The weather in my neck of the woods:
a very cold 8 degrees that rose to 12 by noon. It is super cold here
One of my simple pleasures:
talking to my princess on the phone just take a look at her here
On my bedside table:
lotions, cold pills, bible the needed items for winter
On my TV:
On the menu for tonight:
we had taco salads of course everyone makes their own what two teens have you ever seen agree on what they eat and how they eat it
On my To Do List:
not a whole lot with the water frozen but there is still the cooking, some cleaning of daily life
New Recipe I tried last week:
Popcorn Delight
In the craft basket:
nothing at this time
Looking forward to:
water coming back on and the kids going back to school as well as seeing Princess as soon as she can visit again
Homemaking Tip for this week:
wow hasn't been alot of these recently but just wait they are coming
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
my daughter started a new blog be sure to visit it here
Favorite photo
well of Princess of course visit here and see more
Lesson Learned Past Few Days
children grow to fast and soon their dreams start to overshadow the ones you had for them
On my prayer list:
friends and family
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
I am currently reading a Joyce Meyer book and learning lots