Author: Rhonda Hayter
Publisher: Dial
ISBN: 978-0803734685
The book The Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams goes to show that even teenagers with special powers can find problems with school. The main problem for Abbie is how to keep her schoolmates and friends from finding out that her family is comprised of a long line of witches. As hard as Abbie tries to keep her secret it seems that her family nearly always does something equally strange. Such as when her little brother turns into a wolf and tries to eat his teacher or the cat her dad brings home and the mystery that surrounds it. The book is captivating to say the least and captures and holds one attention. It is the sort of book that I find hard to put down and even during a busy day of housework constantly found moments to sit and read to find out what happened next. Abbie is the type of gal that tries to do her best even when her brother who seems to be pesky needs a firm hand from her and the fact that the school is not aware of her secret that Abbie is a witch. Abbie her self is a character that captivated my attention and I wanted to see what else she would do when crisis arose. The author Rhonda hayter has surely created mystical characters in this book not only in Abbie but also in the father, and brother each with their own moments of power and excitement. While Abbies dad is a bit radical her mother stays calm but also holds a firm grip of control and tries to help Abbie but it is Abbie who must decide what she should do. Being a teen-age girl once with a set of parents who could get excited easily yet remain calm if needed when me or my siblings were finding our place in life I can relate to the stress that Abbie finds in life. While part of Abbie's world is full of wonder and magic she also attends public school while practicing and studying her skills on becoming a witch. Abbie stays very busy trying to keep her balance between her life of being a witch with the life of reality. With all that she still leads the life of a teenage girl and like most teenagers finds herself in trouble for doing things that teenagers do. That is why I believe this book would be perfect for a tween or teen girl they could very much relate to the character of Abbie.