Saturday 9: Cabaret (1972)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Liza Minnelli encourages you to put down "the knitting, the book and the broom." Which of those three were you most recently doing: knitting, reading or housework?
The broom as I sweep the floors a few times a day
2) She sings that we shouldn't allow "some prophet of doom to wipe every smile away?" Do you know anyone who reliably looks at the downside of life?
I truly do, some that I know right now are down due to seasonal depression and will be better soon others though simply have the downside as part of their personality
3) In 1972, when this recording was popular, so was The Brady Bunch. In the two-part season premiere, The Bradys went to Hawaii. Do you have any warm weather vacation plans this fall/winter?
unfortanetly the answer to that would be no, I recall in gradeschool I was a bit jealous of a friend of mine who went to Florida when we were in the middle of winter in Central Illinois
4) Though not her uncle, just a friend to both of her parents, Liza always called Frank Sinatra as "Uncle Frank." Is there an older person in your life who isn't a blood relative, but who refer to as "aunt" or "uncle?"
I can not recall in my family but my husbands family often does this and in return our children do it as well
5) Liza collapsed onstage during a Christmas concert in 2007. She says she'd been nauseous before she went on and simply fainted. Sam has never fainted. Have you?
Can not say that I have but have known individuals that have and have a child that does if they over heat
6) People are often surprised when they learn Liza is good friends with Gene Simmons -- the KISS member with the long tongue. Tell us about one of your good friends.
I have many great friends, many of them I either went to school with or have worked with. One of my best friends is a sister to another so I always was like thier little sister they took me under their wings and taught me the ropes I am very happy I know these sisters they are awesome
7) Liza told US Magazine that she loves to eat at Olive Garden. Do you?
have not had the privalage of eating there as of yet
8) She keeps apple juice and yogurt in her refrigerator at all times. Would we find either in your refrigerator right now?
You would find both in my fridge right now. I have kids and grand-kids that love ice cold apple juice and flavored yogurt
9) Random question: Which would be a more frustrating dinner companion -- someone who won't shut up, or someone who won't say a word
we are a family of talkers so someone who won't say a word would be the problem. I know how to break them of this though, I simply bug and talk to that person until they join in the conversation other wise I have someone who will listen to me and not interrupt.
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