with a recipe refereed to as the Entertainer that I found on the Old London website.
1/4 Cup Light Sour Cream
1 Tablespoon Green Onion (green part only), finely chopped
1 1/4 Cup Fresh Spinach, well-cleaned and finely shredded
1/4 teaspoon Garlic powder
pinch of EACH: Dill, Basil, Salt
Mix all ingredients in a small bowl Keep chilled until ready to eat with Garlic Melba Snacks For extra-bold flavor, try adding a pinch of ground white pepper, paprika, and a splash worchester sauce Keep chilled until ready to eat
My teens thought they went together great and they loved
the taste of the dip on top of the tasty chips. Another tasty treat that we were blessed with the chance to try were the spicy cheddar bagel chips
Again inspired by the recipes found on Old London and the flavors I know my teens love I took a chance on the recipe
Pizza Pomodoro The chance paid off and all thought the combination was delicious. The spicy cheese flavor went well with the spread and the crisp of the chip made it all go over well.
Now while I am not a lover of whole grain chips or toast I have to admit they tasted great with a simple topping. I believe that I would prefer the sesame or rosemary flavors so I have something that I would love to look forward to trying.
Now that I have shared with you about the taste that Old London offers let me tell you about a contest that they are sponsoring.
Old London is sponsoring a great sweepstakes where the prize is the chance for one winner and a guest to beautiful Oahu, Hawaii for an all-expenses paid, Hawaiian vacation. The winner will be invited to soak up the sun, enjoy the spa and the surf, treat themselves to private cooking lessons, and just breathe during the four-day, three-night, all-expenses-paid trip. Enter the sweepstakes now through June 30th, 2011 at
*I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Old London and received product samples and a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate*