Annies Home a place where I love to share tips, recipes and wonderful products that I find for our family along the way.

Friday, June 5, 2009
Be Away for the weekend
More great winners
Trendy Tadpole onesie or tee
judybrittle said...
Follower #3
Winner of the
Bonn Bonn Blanket
Annie said
I follow your blog!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Thrifty Idea
For more thrifty ideas check out
- Thrifty Thursday @ Dore's Diaries
Happy Baby Baby Food Review and Giveaway
Your little one has a specialized diet needs and Happy Baby Baby Food is trying to work with those very strict guidelines. Normally around 6 months or maybe just a bit older little ones begin to eat their first fruit and vegetables. That is where Happy Baby Baby Food starts. Introducing simple purees at this early age Will help your little one love the healthier foods as they grow. Available in the simple purees are yes peas, thank you carrots, smarter squash and wiser apple, and sweeter potatoes and purer pear. Great happy names for great happy babies makes Happy Baby Baby Food wanted by all.
The next stage will allow your baby a taste of smooth combos. Available at this stage are the Grrreat Greens and easy going greens. Just a bit more of the healthy foods growing slowly up the ladder. A few months later you will find the Sorta Chunky line, babies begin to cut teeth and now they are able to eat just a bit more. Now the young one can begin to eat meats such as chick chick, Gobble Gobble and paradise puree, Super Salmon and regular prune. By beginning early the little one has a head start on eating healthier as they get older.
The Goal of Happy Baby Baby Food is to make food as healthy and delicious as homemade food with the essential nutrients that help your child be happy and healthy.
Allergen friendly with no nuts, dairy, sugar, or wheat in use.
Happy Baby Baby Food is also happy to give back by teaming up with Project Peanut Butter to help feed those in need
The Happy Baby Baby Food website is packed with tons of useful information you should check it out. You can also buy Happy Baby Baby Food in many different places to find one near you visit here.
Win: One of Annies Home Readers will win a packet from Happy Baby Baby Food that includes
1 infant and toddler Nutrition Guide by Dr. Sears
1 FAQ on Probiotics & DHA
To win: you must visit the Happy Baby Baby Food website and sign up for their news list.
Extra Entries:
- follow my blog (2 entries)
- subscribe to my blog (3 entries)
- follow me on twitter (2 entries)
- twitter about the giveaway (1 entry each time)
- blog about the giveaway (5 entries each time)
Contest starts today and runs through June 16, 2009. Open to everyone. Please have email somewhere I can find it and each entry deserves own comment.
JoAnn Huth Transfer Bag
The great Transfer Bag allows you to not worry about losing a thing when switching purses. With its numerous pockets and the manner in which it is created you will fall in love with the great Transfer Bag. JoAnn Huth has great experience of creating bags for business women that are stylish and loved. If you are like me you have the tendency of having a messy purse only to clean it up to allow it to get messy again. If you are tired of looking in your purse for those keys, pen, etc.... and having to take the time to search for it then you will also love the transfer purse. The Transfer Bag will help you keep organized as well. For busy moms I know this something that we all can use a bit more help with being organized. With that respect comfort has met style in the Transfer bag.
The Transfer Bag would make a great present for you or for someone else. Have a best friend that needs a little help with organization give her the Transfer Bag she will love it.
Story Tots Review
Warning Sun information. UV Skinz review
Clothing is more likely to provide better sun protection if it is:
a) made of tightly woven fabric, like a denim shirt
b) a dark color
c) long sleeved
d) all of the above
The UV rays that can cause sunburn and damage your child's skin include:
a) ultraviolet A (UVA) rays
b) ultraviolet B (UVB) rays
c) ultraviolet C (UVC) rays
d) both a and b
Excessive sun exposure can put your child at risk to develop:
a) skin cancer
b) premature aging
c) sunburn
d) all of the above
You should reapply sunscreen:
a) every two hours
b) every two hours if your child is in the water
c) only if it isn't waterproof
d) every two hours if it has an SPF of less than 15
In addition to using sunscreen, you can protect your kids from sunburn by having them:
a) wear a hat
b) wear dark sunglasses
c) wear sunglasses that block 99 to 100 percent of UVA rays
d) all of the above
Your kids are always safe from the sun if you put them in the shade.
a) True
b) False
c) True, but only on cloudy days
d) either b or c
Regular clothing:
a) will prevent sunburn
b) can protect kids from sunburn for a good 5 to 9 hours
c) has an SPF between 5 and 9
d) both b and c
Sunscreen should be applied:
a) over makeup
b) under makeup
c) over insect repellents
d) both a and c
u can't get a sunburn on cloudy days.
a) True
b) False
c) True, but only if you can still see your shadow
d) both b and c
Medications that can make it more likely that you get a bad sunburn include:
a) many antibiotics, including tetracycline
b) most acne medications
c) both a and b
d) none of the above
1 all of the above
2 both a and b
3 all of the above
4 every 2 hours
5 a
6 b
7 c
8 b
9 b
10 c (information borrowed from
Now be honest how many of those did you actually know? Let me share you a product that can help you protect your little ones from the sun. UV Skinz have been specially designed for the reasoning of sun protection. Would it not make you feel better by allowing yourself, your children and your spouse to be protected from the sun while you are enjoying the summer? I know the answer to that has to be yes.
- sign up for the UV Skinz monthly newsletter (3 entries)
- subscribe to my blog through email (3 entries)
- subscribe through reader to UV Skinz blog (3 entries)
- subscribe through reader to my blog (3 entries)
- share with me a way that you protect yourself from the sun (2 entries)
- follow my blog (2 entries)
- follow my blog on twitter (2 entries)
- follow UVSkinz on twitter (2 entries)
- twitter about the giveaway (1 entry each time you twitter) leave link in comment
- blog about the giveaway (5 entries) leave link in comment
Contest will run from today through June 21, 2009. Good luck Contest open to all. Remember each extra entry deserves its own comment and your email should appear somewhere in comment or on your blog.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Wordfilled Wednesday
Christian Comments
Myspace Comments
Oh is not so great to know that he is waiting on the other side of the door. Praise the Lord that we have the hope of one day living with him forever. We had a young lady that went to our church to die this past week. You see she had a knee surgery and a few days later a blood clot ran to her heart and killed her. Oh but we know that one day we will see this young lady again. What a shame to live just a few years on this wonderful world but oh how delightful to know that she will live forever with our Lord
for more Wordfilled Wednesday visit the blog Extravagant Grace
Outdoor Wednesday
Just thought I would share some pictures of my lovely dogs. They are like family members. Here they are outside playing.
Summer Reads
1.The Secret Speech By Tom Smith
2.Julie and Julia By Julie Powell
3.Swimsuit By James Patterson , Maxine Paetro
4.Obama’s BlackBerry By Kasper Hauser
5.A Summer Affair By Elin Hilderbrand
6.When You Are Engulfed in Flames By David Sedaris
7.Any Minute By Joyce Meyer , Deborah Bedford
8.The Book of Lies By Brad Meltzer
9.Kill for Me By Karen Rose
10.Miscarriage of Justice By “Kip” Gayden
Contest runs through June 30 so head over there for a great chance to win
ABC Wednesday T is for Tim
ABC Wednesday letter of the day for today is the letter T. I select the name Tim to write on today. You see Tim is my oldest son. He will move out this fall and go to a christian based college where he will be trained to be a teacher. I am quite proud of this young man. This picture was taken in front of our house. In the picture I stand next to my son and my granddaughter is in the stroller.
To play along or see how others answered the letter T then go here
Remember the popatot giveaway
giveaway going on now on my blog. Look how

much fun this little lady is having. This is my
granddaughter sitting in her popatot. If you want to try to win one of these great PopaTots for your little ones you need to enter the great PopATot contest on my blog. If you want to read the review or enter the giveaway you can visit here
The great PopATot works for me because as a grandma my little one can be very entertained. If I choose to keep the PopATot at my house I can keep it in the closet or under the bed since it folds up nicely and takes up limited space. If her mother takes the PopATot with her it fits easily with in the small car trunk or in the back seat of the car. When taking it out it sets up easily without any tools and keeps our little angel very entertained.
For more works for me wednesday you can visit the blog We Are That Family
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
GIveaways I found tonight
- My Moms View hosting giveaway where winner will win any toy from the Green Toys company
Skyoozme giveaway
Snikiddy Review and discount with giveaway
Summer is coming and if you have a child or a whole house full like me then you had better stock up on some great snacks. We all know that not eating the right way will meet with devastating results but healthy snacks are not always desired. Snikiddy allows you the best of both world a delicious snack with nutritious benefits.
Snikiddy believes that the 3 top descriptive words of their product is simple, wholesome and real. Simple because they are snacks which your family will love and may all ready be familiar with. Wholesome because they offer whole grains, fiber with a delicious taste. Real because that is what they are real food that will please your family.
With great products like:
- nacho cheese puffs
- grilled cheese puffs
- mac n cheese puffs
- pizza puffs
- chocolate chip bites
- chocolate chocolate bites
- oatmeal chocolate bites
Go here to find the nearest location of where you can buy the snikiddy products. The best thing is that they are now available at Toys R Us and Babies R Us. Both Rachel Ray and Elizabeth on the View have showed their love for the great Snikiddy products. So why don't you try them out as well. At this time you can also visit Snikiddy and receive a $1 off coupon towards your choice of Snikiddy products.
Win: One of Annie Homes readers will win a gift basket created by snikiddy snacks. This gift basket will be created out of snikiddy snacks.
To Win: head over to the Snikiddy website and (1) sign up for the newsletter and (2) tell me one product that you would love to try.
Extra Entries: only available after completing the above step
- grab my button and let me know where you place it (2 entries)
- follow my blog (2 entries)
- subscribe through reader (2 entries)
- subscribe through email (2 entries)
- follow me on twitter (2 entries)
- tweet about the giveaway (1 entry each time you tweet you can do this as many times as you want) leave link in comment
- blog about the giveaway and leave me the link (10 entries)
contest starts today and will continue through June 21, 2009. Open to everyone and you must have email located on blog or in comment. Have fun and winner will have 3 days to reply to winning email.
Gourmet Cupcake Review and giveaway
Gourmet Cupcakes
- tell me how much ground shipping would be if you were to order from Gourmet Cupcake (2 entries)
- grab my button and let me know where you placed it (2 entries)
- follow my blog (2 entries)
- follow me on twitter (2 entries)
- subscribe to my blog (2entries)
- twitter about the giveaway (1 entry each time as many times as you want) leave link in comment
- blog about the giveaway (10 entries) leave link in comment
- enter another giveaway on my blog (3 entries)
Contest starts now and runs through June 8, 2009. Email should be in comment or located on blog. Open to U.S. residents only
Skinny Dip Candles Review and Giveaway
To win you must: head over to the Skinny Dip Candle company and share with me what scent you would choose if you won. Take your time as if you are the winner the scent you choose is the one you will receive.
Extra entries available after doing the above
- Grab my button and let me know where you place it (2 entries)
- Tell me a second item at the Skinny Dip Candle company you like (2 entries)
- Subscribe to Skinny Dip News (3 entries)
- Subscribe to my blog through reader (2 entries)
- subscribe to my blog through email (2 entries)
- Follow my blog (2 entries)
- email 3 people and let them know about the giveaway (3 entries)
- follow me on twitter let me know your ID (2 entries)
- twitter about the giveaway (1 entry each time you twitter can do as often as want) leave link
- blog about the giveaway (10 entries) leave link in comment
Contest starts now and runs through June 21, 2009 Contest is open to all. You must have email somewhere I can find it and please remember each entry deserves its own comment
Life is
Your Life is Deeply Satisfying |
You live a satisfying life even when it's not easy. You are dedicated to being happy. You make sure to what you're passionate about. You don't waste any moments. You surround yourself with people you cherish. There is a lot of love in your life. You are thankful for everything you have. You don't take anything for granted. |
valerie2350 said...
Winner of the Lula's Chocolate truffles and sea salt candies: (there were 206 entries and #159 was selected by a random number finder)
Stefanie Hartman said...
Went to Lula's Blog - Commented on Why We Cook With Copper Pots.
Stefanie Hartman
entry 1
Winner of the contest for Rudi's Organic Baker 10 free coupons (there was 232 entries and #238 was selected by a random number finder) there were several people retweeting for this one
coriwestphal said...
Winner of the contest for Popchips (there was 105 entries and #100 was selected by a random number finder)
Lee-Ann said...
Winner of the contest for the San Deigo Hat Co hat (there was 111 entries and #5 was selected by a random number finder)
Cindy B. of Montana said...
Button on the left sidebar at #2
Winner of the Babykakes Ink alphabet onesie (there was 171 entries and #83 was selected.)
Ali and Josh Holt said...
#2 I follow your blog!
That is all the winners of contest ending today. If you was a winner you have been emailed. If I do not hear back from you in alloted time then your prize will be donated to local charity.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Swami Baby Review
As many of you know I love great sayings on onesies and the two examples above are a few that I love. As we know our little ones are constantly changing. The second seems to give our little one voice in announcing all that we have to do is breathe. I believe they are just adorable.
Buy: you can get your own Swami Baby wears by shopping from the Swami Baby Website.
UPrinting Review and Giveaway

- Tell me what photo you would use if you would happen to win if you have a link to that picture please include
- or/and
- Blog about this giveaway on your blog to help spread the word
that's it there is only 2 entries available for this one.
Open to Canadian and U.S. residents only . Contest starts today and runs through June 8, 2009.
Happy Homemaker Monday June 1,2009

I have all my bills, shopping list and to do list there
On my T.V.
I am watching Kate and Jon plus 8
on menu tonight:
allready aate polish sausage, corn and kraut
On my to do list:
made a list of places to go and went and will go again tommorow
New Recipes I tried last week:
chocolate cake with a twist
In the craft basket:
reviews and giveaways to do
looking forward to it:
visit with daughter
Homemaking tip for this week:
well not really homemaking but still it is a great tip using mouthwash instead of bug spray
Favorite picture from last week:
my mother and my daughter what a candid moment. With my daughter graduating and moving away soon and my mother getting older it is precious to have pictures like these.
Lesson Learned Past Few Days
I learned that life continues on changing gradually as we travel through it
On my prayer list:
we had a precious little teenager to loose their lives this past week. She had knee surgery and a blod clot traveled to her heart and killed her