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Saturday, October 28, 2017
Pumpkin Rocky Road Brownies
1/2 c. unsalted butter, melted
1 c. cocoa powder
1/2 c. pumpkin puree
1 c. natural cane sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 c. all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ginger powder
1/2 tsp. cardamom
1/2 tsp. salt
1 c. chocolate chips (divided)
2 1/4 c. mini marshmallows (divided)
Line a 9x9 pan with foil. Melt the butter and stir in the cocoa powder. Mix in the pumpkin puree and spices, then the sugar. Beat in the egg and vanilla. Sift in the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Fold in 1/2 c. of chocolate chips and 1 c. of marshmallows. Spread evenly into the pan and bake at 350F for 35 minutes.
Top with the rest of the mini marshmallows and chocolate chips and bake for 10 minutes more. The brownies will be gooey, so be sure to let cool completely. I also recommend chilling them in the freezer for easier cutting. It's also easiest is you dip a knife in warm water before each cut.
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over the moon party
A Bit Of Hodge Podge
1. What's surprised you most about your life or life in general?
I am not sure if anything has surprised me through life. I think I have taken the good and the bad and rolled with it all. The middle daughter of a father who worked to much and mother who struggled with emotional issues. I learned that I would take care of all of my sisters and brothers, cousins, friends, my own family and the list goes on. That is who I am a person who makes sure her life runs and offering love to all those that need it
2. Sweet potato fries, sweet potato casserole, a baked sweet potato, a bowl of butternut squash soup, a caramel apple or a slice of pumpkin have to order one thing on this list right now. Which one do you go for?
It would have to be the pumpkin Pie I so love pumpkin pie. If you are looking for a recipe for any great fall food do a quick search here on our blog
3. What's a famous book set in your home state? Have you read it? On a scale of 1-5 (5 is fantastic) how many stars does it rate?
There have been a few good books written about Illinois. Great books yes, famous books not sure what you would consider famous.
4. There are 60 days until Christmas...have you started your shopping? How do you stay organized for the holidays?
In all the previous years I would say I was over 1/2 way done. This year however, we have been behind all year and still have to do shopping. I keep everything in note books and folders
5. October 26th is National Tennessee Day. Have you ever lived or spent any time in Tennessee? Is this a state you'd like to visit one day?
As a teenager when my husband for the past 30 years and I were dating we visited The Great Smokey Mountains. We had a wonderful time and one thing I greatly recall are the passion plays. Does anyone know if they still exist
6. I have been having a great time with my grand-children and daughter. We have been having lots of fall and halloween inspired fun. Hope you all have lots of great fall as well
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create with joy as well
wonderful wednesday
I am not sure if anything has surprised me through life. I think I have taken the good and the bad and rolled with it all. The middle daughter of a father who worked to much and mother who struggled with emotional issues. I learned that I would take care of all of my sisters and brothers, cousins, friends, my own family and the list goes on. That is who I am a person who makes sure her life runs and offering love to all those that need it
2. Sweet potato fries, sweet potato casserole, a baked sweet potato, a bowl of butternut squash soup, a caramel apple or a slice of pumpkin have to order one thing on this list right now. Which one do you go for?
It would have to be the pumpkin Pie I so love pumpkin pie. If you are looking for a recipe for any great fall food do a quick search here on our blog
3. What's a famous book set in your home state? Have you read it? On a scale of 1-5 (5 is fantastic) how many stars does it rate?
There have been a few good books written about Illinois. Great books yes, famous books not sure what you would consider famous.
4. There are 60 days until Christmas...have you started your shopping? How do you stay organized for the holidays?
In all the previous years I would say I was over 1/2 way done. This year however, we have been behind all year and still have to do shopping. I keep everything in note books and folders
5. October 26th is National Tennessee Day. Have you ever lived or spent any time in Tennessee? Is this a state you'd like to visit one day?
As a teenager when my husband for the past 30 years and I were dating we visited The Great Smokey Mountains. We had a wonderful time and one thing I greatly recall are the passion plays. Does anyone know if they still exist
6. I have been having a great time with my grand-children and daughter. We have been having lots of fall and halloween inspired fun. Hope you all have lots of great fall as well
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create with joy as well
wonderful wednesday
Plan A Fun Meal October 31st with Potato Ghost
1 1/2 lbs russett potatoes, peeled and quartered length-wise
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 Tbsp heavy cream
2 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp reserved liquid from cooking potatoes
Salt and White Pepper (you want to keep them white for ghosts, no black flecks)
After mashing
1/4 c parmesan cheese
1 Large egg, beaten
Peppercorns or black sesame seeds
put potatoes in saucepan
add 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Add water until potatoes are covered.
Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer, covered, 15-20 minutes, or until done.
Melt butter and stir in cream.
Drain water from potatoes, reserving some.
Put hot potatoes into a bowl.
Add cream and melted butter, and 1 Tbs reserved liquid.
Use potato masher to mash potatoes until well mashed.
Use a spoon to continue stirring/mashing, adding more liquid until you get desired consistency.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Now stir in parmesan cheese and 1 already beaten egg.
Put potaotes in piping bag or ziploc with a corner cut off, and pipe your ghosts onto a lined baking sheet.
Put black peppercorns in for eyes (black sesame seeds work too)
Put in 375 degree oven for 15-20 minutes.
*** You can use instant mashed potatoes and achieve the same thing by piping the mashed potatoes out into ghost form!
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best friday feature
How You Can Make A Difference For Someone's Day
Since October 28th 1992 volunteers have gathered to celebrate Make a Difference Day. A day to gather together nation wide for one day of serving others. As the largest volunteer day both volunteers and communities have come together to Make A Difference Day with a purpose to help improve the lives of others. It takes you and me and supporters such as TEGNA, Points of Light and Arby's Foundation
Some ideas that you may be able to do for others and at the same time help your self feel better include:
Spend time with the lonely. There are many senior adults, children as well as individuals all through every stage of life that could just use someone to talk to. Perhaps you have the time and conversation ability to spend time with others.
You can volunteer to do simple chores for your neighbor that would help a great deal. Another way to volunteer is with a group and help an entire community. The choice is yours. Your knowledge, talents and strength would help out greatly what ever you do for another.
One easy task is to offer a hug and simple being their private cheer leader. Often there are those times where the words "Good Job" are needed. This could be you if you have a great spirit
Take time to smile at others, you will be surprised they may just smile back. Offering a bit of encouragement is something that may just change someones day or even their life. Letting someone know you care about them can unlock a friendship.
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busy monday
amaze me monday
the scoop 301
wonderful wednesday
fluster buster
wow us wednesday
party in PJs
Friday, October 27, 2017
How Many Ways Can Your Use Apples
Summer time treat of frozen apple can be made up easily. First you want to peel, core, and slice the apple. Using 1 qt of water and 1/2 teaspoon of salt Drop apple pieces in. Soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse apple pieces off and blanch in boiling water for 1 minute. Cool under running water, drain, and dry apples on paper towels. After the apples dry place in plastic bags and store in freezer.
Fruit salads are great way to use all types of apples. Before adding to salad take a moment to make sure the apple pieces do not turn brown. To do this you can toss the apple chunks in citrus juice. Marinate the pieces of apple just a few minutes in the juice will help make your apples stay fresh a bit longer.
Peanut butter and apple slices is a favorite snack of my grand-kids
Want a bit of crunch in your tossed salad?? Add chopped apples it offers a bit of sweetness as well as crunch.
Apples and a savory creamy vegan dip go great together at any gathering.
Try this recipe for an unbaked pie :
Mix raisins , nuts, chopped dried pineapple, chopped dates and sprouted buckwheat. Fill the cavity of a cored apple with the fruit nut mixture. Surround the apple with the rest of thee mix. Eat with knife and fork
Baked apples are always tasty. Simply fill the cavities of cored apples with black raisins, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, crushed walnuts, and sugar. Bake in a pan of apple juice in a pool at the bottom of the pan. Place in oven bake 350 degrees 1 hour til tender when pierced with fork. To prevent drying out baste often. Covering the pan with foil (shiny side down) and bake 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake 30 minutes.
Apple pies and cobblers are delicious and can be made vegan fashion as well.
Make up a batch of homemade applesauce by peeling, coring and slicing up apples. Place in pan and add a little water or apple juice to cover the bottom of the pot. Cover the pot and heat on high to boil.
Turn heat down to medium and cook 15 minutes stirring often and ensuring it is not burning. When apples are soft they can be mashed. A food mill can be useful here to create a smoother texture. Add spices, flavorings and our favorite red hots . Sweeten to taste and cook for another minute or two to set the flavors Cool and store in the fridge
Another apple favorite of our family is Apple Butter. Start just as if you were going to make apple sauce. The spices are added and mixture is cooked longer. Spices, flavorings and a sweetener is added. Remove the pot lid and cook over medium heat til the mix becomes very thick. Stir frequently. It may take and hour or two to prepare this recipe once done place in fridge.
If you have a favorite recipe for apples please share it in comments. Would love to hear from you.
What Do You Think of When I Say Apple
October is apple month. In 1904 apple week was it was decided that National Apple Week would be extended into a full month. National Apple Month's goal is to increase apple industry sales, and enhance consumer awareness and usage of apples and apple products. Increasing apple industry sales through a fall retail display contest, food service promotional contest, recognize outstanding retailers for their apple merchandising and developing strong relations with retail.
Apples can be traced back to the Romans and Egyptians civilization. The inventive horticulturists of the Roman era is very much behind the juicy, sweetness of apples. The popularity of spread to Great Britain and finally to America. It has been estimated that each American eats an average of 120 apples each a year. Can you imagine a world without apples?? No apple pie, no apple cobbler or apple fritters, apple cider or apple butter.
Apples grew wild in ancient Asia. Hundreds of tiny sour fruits that were small, dark brown seeds and core. These wild apples are the ancestors of domestic apples of today. The Romans are credited with cultivating the wild apple. But it seems that one fact is still disputed.... Did Eve really bite into an apple plucked off the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. Since apples were very undesirable in the wild stage and the fruit was not named in the early bible historians ponder if the fruit may have been a pomegranate.
Our present day Lady Apple, whose original name was Api after the Etruscan who developed it, was originally grown in the gardens of Louis XIII. Later, Louis XIV considered it the only apple variety worthy of being served. In France it is still known as pomme d'Api. During Colonial days in the United States the Lady Apple was a special Christmas-time treat.
Apples are very nutritious. Apples contain fiber, vitamins C, B6 and A, potassium and antioxidants. Apples are easy on the digestion system as apples contain acids that help the intestines. The high fiber of apples adds bulk that also aids the digestive process and helps make natural and comfortable elimination. Pectin is naturally found in apples and contains a soluble fiber that encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.
Other health issues apples can help with :
- Apples can help build the immune system and prevent heart disease and some cancers.
- Green apples help clean the liver and gall bladder and may also help soften gallstones.
- Apples are full of water and can help reduce fever The idea behind this is to grate the apple and serve to the individual with fever.
- Steaming apples and adding honey can help a dry cough and help remove mucous from lungs
- raw apples give the gums a healthy massage and clean teeth.
"An Apple A Day will keep Dr. Away" Apples have properties that are good for the muscle, diuretic , laxative , anti diarrhea, and stomach.
Apples are great to snack on and are available year long. The do not require any peeling apple peel or skin contains healthy nutrients.
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funtastic friday
snickerdoodle sunday
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Preparing Furnace For Winter
It's the end of October and fall has finally arrived. While I am not sure what your weather is I can tell you to rest assured that it is super cool here and the weather is starting to move the way of winter. It won't be no time before we will be turning the furnace of the house on. But first we will make sure that it is ready to heat the house and do it safely.
Preventative maintenance can help the heating system working longer and more efficiently. If we find anything that needs repaired it is a good thing to do so now than in the middle of a cold winter. Another great reason to get the oven checked is to try to cut down on costly utility bills.
A general inspection consisting of cleaning out any residue and black soot, inspecting duct work, looking for any loose connections or gaps at branching points. Any openings should be sealed with metal duct tape. This should all be done with the oven turned off.
Ensure that there are no items around the base of the furnace or sides. Airflow should not be obstructed to the unit. If you have stored any cleaning products or used the furnace room for storage before turning the furnace on it should all be cleared.
There are other steps that I often leave up to a professional. I do what I can and then I let the pro take over. Making sure they can get to check your furnace etc... is what we can always do.
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nifty thrifty sunday
fluster buster creative muster
Preventative maintenance can help the heating system working longer and more efficiently. If we find anything that needs repaired it is a good thing to do so now than in the middle of a cold winter. Another great reason to get the oven checked is to try to cut down on costly utility bills.
A general inspection consisting of cleaning out any residue and black soot, inspecting duct work, looking for any loose connections or gaps at branching points. Any openings should be sealed with metal duct tape. This should all be done with the oven turned off.
Ensure that there are no items around the base of the furnace or sides. Airflow should not be obstructed to the unit. If you have stored any cleaning products or used the furnace room for storage before turning the furnace on it should all be cleared.
There are other steps that I often leave up to a professional. I do what I can and then I let the pro take over. Making sure they can get to check your furnace etc... is what we can always do.
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nifty thrifty sunday
fluster buster creative muster
Monday, October 23, 2017
My grand-children are in preschool, first and third grades. Every day they learn something new. School for them is very exciting and sometimes a bit stressful learning the many things that they need to know. In the years to come my hopes is that they read and write with ease. For some learning to read and write is something that they will always struggle with. Dyslexia affects 5 to 10% of the entire world's population.
October is Dyslexia Awareness month. It is a chance to draw attention to the fact that reading and writing does not come easy for all of us. Those with dyslexia look at a page of text and see distorted letters that swirl before their eyes. They struggle with distinguishing the letter "b" from the letter "d". Individuals with dyslexia find life a bit harder as the world is full of written informtion.
The German physician Oswald Berkhan identified Dyslexia in 1881. Rudolph Berlin would name the disorder diagnosed by Dr. Berhan "dyslexia" The discovery of dyslexia has helped physicians world round to help those with dyslexia manage it.
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Ghost Kiss Cookies
2 egg whites
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
1/8 teaspoon cider vinegar
1/2 cup sugar
Orange food coloring, optional
1-1/2 teaspoons miniature semisweet chocolate chips
Put egg whites in a small bowl; let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Add extracts and vinegar; beat on medium speed until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, on high until stiff glossy peaks form and sugar is dissolved, about 6 minutes. Beat in food coloring if desired.
Cut a small hole in the corner of a pastry or plastic bag; insert a #10 round pastry tip. Fill bag with egg white mixture. Pipe 1-1/2-in.-diameter ghosts onto parchment paper-lined baking sheets. Add two chips on each for eyes.
Bake at 250° for 40-45 minutes or until set and dry. Turn oven off; leave cookies in oven for 1 hour. Carefully remove from parchment paper. Store in an airtight container
This is great for even those that have diabetes with only 15 calories each.
recipe resource here
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halloween special
really crafty party
Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes
The Boston Cream Pie is not truly a pie but rather a cake. Two layers of sponge cake are filled with a thick vanilla custard and topped with a chocolate glaze or a sprinkling of confectioners' sugar. To serve it is cut in wedges like a pie.
In history cooks in New England and Pennsylvania Dutch have always been known for their cakes and pies. The line between these delicious snacks was very thin and sometimes the line became blurred. The Boston Cream pie was most likely labeled a pie as pie tins were used rather than cake pans.
Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 large egg white, at room temperature
2 tablespoons sour cream, at room temperature
6 tablespoons flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
pinch of fine salt
For the filling:
1 3.4-ounce box Jell-O Instant Vanilla Pudding Mix
1 1/2 cups cold milk
For the frosting
2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 tablespoon sour cream
1/4 cup cocoa powder
Preheat the oven to 400, and line four cups in a muffin pan with paper liners.
In a medium bowl, beat with an electric mixer the butter, sugar and vanilla. Beat until light and fluffy, at least 30 seconds.
Add the egg white and beat until combined.
Next, beat in the sour cream.
Finally, sprinkle the flour, baking soda and salt evenly over the batter, and then beat until just combined.
Divide the batter between the cupcake liners, and bake on the middle rack for 16-19 minutes. When done, the tops will spring back, and a toothpick inserted will come out clean.
Let the cupcakes cool.
Meanwhile, make the cupcake filling by whisking 1 1/2 cups of milk into a box of instant vanilla pudding. (The box will call for 2 cups of milk, but only use 1 1/2 for a thick cream).
Add the pastry cream to a pastry bag fitted with a large round tip. Insert the tip about 1/2" into the cupcake, and then gently squeeze some of the pastry cream inside. Watch the surface of the cupcake, it will inflate slightly. Repeat for each cupcake. You will have leftover pastry cream if you used the pudding mix.
Finally, make the frosting: in a small bowl, add the chopped unsweetened chocolate. Microwave on 50% power for 30-second increments until smooth and melted, stirring between each session.
In a medium bowl, combine all of the frosting ingredients (including the melted chocolate) and beat on HIGH with an electric mixer until light and fluffy.
Frost the cupcakes with the frosting (using either a spatula or pastry bag) and serve immediately. Leftover cupcakes should be stored in the fridge, but let them soften at room temperature for about 15 minutes before serving.
Great Nutrition in Pumpkins including Pumpkin Granola
This time of year everyone is in love with pumpkin flavored treats. Illinois is a great place to find a harvest of plentiful pumpkins. Pumpkin is also on the list of super foods. With only 15 calories for every 1/2 cup pumpkin is a great nutritional source. Packed full of iron, zinc, and vitamin C and beta carotene. Pumpkins can help prevent cataracts with the lutein and zeaxanthin found in pumpkin can also help reduce risk of macular degeneration Canned pumpkin is a worthy source of nutrients as well with more beta carotene than fresh pumpkins but possibly less fiber. Many like to snack on pumpkin seeds and they are a great source of protein and fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese. Another great snack recipe that includes pumpkin is Pumpkin Granola
3/4 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup pumpkin puree (not pie filling)
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup Nutella
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves or nutmeg
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
4 cups old-fashioned oats
1 cup Rice Krispies cereal
1/4 cup sunflower or pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup raisins
1/4 teaspoon salt
Grease the slow cooker with a non stick baking spray or canola or vegetable oil. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together maple syrup, pumpkin puree, vanilla, oil and Nutella.
In a large mixing bowl, stir together oats, rice cereal, seeds, cinnamon, ginger and cloves.
Pour the wet ingredients over the cereal and toss together to coat.
Place the granola in the slow cooker. Set on high for 2 and 1/2 hrs. Stir every half an hour.
Place the granola on a aluminum foil or parchment paper lined baking sheet until dry.
Store in an air-tight container on the counter or in the fridge. In room temperature the granola will keep for about a week. In the fridge, it will keep longer.
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friendship friday
3/4 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup pumpkin puree (not pie filling)
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup Nutella
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves or nutmeg
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
4 cups old-fashioned oats
1 cup Rice Krispies cereal
1/4 cup sunflower or pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup raisins
1/4 teaspoon salt
Grease the slow cooker with a non stick baking spray or canola or vegetable oil. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together maple syrup, pumpkin puree, vanilla, oil and Nutella.
In a large mixing bowl, stir together oats, rice cereal, seeds, cinnamon, ginger and cloves.
Pour the wet ingredients over the cereal and toss together to coat.
Place the granola in the slow cooker. Set on high for 2 and 1/2 hrs. Stir every half an hour.
Place the granola on a aluminum foil or parchment paper lined baking sheet until dry.
Store in an air-tight container on the counter or in the fridge. In room temperature the granola will keep for about a week. In the fridge, it will keep longer.
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friendship friday
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Oh Nuts
Nuts can be cracked, peeled, busted, and purchased recipe ready. There are some that may be allergic to them and we must be careful as it is a serious food allergy. Nuts are also seriously delicious for those that can enjoy them.
Nuts come in many different shapes and sizes. There is a nut for every taste bud.
Nuts are both delicious and nutritious. Nuts are rich in protein, calcium, and vitamin E. Nuts also provide large amounts of healthy fats.
Nuts are perfect for snacking. They can also help pull us through til the next meal. Its a guiltless form of snacking and keeps hunger away. This recipe for candied pecans is sweet and good
1 1/2 tablespoons packed brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons water
1/8 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup pecan halves
In a small bowl, combine brown sugar, water, vanilla, and kosher salt, stirring to combine (don't worry that the sugar and salt won't all be dissolved). Set this at-the-ready, next to your stove, as this recipe goes really quickly.
In a medium-large saucepan over medium heat, toast pecans for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. When you begin to smell a lovely, nutty aroma, they're done.
Quickly drizzle the sugar mixture into the pan, on top of the pecans, stirring the nuts as you drizzle. Stir constantly for about 15 seconds, until the pecans are thoroughly coated in the sugar mixture. Immediately remove from heat so they don't burn.
Spread the pecans on a piece of parchment to cool. Once cooled, you can break the nuts apart, if needed.
Enjoy immediately or store in an airtight container. The pecans will be slightly sticky at first, but the coating hardens further within a few hours.
Nuts come in many different shapes and sizes. There is a nut for every taste bud.
Nuts are both delicious and nutritious. Nuts are rich in protein, calcium, and vitamin E. Nuts also provide large amounts of healthy fats.
Nuts are perfect for snacking. They can also help pull us through til the next meal. Its a guiltless form of snacking and keeps hunger away. This recipe for candied pecans is sweet and good
1 1/2 tablespoons packed brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons water
1/8 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup pecan halves
In a small bowl, combine brown sugar, water, vanilla, and kosher salt, stirring to combine (don't worry that the sugar and salt won't all be dissolved). Set this at-the-ready, next to your stove, as this recipe goes really quickly.
In a medium-large saucepan over medium heat, toast pecans for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. When you begin to smell a lovely, nutty aroma, they're done.
Quickly drizzle the sugar mixture into the pan, on top of the pecans, stirring the nuts as you drizzle. Stir constantly for about 15 seconds, until the pecans are thoroughly coated in the sugar mixture. Immediately remove from heat so they don't burn.
Spread the pecans on a piece of parchment to cool. Once cooled, you can break the nuts apart, if needed.
Enjoy immediately or store in an airtight container. The pecans will be slightly sticky at first, but the coating hardens further within a few hours.
Graveyard Taco Dip
Graveyard Taco Dip
First layer:
1 can refried beans or refried black beans
Second layer:
2 cups sour cream
1 pkg taco seasoning
Third layer:
2 avocados, mashed
1 clove garlic, minced
2 Tbsp mayonnaise
Fourth layer:
1 cup salsa
Fifth layer:
1 bunch scallions (green onions), chopped
In a small bowl, mix the sour cream and taco seasoning. In another small bowl, mix the mashed avocados, minced garlic, and mayonnaise.
In a small Pyrex dish or pie plate, layer the beans, sour cream mixture, avocado mixture, and salsa. Sprinkle the scallions on top.
Chill at least an hour, or until ready to serve. (The dip can be made a day ahead and kept, covered, in the refrigerator.)
To make the tombstones and tree, cut the shapes you want out of 2 large tortillas. Place the cut-out shapes on a parchment paper lined cookie tray and bake at 350 degrees until the tortillas are nice and brown. You can add text to the tombstones with a black food safe marker. Put the tombstones and tree in the dip just before serving.
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makers link party
project inspired
First layer:
1 can refried beans or refried black beans
Second layer:
2 cups sour cream
1 pkg taco seasoning
Third layer:
2 avocados, mashed
1 clove garlic, minced
2 Tbsp mayonnaise
Fourth layer:
1 cup salsa
Fifth layer:
1 bunch scallions (green onions), chopped
In a small bowl, mix the sour cream and taco seasoning. In another small bowl, mix the mashed avocados, minced garlic, and mayonnaise.
In a small Pyrex dish or pie plate, layer the beans, sour cream mixture, avocado mixture, and salsa. Sprinkle the scallions on top.
Chill at least an hour, or until ready to serve. (The dip can be made a day ahead and kept, covered, in the refrigerator.)
To make the tombstones and tree, cut the shapes you want out of 2 large tortillas. Place the cut-out shapes on a parchment paper lined cookie tray and bake at 350 degrees until the tortillas are nice and brown. You can add text to the tombstones with a black food safe marker. Put the tombstones and tree in the dip just before serving.
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makers link party
project inspired
15 ways to use witch hazel
My Skin:
1. Facial Cleansing Witch hazel has the unique ability to clean skin pores and dry up excessive oil without leaving skin too dry. For healthy, normal skin, witch hazel can often replace a daily cleanser.
2. Astringent - The tannin content in witch hazel has strong astringent as well as antioxidant properties. These astringent properties are cleansing to the skin, while minimizing the size of skin pores.
3. Stretch Marks - Witch hazel is often used by pregnant women to prevent stretch marks, but it can be used to help loose or excessive skin around scars or stretch marks to tighten, helping to minimize the scar.
4. Under Eye Bags - Every heard the tale that adding hemorrhoid cream to those little baggies under your eyes can take them away? Well, it's true! One of the magic ingredients in a product like Preparation H is witch hazel, which helps tighten up the skin and reduce the bagginess.
5. Soothe tired eyes - If your eyes are puffy from crying or lack of sleep, then soak two small cotton pads with witch hazel and put them over your eyes. After 10 minutes, your eyes should be refreshed, and any redness should be gone.
The kiddos:
6. Diaper Rash - If your baby’s rash isn’t healing quick enough, apply witch hazel solution (Dickinson’s is good) with a cotton ball and you should see immediate improvement to your baby’s bottom.
7. Keep chicken pox blisters from itching - Make a Witch Hazel mixture, take one cup of witch hazel and one cup of water. Mix the two and apply to the skin. Don’t be afraid to lavish this mixture on the skin. The witch hazel can be applied as often as needed. Once you apply the witch hazel and water, let dry.
8. Bye bye bruises - Just apply witch hazel three times daily.
9. Treats sunburns - Treating sunburn with witch hazel will lessen healing time and prevent the infamous skin peeling and flaking. Apply with a washcloth soaked in witch hazel, allowing it to soak into your skin for several minutes before removing.
10. Heal cuts and scrapes - Witch hazel can be a substitute for hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol when it comes to cleaning out a cut. Pour a liberal amount of witch hazel over the cut or sore and allow it to dry. Add a bandage and you’re done.
4. Under Eye Bags - Every heard the tale that adding hemorrhoid cream to those little baggies under your eyes can take them away? Well, it's true! One of the magic ingredients in a product like Preparation H is witch hazel, which helps tighten up the skin and reduce the bagginess.
5. Soothe tired eyes - If your eyes are puffy from crying or lack of sleep, then soak two small cotton pads with witch hazel and put them over your eyes. After 10 minutes, your eyes should be refreshed, and any redness should be gone.
The kiddos:
6. Diaper Rash - If your baby’s rash isn’t healing quick enough, apply witch hazel solution (Dickinson’s is good) with a cotton ball and you should see immediate improvement to your baby’s bottom.
7. Keep chicken pox blisters from itching - Make a Witch Hazel mixture, take one cup of witch hazel and one cup of water. Mix the two and apply to the skin. Don’t be afraid to lavish this mixture on the skin. The witch hazel can be applied as often as needed. Once you apply the witch hazel and water, let dry.
8. Bye bye bruises - Just apply witch hazel three times daily.
9. Treats sunburns - Treating sunburn with witch hazel will lessen healing time and prevent the infamous skin peeling and flaking. Apply with a washcloth soaked in witch hazel, allowing it to soak into your skin for several minutes before removing.
10. Heal cuts and scrapes - Witch hazel can be a substitute for hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol when it comes to cleaning out a cut. Pour a liberal amount of witch hazel over the cut or sore and allow it to dry. Add a bandage and you’re done.
Make you feel better:
11. Relieves Bug bites - With its anti-itch and anti-inflammatory properties, witch hazel is ideal for treating bug bites. Apply the witch hazel with a cotton ball, square or swab directly on the bite. It also works to soothe bites from fleas, flies and insect stings.
12. Relieves Cold Sores - Witch Hazel applied on a cold sore when you feel it coming on will prevent it from becoming a blister. If you already have one, use it right away and often and the blister will heal quicker.
13. Relieves Soar Throat - Witch hazel tea infused with myrrh and cloves can make your sore throat feel better after gargling. Do NOT swallow!
14. Relieves poison ivy and oak itching - Just like acne and blemishes, the witch hazel reduces itching and relieves swelling.
15. Tick Extraction - Before attempting to remove a tick, douse the tick with a few drops of witch hazel to make it loosen its jaws. Grasp the tick firmly and pull; disinfect the bite area by dabbing the skin with witch hazel once the tick has been successfully removed.
Mother In Law Day
Today October 22 is Mother In Law Day. If I was able to share this day with my mother in law I would graciously say something like this"
You see, my mother in law was a very special lady. She fed me when I was hungry, took care of me when I was sick, clothed me when I need it and through it all she loved me. She had her own struggles early in life , being an abused wife and raising her 4 children by herself with a bit of help from her own family. I believe that is why when I married her son when I was only 16 she took me in like one of her own.
Now as a mother in law I hope to live up to the example that she gave me. One that was understanding but also did not allow me to get through life without telling the truth and looking for help if needed. I was blessed to have the mother in law I did and very thankful that I found her somehow. The day I married her son she was in the hospital bed following cancer surgery. Three weeks later she was trying to see how she could help me. I am also thankful that she raised her son to be a loving husband and father.
If you have a wonderful mother in law let her know how much you love her.
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fresh market friday
blogger pitstop
You see, my mother in law was a very special lady. She fed me when I was hungry, took care of me when I was sick, clothed me when I need it and through it all she loved me. She had her own struggles early in life , being an abused wife and raising her 4 children by herself with a bit of help from her own family. I believe that is why when I married her son when I was only 16 she took me in like one of her own.
Now as a mother in law I hope to live up to the example that she gave me. One that was understanding but also did not allow me to get through life without telling the truth and looking for help if needed. I was blessed to have the mother in law I did and very thankful that I found her somehow. The day I married her son she was in the hospital bed following cancer surgery. Three weeks later she was trying to see how she could help me. I am also thankful that she raised her son to be a loving husband and father.
If you have a wonderful mother in law let her know how much you love her.
shared at
fresh market friday
blogger pitstop
Stuttering Awareness
Growing up I loved to visit my grandparents. They both lived in the country where there were many things to do. My dad's parents were just a bit more fun to visit though as they were foster parents and we always had lots of fun playing as we made many friends. I have many memories of all the fun we had and the kids we played with. One friend in particular was the middle of three brothers. He was staying with my grand-parents as his mom and dad got things back together in their lives. In the end the boys were adopted by my grand-parents. This was wonderful news and one thing my young friend no longer needed to worry about
One problem that would have to be worked on was the fact that he had a bad stuttering problem. This was something that he was often teased about. The love that our large family offered him helped him gain confidence and the speech therapy he received also helped a great deal. In the end he did defeat his stuttering issue in life.
If you have a child or know a child with a stuttering problem all I can say his love them with all you have. Take time to listen to what they are trying to say. When they seem stuck with what they are saying they truly are not it is just a neurological block so do not help them by finishing their sentences for them. Many may not truly know what stuttering is so for you "
Join me in showing support for those that know what they want to say but at times simply can not express it
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