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Saturday, December 27, 2008
Give away: baby personalized shirt
This is cool to give your child something that is just theirs you need to check the magabys etsy website out to see such cute items. Now peanut Butter and Pickles is giving a lucky person a chance to win one. So go check it out.
Give Away: baby play travel mat
A current giveaway over at Blessings abound fro a baby play travel mat from Cricket and Monkey so go check it out for a chance to win.
Reflection Saturday
This week went so fast and the weather was a variety of flavors. Monday we stayed home as ice was all over the place and no one wanted to get out but there was shopping still to be done. The water froze and there was little to be done so we hung out and had alot of fun family time. The kids are all getting older and at times that is exactly what we need
Tuesday we went and visited his sister for the first time in quite a while. She just lives on the other side of town but things just sort of get in the way of getting together. But it was still cold and icy so we did not stay out long
Wednsday the long awaited cookie dough that my son sold was in and now needs to be delivered.. Still no water in the house so we needed to go get showers and water at his sisters house. We felt revived after those showeres. It was a little bit warmer and we decided we needed to finish up buying christmas presents. We decided that we would cut the list down a bit. The kids all had their shopping left to do as well. It went lat in the day and we arriaved home 15 minutes before church so i went to church with my sister and daughter and enjoyed the christmas eve service. When I arrived home my husband had the supper on the table. What a good husband I have. We ate and talked and wrapped gifts and went to bed.
Thursday, CHristmas day, what a fun day we had we went to his step dads and sisters opened gifts at our house, read the christmas story made monkey bread and biscuts and gravy for breakfast and all had a great time. That night was quiet as some of our kids stayed at other houses since they had family in. Our children just keep growing up.
Friday we fixed the water lines they were all shattered so it took 1/2 day but the temps were nice and warm almost as if God planned it that way. We ate leftovers and rested some. We started cleaning since with no water little cleaning gets done and today we are finishing that right after I quit blogging thanks for reading and getting a glimpse into our life.
Tuesday we went and visited his sister for the first time in quite a while. She just lives on the other side of town but things just sort of get in the way of getting together. But it was still cold and icy so we did not stay out long
Wednsday the long awaited cookie dough that my son sold was in and now needs to be delivered.. Still no water in the house so we needed to go get showers and water at his sisters house. We felt revived after those showeres. It was a little bit warmer and we decided we needed to finish up buying christmas presents. We decided that we would cut the list down a bit. The kids all had their shopping left to do as well. It went lat in the day and we arriaved home 15 minutes before church so i went to church with my sister and daughter and enjoyed the christmas eve service. When I arrived home my husband had the supper on the table. What a good husband I have. We ate and talked and wrapped gifts and went to bed.
Thursday, CHristmas day, what a fun day we had we went to his step dads and sisters opened gifts at our house, read the christmas story made monkey bread and biscuts and gravy for breakfast and all had a great time. That night was quiet as some of our kids stayed at other houses since they had family in. Our children just keep growing up.
Friday we fixed the water lines they were all shattered so it took 1/2 day but the temps were nice and warm almost as if God planned it that way. We ate leftovers and rested some. We started cleaning since with no water little cleaning gets done and today we are finishing that right after I quit blogging thanks for reading and getting a glimpse into our life.
Cafe Chat
What is one thing you will commit to do in 2009 that will draw you closer to Jesus? (This is not a New Year’s Resolution)
I will choose to shout it from the mountian tops to share with all I know about everything I know about him. I sometimes stay quiet afraid of what someone will say. I will stand up and not be afraid any more
I will choose to shout it from the mountian tops to share with all I know about everything I know about him. I sometimes stay quiet afraid of what someone will say. I will stand up and not be afraid any more
Saturday Special
~Words Ending in END ~
1. Did Not much money on christmas this year as last but enjoyed it as much
2. Year End...resolution will be to save money and more time with family
3. Did Not sunday school christmas party because did not know where it was located
4. Extend...I hope to extend the christmas spirit all year long
You can read more Saturday Specials here
Friday, December 26, 2008

shared at modest monday
simple saturday
snickerdoodle sunday
Dare To Share
Aloha Friday
An Island Life holds Aloha Friday and I decided to join in this time.
" In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. "
So we are to ask a question that is simple enough to answer.
Here is my question
My question is now that it is the day after Christmas did you rest or go shopping?
" In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. "
So we are to ask a question that is simple enough to answer.
Here is my question
My question is now that it is the day after Christmas did you rest or go shopping?
Check out this song it will give you a real flashback before my time in fact but I love Tennessee Ernie Ford because of my Dad. We had a game where he would whistle a song and me and my sisters would have to guess what it was. Here is the link and thanks for helping me put song on my site. Hopefully you will get a kick out of the children as I did.
Favorite Song
I was asked about my favorite song tonight and I started thinking about my dad. My dad used to play a game with me and my sister where he would whistle a tune and we would try to guess it. Well he whistled alot of Tennessee Ernie Ford and now we know those songs even if others do not. Anyways this video of Children Go where I Send Thee is one to watch and listen too.
After Christmas Shopping
Did you go shopping today, the 26th of December. I had a friend from England who loved this day and called it boxing day. I believe she told me that this was the day that all the servents etc.. had the day off and celebrated christmas I believe I will look this up. Anyways the news shoes those who went shopping made great deals. We spent the day fixing busted water pipes but all I can say is YES!!!! After 3 days of no running water it feels good to have it again. My girls are spending the day at their aunt and uncle and just came home to pick up gift cards and yes I believe they may do a bit of shopping tonight. You know its good when your kids learn how to save.
Good and Cheap supper tonight
Tonight for supper I used a bit of the left over ham from Christmas Eve and 2 boxes of scalloped potatoes that I spent a whole .98 cents for both of them. Made all these into a great casserole and spent a whole. 98 on the whole casserole. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw this somewhere on a blog and have learned to use thrifty and frugal steps. I also prepared a salad that did not get made on christmas eve so those ingredients were left over. Man I love you guys that blog keep it up I love to learn and suprise my husband.
shared at
made by your monday
inspire me tuesday
Thursday, December 25, 2008
~: Zenses DS Game Giveaway
~: Zenses DS Game Giveaway
new reviewer for
also check out where they go the game at
win it here
new reviewer for
also check out where they go the game at
win it here
give away : note cards
So you got lots of presents or services done for you and now you need to send a note of thanks? You can win some note cards at Mogul Baby so go check it out.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
give away: cool bowl that keeps food from spilling
I love this idea and you will not believe it when you see it. You wee the Loopa bowl was designed by a mom like us who was tired of picking up spilled cereal. You know that one little snack that we all give our children because it is healthy for them, the one little snack that gets all over the place but now more now cereal will stay in the loofa bowl. If you head over to Go Graham Go! you can enter into a give away with a chance to win one. While there check out the other cool posts Go Graham Go! is quickly becoming one of my favorite blogs.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Give Away: entrance to sci fi game
My husband is not only the gamer here but also the sci fir he would love the game freaky creatures and right now the give away has early entrance passes for the game to win in a give away. This would be so fun you have to check it out
give away: baby shoes
There is a cute give away going on over at the Give Away for a pair of baby modern wee squeek shoes. Check it out.
give away: storage for shoes
Jolly Mom has found another extreme useful tool for the home with lots of children it is the Rakku shoe wheel go check it out and enter for chance to win.
give away: teaching tools
Over at Go Graham they are giving away write way to learn cards which will teach your children to reconize and spell several different items. Check it out.
Monday, December 22, 2008
give away: bloomers
No these are not your grandmas bloomers but really cute bloomers for little girls. They are so cute from rufflebuts online store and mod moms are giving you a chance to enter and win a pair. Check out rufflebuts for other items as well. I loved the limegreen tee because my granddaughters mother loves monkeys. Go check it out and good luck
give away: money to shop on
Do you need money to shop on or would you like to buy a present for yourself? Petit Elefant is giving away a $2o gift certificate to do whatever you want with it. SO check it out and sign up for a chance to win.
Give Away: clothes for kids
In this kind of weather the one thing that we want is to make sure our little ones have warm clothes on. Now Peanut Butter and Pickle review blog is giving readers a chance to win redfish kid clothing so go over and sign up. Not only are they cute clothes but you also have a chance to win.
monday meme
Being creative is one that I sometimes struggle with at times it seems that I may be a ordinary person and then something will flash in my mind. This week we are struggling a bit in the department of menu and food planning so I have set my creativity in that direction. First of all my children are all home from school so we have extra mouths to feed 3 times a day. OH MY!!!!!!!!!!! Well anyways I have stretched several different meals very creativly making casseroles and one dish supper meals. I love it when I have to go exploring because sometimes we make up meals that we would never have thought of before
Monday menu
This weeks menu also includes the holiday meal with one day that I only have to fit breakfast for the family because we will eat at a relatives house. I did buy a big enough ham that should make a good 2 leftover meal days (thats what we are pushing for however with 3 teenage boys in the house never know).
M: B fruit cup
L scrambled eggs
S spaghetti
T: B fruit cup
L leftovers (hopefully) or tomato soup)
S cornflake chicken
W: B biscuts and gravy
L will be light because Supper will be served early
pea salad
Birthday cake for Baby Jesus
Th: B breakfast casserole, fried ham, eggs
we will eat over at father in laws house pray for us because this will be first christmas without my husband mom who passed August 14
F: B apple slices
L ham sandwiches
S scallop ham potato casserole
S; B scramble eggs with ham
L hopefully leftovers?
S ham/beans and cornbread
S: breakfast at church
Lunch chicken casserole, potatoes,
supper hot pockets
we are stretching a bit but with Gods help we will make it
M: B fruit cup
L scrambled eggs
S spaghetti
T: B fruit cup
L leftovers (hopefully) or tomato soup)
S cornflake chicken
W: B biscuts and gravy
L will be light because Supper will be served early
pea salad
Birthday cake for Baby Jesus
Th: B breakfast casserole, fried ham, eggs
we will eat over at father in laws house pray for us because this will be first christmas without my husband mom who passed August 14
F: B apple slices
L ham sandwiches
S scallop ham potato casserole
S; B scramble eggs with ham
L hopefully leftovers?
S ham/beans and cornbread
S: breakfast at church
Lunch chicken casserole, potatoes,
supper hot pockets
we are stretching a bit but with Gods help we will make it
Simple womans day book
FOR TODAY December 22
Outside my window... I can see a quite sort of day very cold here and little is moving
I am thinking... of the peacefulness that the cold brings less hustle and bustle but also that I must go out and get something for kids to drink if water stays frozen
I am thankful for... everything in life all has its purpose and we must find the goodness in all
From the kitchen... little is going on today but the kitchen is warm and we will make meals today but no planned baking yet we may if the mood strikes
I am wearing... sweat suit the only thing that will keep us warm since it is 7 degrees and feels like -10 degrees
I am creating... a plan for the week if it stays cold like it is
I am going... nowhere unless it is to the store on quick errand to get water
I am reading... the devotional book my kids and I are woking on
I am hoping... that all have a merry christmas and the water unfreezes
I am hearing... sounds of my children playing
Around the house... little straigtning to do, no water so no laundry
One of my favorite things... my family all of them
A few plans for the rest of the week: Christmas Eve services and supper at my house and christmas dinners at in laws
Outside my window... I can see a quite sort of day very cold here and little is moving
I am thinking... of the peacefulness that the cold brings less hustle and bustle but also that I must go out and get something for kids to drink if water stays frozen
I am thankful for... everything in life all has its purpose and we must find the goodness in all
From the kitchen... little is going on today but the kitchen is warm and we will make meals today but no planned baking yet we may if the mood strikes
I am wearing... sweat suit the only thing that will keep us warm since it is 7 degrees and feels like -10 degrees
I am creating... a plan for the week if it stays cold like it is
I am going... nowhere unless it is to the store on quick errand to get water
I am reading... the devotional book my kids and I are woking on
I am hoping... that all have a merry christmas and the water unfreezes
I am hearing... sounds of my children playing
Around the house... little straigtning to do, no water so no laundry
One of my favorite things... my family all of them
A few plans for the rest of the week: Christmas Eve services and supper at my house and christmas dinners at in laws
Its cold good time for hamburger pie

It is very cold this morning in Southern Illinois. Thank goodness it was not so cold the other night when the kids went christmas caroling with the youth group. That night they came in super hungry and I had prepared them hamburger pie. They devoured it.
Hamburger Pie Casserole
1 lb hamburger or sausage
1 can corn
2 c cheese
2 c instant potatoes
Brown hamburger Drain and then layer in order given Bake 400 degrees for 20 minutes It is so good
Husband was ready to eat before it went back into oven to bake but I still heated it probably for 1/2 time and everyone at it quicker than I do not know what.
Monday Musings

Bless us Lord, this Christmas, with quietness of mind; Teach us to be patient and always to be kind. - Helen Steiner Rice
I love this after yesterdays church sermon on the differences between Mary and Martha and the importance of being quite. Sometimes we get to busy and forget what it is all about. I think this cold weather has forced us to look at what this season is about. We can not shop, all out of ingredients to cook but we still have each other and the bible stories to tell. We should all be quite and reflect in the season just take a short break and pause upon the season
Sunday, December 21, 2008
give away: cute stuff for little ones
Over at feisty, frugal and fabulas have a give away for some really cute knitwear from nana knits. You have to check them out and enter to win
giveaway the shrunks
Do you know what the shrunks are? I have to say that I did not. No it is not the shrinky dinks of years ago or shrunken heads. They are a company that actually makes young childrens fear disappear. Whether through pillows and linens or through special designed flashlights you have to check this out. They are giving away over at Mom blogs at so go win something
1 Shrunks’ Plush: Pillowman ($20)
1 4″ Sunny ($20)
1 Fear Bust’r Tool Kit ($30)
1 Tuckaire Toddl’r Bed ($79)
1 Shrunks’ Plush: Pillowman ($20)
1 4″ Sunny ($20)
1 Fear Bust’r Tool Kit ($30)
1 Tuckaire Toddl’r Bed ($79)
apron giveaway
Do you need a cute apron to make you look good while you cook? If so they are given an apron from Carolyns Kitchen Vintage Aprons over at check it out
Give away: Flowers
Know any one who would like to get a bouquet of flowers? I know one very special and important person who has a birthday coming up. Infact this blogger would not be here if it were not for this special person. Thats right my mom has a birthday next month. She loves flowers and would love to recieve a bouquet I know. So I have entered this give away over at Just a Moms take on things for flowers from Go check it out for a chance to win
Popcorn Flavor Giveaway
One of our favorite winter snacks is popcorn. Now they have so many different flavors over at kernal seasons. I think there may even be one there you like there are lots that we love and want to try. So check them out and then head over to Frugal Mommy of 2 to enter in a chance to win.
just what you need to ward off diaper rash in a give away
Once again there is a product out that we needed years ago. Go Graham Go! offers this product in a giveaway. The product is called Bummas and if you have was not aware of this product you should check it out by following this link. You may want to pick some up for yourself but definetly enter into the give away.
house giveaway
Well, a childs house anyways. It is like christmas and a child ask for a car and you give them a hotwheel. Anyways they are giving away cool play house and rocket from Color Me House and you can win it over at Jolly mom Blog So check it out and see if you can win your child one of these great give aways.
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