Annies Home a place where I love to share tips, recipes and wonderful products that I find for our family along the way.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
giveaway: patricia ann designs
giveaway: see kai run shoes
giveaway LTD chix tee
Bummas Review
Let me tell you a bit about the bummas. Bummas were created out of necessity when the founder needed a soft wipe for her babies bottom. She was offered several bits of advice but never exactly what she was looking for. She created these soft absorbent cloths to be what she was looking for. Just the right touch to dry her little guys bottom. Thus she created bummas.
My granddaugther recently had a stomach virus and these tender Bummas wipes worked great against her bottom. Regular wipes often contain cleaning agents that will burn your babies bottom but these soft Bummas wipes were great. So when stocking up your needs for new little one remember bummas wipes.
Bummas wipes come in 4 attractive collections. These 4 collections are (1) the girls, (2) the boys, (3) the wild ones, and (4) calm ones. The girls are hues of pink just like girl wipes should be pretty and pink. The boys contain hues of blues and greens after all blue and greens naturally blue is for boy. The wild ones are an assortment of the brighter colors a mixture of all. The calm ones are remind me of the cool days of autumn browns greens and oranges. You can pick your favorite. I chose the girls because Katelynn my granddaugther is a princess to us.
Great reason why you should use bummas include (1) Bummas eliminates the use of talcum powder. as a nurses aide for many years talcum powder when mixed with urine has the ability to burn
(2)Bummas wipes are 100% Cotton - Woven Velour Terry Cloth. Nothing softer than terry cloth I love the summer shorts that I have had for many years that are terry cloth so imagine what your baby will feel when you wipe your babies bottom with soft terry cloth bummas wipes
(3) Bummas wipes are Handy 5” x 7” size. Just the right size to use on the baby
(4) Bummas wipes are durable. Just throw them in the washing machine and use them again.• Won’t pill, shrink, or fade. These are great and come out of wash as soft as they went in
(5) Bummas wipes will last until your little one is out of diapers and beyond Great lifetime for baby wipes when you normally are used to tossing them out after use.
Other great uses for bummas wipes include (1) using them for burp cloths (2)great for little noses. (3) Great for baths as a baby wash cloth!
With all this great information how could you not try Bummas wipes.
giveaway crayola
giveaway: twisted silver
giveaway: leapster 2
giveaway: bikini kitchen
Saturday Special
1. Could this be the day that we will remember forever?
2. This day our whole family will be in the same house once again
3. Work hard to keep a great family in touch makes for a happy life
4. Out for supper do not think so we will make our meal here tonight
Saturday special is a weekly meme found here
Review and saving code Child to Cherish
giveaway: carlolyns apron
saturday six
If you had been born more than 100 years ago what six things would you of liked to have done?
If born 100 years ago it would have been 1909 this would not have been a distressing time to grow up in as the womens movement was right around the corner. I would have found myself involved in that first off. Second I would find myself in an era that was a bit whimsical to me and woud make the most of it by caring for my sibling so that they would end up doing great. Third there of course would be chores to do as the convience of today would not be there. Fourth I am for sure that walkign would be in the cards as there were not that many individuals with cars. Fifth I could for sure tell you that we would not live that far away from our loved ones because the loved ones would of been involved either in the farming or mining work that was Illinois years ago. Sixth this being valentines there may of been a big dance or something because the town of my size provided their own entertainment.
dont forget to sign up
saturday nine

saturday nine is a weekly meme and this week is all related to valentines. You can read more and join here.
1. Do you have Valentine’s Day plans?
yes, you can say family plans
2. Do you buy a Valentine’s Day gift for someone special?
bought one for all of my kids
3. What, so far, was the happiest event of your life?
have had several in my life from babies being born, getting married, graduating college, my own daughters wedding
4. What is the best job that you ever have had?
being my own boss as consingment shop owner
5. What would be your fantasy job?
large antique shop owner
6. What would you think would be the worst job?
nursing aide again (did this 13 years)
7. What foreign countries have you visited?
8. What foreign country would be your fantasy trip?
would like to see australia
9. Since leaving your home growing up, how many places have you lived?
many different houses but with the same man
Friday, February 13, 2009
giveaway: usborne books
giveaway: coyuchi
Day 12 baby shower
giveaway: PZI jeans
giveaway: Baggu
giveaway: littlemissmatch
giveaway: picaflor kids
thursday 13

giveaway @ east coast washine
friday fill in
frugal friday (frugal wedding idea)

Love is in the air. Must be getting close to valentine day. I found out yesterday that we would have a spring wedding in our family. I remember my daughters wedding and how frugal conciess she was. She made her wedding favors which were hershey kiss spoons, found her dress (which was beautiful) at a bargain basement sale, and used the decor that she found at the church. These are just a few ways to have a frugal yet lovely wedding. In the next few weeks I plan on including frugal ideas for great weddings. This week I will give instructions on how to make the hershey kisses spoons since they will go great for valentines day as well.
Put a Hershey's Kiss on a plastic spoon, tie with netting and a bow. Hole punch a little tag which you will tie in with the bow that reads "Kisses from the Mister and Misses" or "Kisses from the Newlyweds - Thank you for joining us today" or something similar My daughter included the bride and groom name and the wedding date.
For more frugal friday ideas head over to the biblical womanhood blog
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
My question this week is what do you plan on doing for valentines day?
My answer is that we will share a family feast. I will have this earlier than normal though because my mother and brother are going to a concert and my daughter and son in love will be going out as well. Not sure if any of my other kids have plans yet.But I know where i will be after supper me and my husband will be babysitting our little valentine.
Want more Aloha Fridays or maybe join in head over to Island Life and play along
Thursday, February 12, 2009
giveaway: super duper diapers
giveaway: beau coup
giveaway: childish
giveaway: trendy tadpole
thousand word thursday
Thursday Thunks
giveaway: cricket and monkey
The blog Feisty, frugal and fabulous is also offering a blanket of sorts as a giveaway. The go blanket is a blanket built just so to take whereever you need to go. We go lots of places so it would come in useful. Head over to the feisty, frugal and fabulous blog to read the review about the go blanket and enter the giveaway.
giveaway: no mommys perfect
thursday 3
I love reality tv shows,
2. If you watch TV, what are your favorite types of programs? Which ones do you watch? If you don't watch TV, what do you do instead?
I love the view, cold case, reality shows, food tv
3. Can you imagine a world without TV? What do you think it would be like? Do you think it would be a better place to be?
Yes I can we have not always had the money for cable and we could do with radio or talking to eash other more
thursday 3 is a weekly meme you can find here
Fuzzibunz giveaway
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
1. What do you think is the un-sexiest part of the body?
well used to think it was my behind but now that the song (you know what one) has come out dont think so any more so would have to say my smile.
2. Toilet paper: over, under, or what the hell are you talking about?
have no idea what this means
3. Have you ever called in sick to stay in bed with a sexual partner?
yes my husband when we were first married
4. Did your parents have a "birds & bees" talk with you? Id so, at what age?
nope I talked for them.
5. What is one thing a someone could do to you to rock your world?
love me tell me sweet thoughts and how they feel
heads or tails meme
THis week theme is love.
It takes me no time to talk about love. I love everyday and everything but one of my most loved things is my new grandbaby Katelynn. I love her from the day that I found out that she would be born. You see my daughter had been told that she could not have a baby. SO shocker, GOd said she could LOL those doctors were wrong. This little girl was born September 2, 2008 in the afternoon. My daughter went through 24+ hours of labor before she was born. We were so excited. We loved her so much. She was the biggest baby in the nursery at nearly 10 lbs and boy did she shine. I will never forget that day and I cant wait to visit with her this weekend. It will be my first real babysitting time. Yeah she will be all mine and papas for the night. Cant wait. Well there is a love experience
want to read more head over to heads or tails
ABC Wednesday
I have started late and this week they are already on the letter D. SO I choose diabetic diet
I am a diabetic and can only tell you that if I had found out 20 years ago that I was a diabetic I would of not of been as happy as I am now. The world has changed and Splenda has been invented. If you have never used splenda let me tell you it is truly the next best thing to sugar. It taste great. You can cook with it or simply use it as you would sugar. Diabetes is not a fun thing but if I had to be one I am glad that there is splenda.
I want it wednesday meme
Today all I can think about is that I want to see my granddaughter Katelynn. Last weekend she was sick and I was not able to visit her. This weekend her parents are to bring her to my house so I can babysit so GOd willing I will be able to see her. The thing is they live about 3 hours from me so we can not visit everyday. I do get to call her everyday and find out how she is. She is not old enough to talk yet so her momma tells me. All I know is that I want to see my granddaughter katelynn
giveaway: shoo shoos
works for me wednesday
That was my work for me wednesday want to read more or add your own? Head over to the works for me blog at rocks in my dryer.
giveaway: thats caring basket
giveaway: From Me tees
Talented Tuesday
a few new giveaways
Sweeps 4 bloggers hosting giveaway sponsored by Denny's for $10 gift card
2 of a kind working on a full house hosting giveaway sponsored by Glade for a glade sweeper
A busy mom on the go blog hosting giveaway sponsored byGem Affair for a heart pendant set
Does Mommy Love it blog hosting giveaway sponsored by Mommystars shirt for a shirt.
There Once Was A girl BLog hosting giveaway for $50 gift card.
An Island Life hosting giveaway for threadless tee.
mudpies and maryjane blog hosting giveaway for honeydrop drink and tee sponsored by honeydrop
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
3 kids and us baby shower gift #9
giveaway : lunch pack
giveaway: little miss clips
giveaway yandy
Between me and you keepsake journals
You can save money and get your hands on a sanddune between me and you keepsake journal by entering annies into the coupon code box on the sandune sight. This coupon is for 10% off and only runs until valentines day Feb. 14 so you need to hurry.
Smart quotes for kids Review
There are several great points about the art that smart quotes for kids contain and here are a few of them:
Smart quotes for kids are produced on archival-quality canvas this would be great since it makes the art more of higher quality item which impresses me
Smart quotes for kids art are stretched over an extra-deep 1.5" wooden frame this will protect the canvas (have you ever seen a canvas painting that is barely hanged onto the frame? These normally will come off or at least they have with me.)
Smart quotes for kids art arrive ready to hang with a grograin ribbon or saw-tooth hanger which makes it nice for the mom and child alike because all that is needed is a great place to hang
Smart quotes for kids sayings introduce or reinforce concepts about kindness, friendship and success which is what we all want to install into our children as they grow up.
Smart quotes for kids matted picture quotes coordinate beautifully with any décor several different colors and styles are available so all you have to do is look for the one that goes with your theme the best.
The creator of these wonderful artful worksat Smart quotes for kids is Laura Sheehan Kallen who created the company and art as she was looking for art for her 2 year old sons room. She could not find exactly what was desired so she created it. Laura has offered my readers a discount 20% discount through March 15. When ordering please include the code annie20
Head over and visit Smart quotes for kids
giveaway: kabloom flowers
giveaway: kelly jogging stroller
try this tuesday
In our house hygiene can often be a struggle. I have created charts for my children which are held in a protected folder. This chart allows them the reminder as well as the opportunity to check off the progress such as brush teeth, shower, shampoo, etc.... This seems to help. I do still have problems with one of my boys who does not like to keep good hygiene. We have tried lots of ideas my question is do you have any idea of how to not really bribe but get him to take his shower and hygiene responsibilities without fighting. I would appreciate hearing any and all ideas.
For more try this tuesday head over to 5 minutes for special needs.
giveaway nursing cover up
Monday, February 9, 2009
giveaway: Jack and Lilly shoes
new recipe to me
Salsa Beef Skillet
2 lb hamburger
4 c water
2 c salsa
2 mac and cheese dinners
4 c corn
1 c shred cheese
onion, chopped
Brown meat and drain. Return to skillet and stir in water, salsa, and pasta. Bring to boil then reduce to low. Cover and simmer 10 minutes til tender. Stir twice. Mix in rest. Cook 2 min or til hot
for more make something monday visit go graham go, jolly mom and diana rambles.
Happy Green Bee review
My daughter is a bit nervous of what she allows her daughter to have ever since she had a brief stay in the childrens hospital. So when I saw that the tights were organically lovingly put together I knew these were for Katelynn. If you have that worry about what your little one touches and has around them perhaps you should check into what they wear as well. With lots of individuals getting on the go green bandwagon organic cotton that the happy green bee company uses fits right in. Organic cotton is healthy for planet's creatures, from children and wildlife to farm and factory workers. So the processing of the happy green bee products do not cause wildlife harm or cancer or illness to the factory workers.
Happy Green Bee company makes shirts, shorts, skorts, dresses among other items that are as safe and cute as the tights.One large line that runs on the happy green bee sight is this:
safe and sustainable, soft and stretchy, super-silly, simply sensational styles!
Safe n sustainable the cotton is safe as I stated before and sustainable as it is durable and seems to stretch quite well. Soft enough to rub on your cheek so on your babies skin should feel as soft as can get. Super silly comes in with the stripes that are given and great colorful stripes create fun.
So now that I have shared what I love about the great Happy Green Bee company you should check them out for yourself.Review FuzziBunz
giveaway: dvd
giveaway cutie and patootie
giveaway: eleven shoes
giveaway pearls
giveaway landon and lydia diaper cake
Mama losin it writing prompt
1. love the weather need to spend time outside
2. grandbaby is sick need to keep her momma calm and help her with what she needs to do
3. need to go shopping again but i am glad will not need so much this time
4. I need to send money to daughter today
5. pray for people in kentucky and missouri because of problems from the large ice storm we had
6. have to call and check out college and dorm for my son
7. have to fill out fasfa for my daughters first year of college today
8. my baby turned 18 yesterday been contemplating alot on that
9. rumors flying around little town tonight and I need to find out who is telling the truth about some young teens that I know
10. this one is a bit harder because I am so tired but think that may be it try to get more sleep this week lol
for more moma losin it wrting promps go here
giveaway: apron
Blog Popz
Sunday, February 8, 2009
giveaway: monkey toe shoes
giveaway: story time felts
giveaway: see kai run shoes
Chic bud review and giveaway @ Moms most wanted.
giveaway: prom mom tee
Want a pretty piece to wear with your tee? What about the homestudio scrable pendants. Busy mom on go did a great review and are offering a giveaway on thier blog.
giveaway: uneak shoes
giveaway: frecklebox
giveaway: baby gift set
giveaway: generation baby
Operation love Zimbabwe was brought to my eyes by the blog Mozi Esme. There are some pictures on the sight that would pull at your hearts string. Zimbabwe is so far away from us we may forget about the suffering that goes on in that country. If you take a look at the pictures on the sight you will feel likes it a bit more reality. Please visit the blog Mozi Esme for more information.