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Saturday, April 9, 2016
National Autism Network
Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complicated developmental disorder, which affects all ethnic and socioeconomic groups of all ages, and has no known singular cause or cure. The Autism Society of America describes autism as “a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others.”1 Autism is known as a spectrum disorder because it has varying degrees of severity
a group of people who have a connectedness; connectedness may be close-knit, with many relationships between theindividuals, or loose-knit, with few relationships between individuals. Networks are classified as strong (marked byinterdependence on a relatively small number of people) or as weak (marked by little interdependence and a wide rangeof diverse and superficial contacts).
Autism affects more than the person diagnosed or the parents. Autism affect every member of the family and support system. Parents, Guardians, caregivers, grand-parents, siblings now place the primary focus on helping the family member with Autism. The stress involved may be more than some can handle. Marriage problems, problems with other children, employment problems, financial and personal relationships and responsibility struggles are things that may come up along the way when dealing with stress involved. The good thing is there is a network for those dealing with problems that arise from Autism. The network helps offer support groups, discussion forums, preferred providers, local and national resources, online trainings on various subjects, events calendars and others who are struggling as well as great successful stories as well. All of which reminds those involved that they are not alone.
National Autism Network
Friday, April 8, 2016
Couples Appreciation
Ten great features that keeps couples together
- an amazing parent. Can you see them as a great parent for future refrences
- they open the doors to new things in your life. Whether it be food, hobbies or other it is great to travel through life as you learn things together
- the complete package , best friend type of relationship. You not only have the one you love to marry but you also have your best friend, partner in crime and someone to spend great moments with.
- They know the small things about you. They share secrets and knows what makes life special for you.
- Patience enough to deal with what comes up. My life is busy, I have six children and my husband is our rock to keep us on the path
- No matter what any one says he is the one that you are physically attractive to. There is just that bit of something something
- You want to spend time with them whether around the house or no longer vacation trips.
- They are always striving for more, Whether it be more of a life, more potential in reputation no matter what
- They can make you laugh. Good for the soul and good for the reputation.
Stress is any relationship. One of the best ways to help keep stress out of your relationship is to have a regular date night A night to get away just the two of you. Get away and enjoy life just a bit. If you like to keep journals then you will love this idea of how to keep track of date nights
A gratitude journal will help you and your partner to keep tract of great date nights as well as things you are simply grateful for. In a notebook keep tract of at least 3 things that you appreciate or feel grateful for about your partner. Start with "I appreciate you because you ..... Both you and your partner keep tract of three things that you love your partner for. In a few months take a moment look back and see how grateful you are for your partner.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Animal Insurance
Many consider pet insurance a valuable resource. We want to provide our pets with the best possible care and some times it can be more than we can afford when our p ets are sick or hurt the care needed can be costly pet medical insurance can help Insurance helps to pay the vet bills and allows you to take care of your pet and have financial peace of mind.
the cost of veterinary care is increasing as the procedures become more advanced. That is why pet medical insurance is so important. Perhaps nothing will ever happen to your pet but in the case that it does you can rest assured that the insurance will be able to give your pet the best care possible.
Perhaps your pet is a turtle who needs some care while laying their eggs and getting ready for birth of a new batch
Perhaps it is a beaver with a toothache
No matter may be wrong with your pet or what care they need Rest assured Pet Insurance will be there
Did You Know that the beaver is the national animal of Canada?? The furry dam-building rodent can be found in many parts of the U.S. as well. Today is International Beaver day that sets aside time to raise awareness for the beaver.
Garden Displays
I have seen old tires used as planters since I was a kid. Yes, my mother would use large truck or tractor tires and use them as flower beds. I have also seen car tires cleaned and painted to create colorful flower gardens.
How about filling those shoes and old boots up with gorgeous spring flowers.
How about using old crates for a display garden?? You can create your own display more or just a few, big or smaill, colorful or plain its all up to you. To get you started here are some tips
Clean the boxes and crates to ensure there is no dirt or spider webs left in them
drill some holes in the wall on which your boxes will be placed. Find the perfect spot for each box then start drilling. Place the boxes on the wall in any position
Fasten them to the wall
Locate what you want to display
Deeper Than The Ocean
The depth of the ocean is deeper than the mind can fathom. There is life, even at thousands of feet under the ocean. That is a good relation to how much God has love for us. More than we could ever figure beyond our comprehension is how much He loves us. Paul described God's love for us as "the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge "
God's love is infinite, limitless and beyond measure. When we feel alone and unloved and feel that we are at the end of despair we only need to think about how much our Lord loves us. God's love is deeper than the deepest ocean.
I have a Friend whose faithful love
Is more than all the world to me;
It’s higher than the heights above,
And deeper than the boundless sea. —Anonymous
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Youth Sports Keep Them Safe and Injury Free
Little League is one thing that I have participated in, my siblings participated in, my children participated in and my grand children are participating in. The joy to get out there and play with friends is awesome. Sadly I have also often seen many individuals playing youth league sports have to make emergency visits to the E.R. room. Treatments for concussions, cuts, bruises, etc... are all worthy E.R. visits but the game would have been more fun if they were not needed.
An estimated 173,285 sports and recreation related injuries become Emergency Room visits each year. The National Youth Sports Safety Foundation has proclaimed the month of April as National youth Sports Safety Month since 1989. They strive to educated parents, coaches, athletes, and health care professionals on injury prevention in youth athletes The American College of Sports Medicine, The Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, and the United States Olympic Committee and more than 60 other national medical and sports organizations support Youth Sports Safety Month.
Concussions are one of the top concerns. The program "Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports" is a campaign that focuses on the facts, the symptoms, responding to a concussion and returning to the game after a concussion. The program is aimed at reducing the 3.8 million sports related concussions that occur annually in the U.S. Most concussions and other sports related injuries can be prevented. The University of Michigan Health System believes sport injuries may be caused by
- Individual risk factors (such as medical conditions)
- Inadequate physical exams before participating (every child should get a sports-specific physical exam before each season)
- Lack of pre-season conditioning
- Lack of safety equipment, or poorly fitted, improper equipment
- Lack of proper eye protection
- Teaming up by age instead of size
- Unsafe playing fields or surfaces
- Improper training or coaching, or lack of instruction.
- Fatigue
- Not warming up, cooling down and stretching properly
- Playing while injured
- Stress and inappropriate pressure to win.
- Temperature
- Poor nutrition or hydration
As I stated sports has been a major part of our family since I was young. It is true that Sports participation is a major cause of serious injury among youth. They are the second most frequent cause of injury for both male and female players. More than 5 million children will seek treatment in hospital emergency rooms because of sport injuries but most sport injuries are preventable.
Find free resources: The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine publishes specific injury prevention tip sheetsfor 20 different sports and activities.
To help prevent sport injuries here are some tips for all those involved in youth sports
Each player should receive a physical exam by a doctor to help rule out any potential medical conditions that may place any kid at risk
Each player should have a water bottle and take it to practice and games. It is important to stay well hydrated by drinking water before, during and after playing
Stretching before play can make a big difference by releasing muscle tension and helping prevent sports related injuries, such as muscle tears or sprains. Make sure there is time set aside before every practice and game for athletes to warm up property.
Kids should get 10 consecutive weeks of rest from any one sport every year. Playing different sports through the year is ok.
Coaches should be certified in first aid and CPR. They should be able to learn the signs and symptoms of a concussion and help avoid overuse injury by resting players during practices and games.
Cancer Sucks
National Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week is held each year in April. It is a time to draw awareness in your community and highlight the needs, issues, and challenges of young adults diagnosed with cancer between the ages of 15 to 39. It is also a great time to share all about the great work being done by patient advocates and healthcare champions on their behalf.
Cancer is not the same old cancer it was generations ago. Cancer for babies and geriatrics is old an busted. The new hotness is young adult cancer. The average age for this type of cancer is 15 to 39 years old. Survival rates for young adults have barely budged since the 60s' 70's On the other hand improvements to cancer for older generation has improved.
Cancer is no longer a disease of the aged. The rate in young adults is rising. The National Cancer Institute shares stats that show more young adults today being diagnosed with cancer than any other age group in the U.S. Cancer is the number one disease killer among young adults. An estimated 69,212 adolescents and young adults age 15 to 39 were diagnosed with cancer in 2011. This number was six times the number of cases diagnosed in children ages 0 to 14. The specific cancer types included leukemia, lymphoma, testicular cancer, anthyroid cancer and others. Breast cancer and melanoma grew by number in those ages 25 to 39.
Prostate cancer rates #2 as the most common cancer among men. The top is that of skin cancer. It is the second most common cause of death from cancer among white, african american, american indian and hispanic men Most cases of prostate cancer can be and are treated successfully. There are more than 2 million men in the U.S. that can be counted as prostate cancer survivors.
Prostate cancer starts out and grows slowly. A prostate specific antigen test may be able to find a prostate health problem. Treatment can come with serious side effects. Men with tumors that have not spread beyond the prostate die of other causes without ever having any symptoms from the cancer.
The prostate is a part of the male reproductive system. The system includes the penis, prostate and testicles. It is located just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The prostate is the size of a walnut and surrounds the urethra (the tube that empties urine from the bladder) The prostate produces fluid that helps create semen.
The older a man gets the larger the prostate grows. The problem occurs when the urethra become narrow and decreases urine flow. This process is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia and it is not the same as prostate cancer. There are other changes that may take place with the prostate that is not cancer.
Risk Factors
The older a man gets the greater his risk of prostate cancer
There are genes that are passed from parent to offspring that can affect the risk of prostate cancer. There is no single gene that has been found to raise or lower the risk of prostate cancer. A man with a brother, father or son with prostate cancer is 2-3 times more likely to develop the disease himself.
Race comes into the game as well as some racial and ethnic groups are more at risk than others
- Difficulty starting urination.
- Weak or interrupted flow of urine.
- Frequent urination, especially at night.
- Difficulty emptying the bladder completely.
- Pain or burning during urination.
- Blood in the urine or semen.
- Pain in the back, hips, or pelvis that doesn’t go away.
- Painful ejaculation.
If you have any symptoms that worry you be sure to see your doctor right away. There are other conditions that may cause these same symptoms but better safe than sorry
Slow Cooker Taco chili
Today has been a very busy day. With the damp cool air in the atmosphere I thought it would be a perfect day to serve the family up some delicious soup, stew or chili. Chili won and it was not just any chili. It was Slow Cooker Taco Chili. That's right another one of those all to amazing slow cook recipes. This one had just enough spice it would please the family.
1 lb. ground beef
1 packet taco seasoning, gluten free
1 can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 28 oz can crushed tomatoes with onion, garlic, and oregano
1 can Rotel
1 C chicken broth, gluten free
1 1/2 C frozen corn
1 3/4 C tomatoes, chopped*
Lime wedges for garnish, optional
Shredded cheddar cheese for garnish, optional
Sliced jalapeno peppers for garnish, optional
Cilantro for garnish, optional
Diced tomatoes for garnish, optional
Cook the ground beef in a medium slow cooker until no longer pink. Drain the fat and add the cooked beef to the slow cooker. Add the taco seasoning, beans, crushed tomatoes, Rotel, chicken broth, corn, and tomatoes. Stir gently, cover and cook on low for 8 hours. Serve with optional garnishes
Quick Dessert to go with this would be a Twinkie. After all today, April 6th is Twinkie day. James Dewar invented the Twinkie in 1930. Dewar called it "the best darn tootin' idea I ever had" Improving upon such a beloved and iconic treat was quite a task for Hostess.
Twinkies have been rumored to have an infinite shelf life. The belief is that the chemicals used in their production helps to keep them fresh. The rumors however are false, while Twinkies do have a long shelf life of 25 days or more they are often on the shelf for a short period of time of between 7 to 10 days.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Blue Ribbon and Blue Jeans
Many groups around the world have adopted BLUE ribbons as symbols of support or awareness for the following;
Mainly Blue Ribbons stand for awareness of PROSTATE CANCER AND CHILD ABUSE.
-In the U.S.A., a Blue Ribbon Campaign against child abuse originated in the spring of 1989 when Bonnie Finney of Virginia tied a blue ribbon to her car antenna, as tribute to her three year old grandson, Michael Bubba Dickinson, who died at the hands of his abusive father. The blue color of the ribbon symbolizes the color of bruises.
-In the U.S., a baby blue ribbon is the symbol of prostate cancer awareness.
-In Victoria, Australia, the blue ribbon is the symbol of remembrance for police officers killed in the line of duty .
The blue ribbon is something that has meaning for so many.
Canada uses the blue ribbon to symbolize fight for anti tobacco and the anti second hand smoke campaign. The blue ribbon campaign in Japan meets the same needs as the one in Canada. With the knowledge that not only smoking is bad but that second hand smoke many times being inhaled by those that do not have no fault of their own The "Blue Ribbon Campaign" in 1999 was started by some students of the Hugh Boyd Secondary School in Richmond, British Columbia.
The "Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign" is a campaign that takes place online and is backed by EFF to bring awareness to protect free speech on the internet.
Spain has a blue ribbon that stands in opposition against the terrorism of ETA.
The Ukraine uses the blue ribbon campaign in political manner. The seizure of power during the Orange Revolution in December of 2004 is remembered. The blue ribbon helps to stand in opposition
Israel uses the blue ribbon to give support to Israel unilateral disengagement plan of 2004. Blue ribbons stand in opposition against the orange ribbons.
Hey Don't Forget one of the best blue things that has been around for many years as well is Bell Bottom Jeans
Bell bottom jean style becomes wider from the knees down. At the bottom they form a bell like shape. They have been known by many names including flare and boot cut. This style of jeans originates from the early 19th century navy when standardized uniforms did not exist. Sailors seemed to adopt a style of wide trousers ending in bell shaped cuffs
It was during the mid 1960s that bell bottoms became fashionable for both men and women in Europe and North America. They were made of denim, flared out from the bottom of the calf and had slightly curved hems and circumference of 18 inches at the bottom of each leg opening. Go Go dancers were famous for wearing bell bottoms.
By 1967 they had moved from high fashion to being part of the hippie movement. Along with love beads, granny glasses and tie dye shirts. It wasn't long before they were high fashion again though. In the 1970s Sonny and Cher helped popularize bell bottoms in the US The jeans wore on the Sonny and Cher show flared from the knee down and the bottom of the leg opened up to 26 inches.
Today, original bell-bottoms from the 1960s and 70s are collectible vintage clothing.
Boot-cut jeans introduced bell bottom jeans back to society during the 1990s Flare jeans shortly followed The flare leg has a wider more exaggerated flare than boot cuts. When skinny jeans began the move to popularity and the bell bottoms started fading away.
Mainly Blue Ribbons stand for awareness of PROSTATE CANCER AND CHILD ABUSE.
-In the U.S.A., a Blue Ribbon Campaign against child abuse originated in the spring of 1989 when Bonnie Finney of Virginia tied a blue ribbon to her car antenna, as tribute to her three year old grandson, Michael Bubba Dickinson, who died at the hands of his abusive father. The blue color of the ribbon symbolizes the color of bruises.
-In the U.S., a baby blue ribbon is the symbol of prostate cancer awareness.
-In Victoria, Australia, the blue ribbon is the symbol of remembrance for police officers killed in the line of duty .
The blue ribbon is something that has meaning for so many.
Canada uses the blue ribbon to symbolize fight for anti tobacco and the anti second hand smoke campaign. The blue ribbon campaign in Japan meets the same needs as the one in Canada. With the knowledge that not only smoking is bad but that second hand smoke many times being inhaled by those that do not have no fault of their own The "Blue Ribbon Campaign" in 1999 was started by some students of the Hugh Boyd Secondary School in Richmond, British Columbia.
The "Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign" is a campaign that takes place online and is backed by EFF to bring awareness to protect free speech on the internet.
Spain has a blue ribbon that stands in opposition against the terrorism of ETA.
The Ukraine uses the blue ribbon campaign in political manner. The seizure of power during the Orange Revolution in December of 2004 is remembered. The blue ribbon helps to stand in opposition
Israel uses the blue ribbon to give support to Israel unilateral disengagement plan of 2004. Blue ribbons stand in opposition against the orange ribbons.
Hey Don't Forget one of the best blue things that has been around for many years as well is Bell Bottom Jeans
Bell bottom jean style becomes wider from the knees down. At the bottom they form a bell like shape. They have been known by many names including flare and boot cut. This style of jeans originates from the early 19th century navy when standardized uniforms did not exist. Sailors seemed to adopt a style of wide trousers ending in bell shaped cuffs
It was during the mid 1960s that bell bottoms became fashionable for both men and women in Europe and North America. They were made of denim, flared out from the bottom of the calf and had slightly curved hems and circumference of 18 inches at the bottom of each leg opening. Go Go dancers were famous for wearing bell bottoms.
By 1967 they had moved from high fashion to being part of the hippie movement. Along with love beads, granny glasses and tie dye shirts. It wasn't long before they were high fashion again though. In the 1970s Sonny and Cher helped popularize bell bottoms in the US The jeans wore on the Sonny and Cher show flared from the knee down and the bottom of the leg opened up to 26 inches.
Today, original bell-bottoms from the 1960s and 70s are collectible vintage clothing.
Boot-cut jeans introduced bell bottom jeans back to society during the 1990s Flare jeans shortly followed The flare leg has a wider more exaggerated flare than boot cuts. When skinny jeans began the move to popularity and the bell bottoms started fading away.
Go To The Library and enjoy Poetry
April is School Library week. There are several ways to use the library and many of which you will need for classes you take. Here are some ideas
Get or renew your Library Card. My daughter recently went to our local library and got a library card. In most cases it is free and with an ID or parent signature you will be able to get a card. Simply get a card and use it
Have a need for books, research , movies, or video games?? Check out the library. They often have many of the items you are looking for that you can check out and take home for a short period of time. Get or renew your Library Card. My daughter recently went to our local library and got a library card. In most cases it is free and with an ID or parent signature you will be able to get a card. Simply get a card and use it
If you take time to visit the library this month you may see a poster or display about April being National Poetry Month. One thing that would be fun to do would be to share a poem a day on a social media site. Perhaps you could even take time to memorize a poem whether a cute new one or even a vintage one.
To participate in National Poetry month buy a book or poems or take some time and learn about a poet from your state. If there is a bookstore, cafe or library near you check to see if they will be hosting a night of poetry reading. You may even want to read your own poem if they have one. If this type of event interest you then you may want to find a poetry reading group to participate in.
Take some time go outside and write a poem in colorful sidewalk chalk. Take time and find out if your child has a favorite poet and who it might be. Help them to do some research to find out more about them.
Whatever it is you do to celebrate Poetry Month have fun doing it.
To participate in National Poetry month buy a book or poems or take some time and learn about a poet from your state. If there is a bookstore, cafe or library near you check to see if they will be hosting a night of poetry reading. You may even want to read your own poem if they have one. If this type of event interest you then you may want to find a poetry reading group to participate in.
Take some time go outside and write a poem in colorful sidewalk chalk. Take time and find out if your child has a favorite poet and who it might be. Help them to do some research to find out more about them.
Whatever it is you do to celebrate Poetry Month have fun doing it.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Research and Hugs
April 4th is National Hug a News person Day.
My family was involved in our local newspaper for years. With my grandmother writing the news for her small community. I would gladly give her a hug if I only could. One day that will happen when I see her again in heaven. While the news she wrote about had more to do with who would be at the reunion or what an organization was doing it was still the news.
I also took care of a lady in a nursing home who at the age of 80+ was still writing a strip in the local newspaper. To me that was awesome she would report what the nursing home residents were doing that week. This allowed families, other residents and others the chance to keep up with what was going on.
Today "national hug a News Person Day" offers the chance to say "thank-you" to news persons every where whether delivering important worldly news or hometown pride news. My hat is tipped to all who do this.
One way you can give a hug to your favorite news person is to use the hashtag #HugANewspersonDay and post on social media
I am sure that many of the individual in the news field spent many hours in school libraries. April is a month that honors School Library Media Month. So I must ask you if you and your students know diddly about Dewey?? Do they believe that "biography" is simply a telivision show?? What about call numbers what do you think they may be?? Perhaps you think they are the numbers in your cell phone. You do know that a librarian is not someone born under the sign of libra right?? With all the tools available on the internet you may have forgotten that the library is an amazing place to find information. It is time that you revisit a library and take a tour of all the resources available there.
Cordon Blue and Garlic for April
April is National Garlic Month. Garlic is both a vegetable and an herb. Along with leeks and shallots garlic is also a member of the onion family.
When purchasing garlic at the store you will want to select firm, tight, heavy, dry bulbs.
Garlic has been used as medicine since the Greek and Roman times. Beliefs from fighting off acne, warts, toothaches and evil spirits have all been connected to garlic. Garlic is still widely recognized health enhancing supplement. It helps to promote the well being of the heart and immune systems with antioxidant properties and helps maintain healthy blood circulation. One of the best things about garlic is that it will help to enhance the bodys immune cell activity.
The odor and pungent flavor of garlic are caused by a chemical reaction that occurs when the garlic cells are broken. The flavor of garlic is most intense just after mincing. Running your hands under cold water while rubbing a stainless steel object will help to remove the smell from your hands.
The psychological fear of garlic is known as alliumphobia
Garlic also has the ability to help you out with your roses as well. If your roses are being attacked by aphids by spritzing the leaves and blooms with a mixture of crushed garlic and water.
Get rid of your garlic breath that you may get from the recipe I am sharing below by drinking lemon juice or eating a few slices of lemon.
- 1/4 cup fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth
- 5 teaspoons butter, melted
- 1 large garlic clove, minced
- 1/2 cup dry breadcrumbs
- 1 tablespoon grated fresh Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- 4 (6-ounce) skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
- 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 4 thin slices prosciutto (about 2 ounces)
- 1/4 cup (1 ounce) shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
- Cooking spray
Preheat oven to 350°.
Place broth in a small microwave-safe bowl; microwave at high 15 seconds or until warm. Stir in butter and garlic. Combine breadcrumbs, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and paprika in a medium shallow bowl; set aside.
Place each chicken breast half between 2 sheets of heavy-duty plastic wrap, and pound each to 1/4-inch thickness using a meat mallet or rolling pin. Sprinkle both sides of chicken with salt, oregano, and pepper. Top each breast half with 1 slice of prosciutto and 1 tablespoon mozzarella. Roll up each breast half jelly-roll fashion. Dip each roll in chicken broth mixture; dredge in breadcrumb mixture. Place rolls, seam side down, in an 8-inch square baking dish coated with cooking spray. Pour remaining broth mixture over chicken. Bake at 350° for 28 minutes or until juices run clear and tops are golden.
Place broth in a small microwave-safe bowl; microwave at high 15 seconds or until warm. Stir in butter and garlic. Combine breadcrumbs, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and paprika in a medium shallow bowl; set aside.
Place each chicken breast half between 2 sheets of heavy-duty plastic wrap, and pound each to 1/4-inch thickness using a meat mallet or rolling pin. Sprinkle both sides of chicken with salt, oregano, and pepper. Top each breast half with 1 slice of prosciutto and 1 tablespoon mozzarella. Roll up each breast half jelly-roll fashion. Dip each roll in chicken broth mixture; dredge in breadcrumb mixture. Place rolls, seam side down, in an 8-inch square baking dish coated with cooking spray. Pour remaining broth mixture over chicken. Bake at 350° for 28 minutes or until juices run clear and tops are golden.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
What's for Breakfast
There are many choices of what one can have for breakfast
You may choose what you want. I have even known myself and others to eat cold pizza for breakfast
An English breakfast is much more filling due to its many levels. The meal usually includes bacon, sausages, eggs and a variety of other cooked foods. It is normally served with coffee or tea. The breakfast is especially popular in the UK and Ireland Many cafes in those areas offers the meal at any time of the day.
This full English Breakfast is often referred to full English or 'fry up' The breakfast may be known by the area that it is served in as well ("Full Scotish", "Full Welsh" or "Full Irish") The breakfast is one of the most internationally recognized British dishes. It became popular in the British Isles during the Victorian Era. Many hotels in and around England pairs the choice of the full breakfast with the choice of a lighter alternative of a Continental breakfast consisting of milk, tea or coffee and juices served with bread, croissants or pastries.
Foods included in this full breakfast include but are not limited too:
- eggs; fried, or scrambled, poached
- fried or grilled bacon, also referred to as "rashers" or "slices"
- sausages or sausage patties
- white pudding
- black pudding
- kidneys, grilled or fried
- potato, either sautéed or served as chips, potato waffles, potato bread, potato cake, or hash browns
- bread, usually toasted or fried
- soda bread (common in Ireland, and available in both white and brown varieties)
- pancakes
- baked beans
- fried mushrooms
- fried, grilled, or tinned tomatoes
- oatcakes (in Scotland)
- fruit pudding (in Scotland)
- potato (or "tattie") scones (in Scotland and Ireland)
- sliced sausage, also known as Lorne sausage (in Scotland)
- laverbread (in Wales)
- grilled smoked mackerel/kippers
- cockles (in Wales)
- hog's pudding (in Cornwall and Devon)
- corned beef hash (in the United States)
- grits (in the US)
- scrapple (in the US)
- English muffins or biscuits (in the US)
Examples of Full English Style Breakfast that are served around the world are
hogs pudding and cornish potato cakes (made with mashed potatoes mixed with flour and butter and then fried) or fried potatoes with a side of bacon, sausage, tomato, mushrooms, egg and toast Pilchards and herring may also be included.
Traditional English::::
Back bacon, fried, poached or scrambled eggs, fried or grilled tomatoes, fried mushrooms, fried bread or toast with butter, sausage and baked beans. Black pudding and hash browns complete the breakfast
Serve it all up with a mug of tea or a cup of coffee This breakfast is primarily fried and known as a "fry-up"
Personal taste and cultural affiliation helps determine the Irish Breakfast. Bacon, pork sausages, fried eggs, white pudding, black pudding, toast and fried tomato are traditionally served in this breakfast. Sauteed field mushroom, baked beans, has browns, liver, and brown soda bread may all be part of this breakfast. An alternative that has been created is known as the breakfast roll and consist of elements that would be in the full breakfast but served in a french roll. This choice was created due to it being easier to eat on the go.
Eggs, back bacon, link sausage, buttered toast , baked beans, and tea or coffee all help make up a full breakfast in Scotland. Some properties that may only be found in Scotland breakfast are the Scottish black pudding, Lorne Sausage, and tattle scones. Fried or grilled tomato as well as mushrooms and haggis, white pudding , fruit pudding or oatcakes may also complete this breakfast. A Scottish Breakfast has become to be known as "a substantial breakfast"
Wales often serves up a Welsh breakfast reflects coastal Welsh food such as thick bacon, welsh sausage, mushrooms and eggs. Welsh tea is often served on the side. Smoked fish and poached eggs are also commonly included in the meal.
Full Breakfast in America and Canada::::::
Eggs, meat such as bacon, ham, sausage, corn beef hash, or spam, are all found in a full breakfast. Breakfast in the U.S. often includes grits as well. Fried potatoes, hash browns, or home fries help makeup the large breakfast. Meats in the U.S often include bacon, pork link sausage, scrapple, pork roll, steak, or country fried steak and in Canada meats include peameal bacon or cretons. On the side of meat and eggs will be found toast , english muffins, bagels, waffles, pancakes, oatmeal, cinnamon rolls, biscuits, fruit or juice and beverages such as coffee or orange juice. This type of meal may be known as a lumberjack breakfast.
- What do you like eating for breakfast?
- Do you like English breakfast?
- What do you like drinking with your meal?
- Why is the breakfast meal important?
With your breakfast or following why not enjoy a good crossword puzzle. Many that I know will enjoy a good crossword puzzle first thing in the morning. They are the most popular and widespread word game in the world. The first crossword appeared in England during the 19th century. The first created like a word square where letters read alike vertically and horizontally and printed in children's puzzle books and various periodicals. It was in the U.S. where it became an adult past time.
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