Most of us have been taught from a young age to be nice and to share. Well, that is a good line to learn but there are things that we do not want to share. Germs would be on the top of the list along with head lice and other not so nice things to share. My mother always reminded me never use the items of others. I shared this same information with my own children.The problem is that it is not always the fault of our children. Some times, others use our towel without our permission or perhaps they believe it to be theirs. Towel Tags take the problem out of this. Towel tags offer an ID system where we can label our towels.

Towel tags was invented out of necessity. A mother named Kathlyn was simply tired of washing towels daily as her sons were forgetful of which towel was theirs. The problem in our house is that no one likes to pick up their towel. The towel tag system helps to promote picking up their towel as everyone will know who's towel is who's. The other reason I love the towel tag is because our family often goes on retreats, camps and stay overs where we stay with others. Things often get misplaced and seemingly lost. Avoid the issues that I just identified. With the towel tag these items can now be I.D'd and losing and having to replace is over.
Towel Tag ID's can be used against skin as they are soft to touch. They can be personalized and re-used again and again. A sheet of letter stickers included so that each towel will have a towel tag. Do you have pets?? There are also optional pet stickers that are available to remember what belongs to which pet.

Towel tags can be used to put an I.D. on any item where you can connect it. Whether it be a lunch bag, backpack, towels, or jacket. Princess is in kindergarten and I noticed that many children use the same popular backpacks and lunch bags. A towel tag would allow your children to keep tract of their items allowing them to grow a bit of maturity. In addition many coats and jackets have loops to easily hang on a nail or holder. A towel tag can help your child from mis-identifying their own jacket as well as any child that thinks that their jacket belonsgs to them while it truly is your childs. One way to protect your child from head lice is making sure everyone keeps their coat from the others.
The Tag Towel people want to offer one lucky person the chance to win their own towel tag set. I feel as if we are all a bit lucky. So, why not?? Why not enter this giveaway and vi to win a tag towel for yourself.
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