Have A Great Labor Day Monday
Annies Home a place where I love to share tips, recipes and wonderful products that I find for our family along the way.

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Small Talk six 6 jobs you think would be a blast to have
Saturday 9
1. You are walking down a rainy road. There is a five hundred dollar bill on the road. You look around and except for someone a half block away, you are alone. You naturally pick up the bill and put it away. That person approaching stops and says, "I saw you pick up that money. It's mine." You ask how much it was. She yells, "Are you calling me a liar?" What do you do?
Well how do I know it is hers? Then again how do I not? The thing is no one was there and if they were looking for something then I would give it to her as a notion of good wisdom however if they did not appear to be looking for something it then becomes her word against mine.
2. If I were to inspect your guest bathroom, how would I find it?
The same one I use since their is only one in this house
3. You are given a state of the art bow and arrow. Who or what is your first target (after a lesson or two)?
My husbands behind LOL but seriously it is nearly bow season to hunt deer so believe that would be what I would do
4. The doorbell rings. The person at the door is wearing a raincoat and you know them. They flash you and are completely naked. Other than your S/O, who would you think would it would be and would guess you'd find that funny? Why do you guess that person and would you laugh or be pissed off?
I would guess it to be my dear friend Robert and I would think it was funny but then would also quickly shut the door. He would likely be drunk and acting silly once again
5. What do you call a male Ladybug?
mr bug?
6. Your friends throw you a party. They've got a big national music star to come and perform. It is someone you detest. Do you make believe you like the songs or do you fess up and get the star out of the party?
I dont want to mess up a good time for anyone so I stay away as far as I can
7. What's your favorite breed of wild, mean attack dogs?
don't have a favorite stay away from all of them
8. If I called your high school guidance counselor, what would they say about you?
bit wild but respectful and responsible with good grades
9. Car A is moving at 63 miles an hour. 4 people are in the Car A. Car B is moving at 22 miles an hour. There is a driver and passenger who just came from a hotel while cheating on their spouses in Car B. They will crash into each other in exactly 3.5 minutes. What are your fun plans for this Labor day Weekend while these six people meet a brutal and gruesome death??
staying home watching tv kids going to baseball game
check it out here
One of my favorite songs
No Throw
Want to win a No Throw of your own? Well the lovely owner of the No Throw would love to give a No Throw to one of Annie's Home readers. Wonderful news you can now order directly off the No Throw website or purchase one at Walgreen's. Special sale running if you buy 3 No Throws you can get one free.
- follow my blog
- subscribe to my blog
- follow me on twitter
- tweet the contest (1 entry per tweet) leave link in comment
- blog about the contest (5 entries) leave link in comment
Contest starts now and will run through September 26, 2009. Email must be in comment or on blog. Good Luck to all.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Z Daisy Review and Giveaway (win a binkie bungee)

Have you ever looked at something and thought wow I wish I had thought of that. Well 2 friends may be behind that great invention. Z. Daisy was formed by two friends who that were also moms who loved to create crafts. The moms behind Z. Daisy wanted to create useful products that would be children and babies alike could use. Z. Daisy takes this love for children seriously enough to offer a percentage of their earnings and donates it to help fund adoptions through a group known as Life International. Z. Daisy creates wonderful products like the
Blankie Bungee
The Blankie Bungee helps to make the life of mom and baby better by allowing them to take a stroller ride without worrying about the blanket falling off somewhere along the walk. We all know how that situation appears all to often while taking a walk and suddenly the blanket falls off the babies lap and ends up on the dirty ground. Worse situation the blanket ends up being ran over by the stroller because we don't always know when the blanket falls of the little ones lap. Travel Blankie
Travel Blankie is the perfect 12 inch square blankie that can go where ever the child carrying it goes. The softness of the travel blankie is due to the soft minky fabric that is used so graciously. Let me tell you I love the little Travel Blankie that we received the softness is irresistible. The blanket is also easy to take of since it can simply be washed with your child's laundry. The Travel Blankie would be perfect for either you own little one or as a wonderful baby shower gift.
Does your little take a binkie? Do you hate looking for it when they misplace it? Well the binkie bungee, pacifier clip can help with this problem.
Want to win one of these wonderful binkie bungee? Well the wonderful Z. Daisy group would love to give one to a lucky Annies Home reader.
To Enter: You must visit Z. Daisy and let me know which binkie bungee you would want if you were the lucky winner.
Extra Entries after you do the above:
- subscribe to my blog
- follow my blog
- follow my blog on twitter
- tweet about the giveaway (1 entry per tweets as many as you want to tweet) leave link in comment
- blog about the giveaway (5 entries) leave link in comment
Contest starts today and will go through September 25, 2009. Remember I must be able to email you if you want to win so place in comment or have on blog. As always good luck
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Tell Me Thursday: Princess first birthday

3x Thursday meme
1. Do you use Facebook? Why/why not? Do you like it? Why/why not?
yes I do use facebook. I love to catch up with family and old friends. Yes I love it.
2. Do you use Twitter? Why/why not? Do you find it useful? Why/why not?
yes I use twitter, to enter contest, share news on my blog. yes it works great
3. Do you do (or have you ever done) any other type of social networking thing? If so, what? If not, why not?
yes I do my space, which I do not use a whole lot anymore
play along here
Thirteen events first year of Princess life

- learned to hold her head up and look around
- She was a cat for her first Halloween
- she learned to find her hands and feet
- got her first bath
- she learned to sit up
- she had her first christmas
- celebrated her first valentine day
- learned to say her first word dada
- took her first bath in the big tub
- learned to hold her own bottle
- learned to crawl
- learned to pull self up
- learned to walk with help
this my list of 13 that I will be posting to the blog Thursday 13.
Apple Crock Pot recipe
•10 to 12 large cooking apples, peeled, cored, and cut in chunks
•1/2 cup water
•1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
•3/4 to 1 cup granulated sugar
Combine ingredients in slow cooker. Cover and cook on LOW for 8 to 10 hours. Serve warm, if desired.
4 quarts peeled, thin-sliced McIntosh Apples
4 cups granulated white sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
¼ teaspoon salt
1.Stir all ingredients in stoneware. Cover; cook on High for 1 hour and then on Low for 7 hours, or until the apple butter is thick and brown. Stir occasionally throughout the day.
2.Apple butter will thicken as it cools. Spoon into sterilized pint jars and seal. If sealed, will keep for 1 year.
For more great crock pot recipes visit the blog Diary of a Stay At Home Mom
Delicious Popcorn Snack
Picture of the princess
Thursday Thunks
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Berleen, the number one thousand twenty six and the color of the dirt spot you need to wipe up on your kitchen floor.
1. Your thoughts on truck drivers?
they are a species of their own, lack of sleep, hard long hauls can either make them hard or loveable
2. Did you hear Michelle Duggar is pregnant for the 15th time? (but that will be kid #19 if you lost count....)
unbelievable , 42 and still going man the baby will be 18 and she will be 60 good thing it has so many other siblings to play with.
3. Have you ever done something to hurt someone intentionally... just for the sole purpose of hurting them because you thought they deserved it? Maybe a paybacks a bitch sort of thing?
not intentionally don't believe in paybacks I feel Karma will strike them in the end if they are that bad
4. Is there anyone in your life that when you go to their place of residence, you just walk in without bother knocking? Does anyone just walk into your house without knocking?
knock everywhere I go but no one knocks on my door
5. Whats in the trunk of your car? Do you even have a clue?
no trunk I drive a van
6. When you go to a family holiday get together (such as Christmas or Thanksgiving), about how many people are there?
tons on both sides normally you just cross your fingers and hope nothing happens
7. What is in your kitchen sink right at this very moment?
full with dirty dishes kids just left for school and yet to get up and do dishes
8. You go to a store to buy an expensive item... say $150. You pick up that item and a couple other this n' thats. You get to the register and the expensive item rings up at $40. The cashier doesn't seem to notice and tells you your total. Do you go with what they say and pay it or do you question the price difference? You know you would question it if your $40 item rang up at $150....
I would ask if they got everything and question what they rang up to see if they could catch their own mistake
9. Do you fold your underwear or do you just toss it in a drawer?
toss it in drawer
10. There is a Harley-Davidson giveaway. Chances are $100 and they are only selling 250 tickets. Do you buy one?
my kids would probably love me to but I seriously doubt it too many good friends killed on harleys
11. Who is your favorite Disney character?
12. It's September - most of the weekly sitcoms/dramas are starting new seasons again. Which one are you most looking forward to?
I cant wait to see the view, rachael ray, my morning shows the most
13. You are at a grocery store and are on your way out to your car with your cart full of grocery bags. On your way to your car you see a black kitten in an empty cart. What do you do?
leave it be what harm is it doing?
14. Is there anything that you do for a hobby that you are asked to do for friends/family that most people would hire a professional to do? (example: cake decorating, fixing cars....)
nope no talent here my mother has cake decorating talent though
15. Are we there yet?
nope we are not because as usual we don't know where we are going
play along here
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Plasma car is built to last. Do you remember as a child having a ride on toy that would break easily? You will not find that problem with the PlasmaCar. The PlasmaCar is not made up of material that will rust or be destroyed easily. It is created using high quality plastics which ensures that the PlasmaCar is rugged and durable. On first look you may wonder exactly how the PlasmaCar is to work, upon closer inspection you will find that the PlasmaCar is very easy to use and does not take alot of practice but needed play is all that is required. Simple in construction the PlasmaCar has no pedals, gears or batteries. All that is required to make the PlasmaCar move is the child's own energy and a flat surface. While the car is recommended for children between ages of 3 and 12 parents that are under the weight of 220 lbs can have fun riding the PlasmaCar as well.
We are having allot of fun with our PlasmaCar. If you want to have as much fun as we are get your family a PlasmaCar you can find a retailer near you by following this link
friends or foes
One Year ago today
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Safe Sippy 2 Kidbasix review and giveaway
We all want to take care of our little ones the best we can. We offer them all that we can , protect them the best we can and just love them to pieces. Safe Sippy has long been a leader among the safe bottles to use with our littlest ones. Now Safe Sippy 2 has entered the scene with the same safety and care for our child in mind. With the scare of the Bisphenol A and other harmful chemicals present in many plastic bottles Safe Sippy 2 was created using stainless steel.
The Safe Sippy 2 is loved by my grandbaby. Since my Princess is turning a year old we are trying to break her from the bottle. She does not like the normal sippy cups but will drink out of a straw? Go figure. Well The great thing about the Safe Sippy 2 is that it is the world's first and only 2 in 1 sippy to straw bottle.
New features found in the Safe Sippy 2:
•Dust cap to keep the spout clean
•No-leak travel plug for those days Mom absolutely, positively has no other place to stick The Safe Sippy but her purse
•Straw and straw adaptor that instantly turns The Safe Sippy into a straw bottle
Original Features of the Safe Sippy which the Safe Sippy 2 carried over
•Made from durable, eco-friendly stainless steel
•Angled, straw shaped spout: research has shown that a wide, flat drink spout can cause developmental and speech problems in young mouths
•Outer Sleeve: The rubbery covering surrounding the cup is called TPR, or thermo plasticized rubber. It provides insulation for cold liquids on hot summer days, and protects little hands from the cold. It also acts as a cushion to protect the cup from dents
•Removable Handles: The handles are made with a bumpy texture to help little hands hang onto the cup. Once a child is big enough to grip the bottle using the ribbed waist, the handles can be removed
•Top rack dishwasher safe
•Holds 11 ounces
Kid Basix would love to give one of Annies Home readers a safe sippy 2 of their own.
Main Entry that must be done before any extra entries: Please visit the Kid Basix website and let me know what color of safe sippy 2 you would want to win.
Extra Entries:
- follow my blog
- follow kid basix safe sippy 2 on twitter
- follow my blog on twitter
- tweet about the contest (1 entry per tweet) place link in comment
- follow kid basix safe sippy 2 on facebook
- blog about the contest (5 entries) place link in comment
Contest starts now and will end on September 22, 2009. Please have email available in comment or on blog. Have fun
Cover Your Hair
Do you like to put your hair off your neck? Are you one of those individuals who loves to wear bandannas over their hair? Are you a person who loves to keep your hair looking great but love to be active as well? Well whatever the reason is that you may want to put your hair up for protection or otherwise Cover Your Hair.com is the place for you.
Cover Your Hair.com brings you great hair products from headbands that are stylish and make you look great to pretied bandanna's which will make your life easier Cover Your Hair has the product you are looking for.
Great News Cover Your Hair wants to give one of Annies Home readers a $25 surprise pack of hair products. Wow you can sport some of the great looks that are available from the Cover Your Hair website.
How to enter: visit the Cover Your Hair site and let me know two (2) items that you would love to have.
Extra Entries:
- follow my blog
- follow the blog Cover Your Hair
- become fan of Cover Your Hair on facebook
- follow my blog on twitter
- follow Cover Your Hair on twitter
- tweet about the contest (1 entry per tweet) leave link in comment
- blog about the contest (6 entries) leave link in comment
Contest open world wide. Remember email has to be on blog or in comment. Have Fun. Winner will be notified by email which they must respond to within 48 hours. Contest ends September 22, 2009
Lots To Learn
I want to tell you all about a wonderful educational tool out there for the little ones. I know that many of you think that T.V. is bad for the little ones and I agree with you. But when the T.V. is used to play wonderful educational tools then it becomes a wonderful resource to the preschool parent who desires to introduce their child to all the world has to offer. The Lots To Learn program is one of the best resources out there for preschool children. Children will "stretch like a rainbow", count houses in Spanish, sing "fish, fish, fish, fish," and dance along with skeletons. The best part is through all the fun these DVD's have the secret is they are learning hands on through actions they are performing. The Lots to Learn DVD series was created with children ages 2 to 5 in mind. These wonderful DVD's offer preschoolers and their parents a way to have fun together while the child learns wonderful educational lessons.
We received the Lots To Learn DVD Buster's Favorite Animals. This wonderful fun DVD offered great music, wonderful fun and all four of our little ones enjoyed listening, dancing and playing along. We watched little green frogs, learned how to count in Spanish, Sang about an old friend and his little monkeys, and learned so many fun things that I believe the Lots To Learn DVD will not only capture your child's attention but hold it long enough to learn a bit.
- nature
- In My House
- Buster Loves Music
- Head To Toe with Buster
You can purchase any or all of these wonderful Lots To Learn DVD's on their website located at
A great way to keep up to date with Yahoo savings
http://cashinonthefun.yahoo.com/ and enter the daily question for a chance to win $20,000. This contest is currently going on and will continue until September 7, 2009.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Nikki Reed wears Skin and Threads
Skin and Threads is a wonderful company that cares as much about the natural and organic fabrics that they create their stylish clothes out of as they do how the stylish clothing makes the person wearing them look and feel. Want to find the nearest location where you can buy the skin and threads clothing style? Then follow this link http://www.skinandthreads.com/stockists/
Happy Homemaker August 31, 2009
The weather in my neck of the woods
cool and fall like
One of my simple pleasures:
blogging seems to be it here lately
On my bedside table:
folder of papers I need to fill out
On my TV:
On the menu for tonight
pasta casserole
On my To Do List:
New Recipe I tried last week:
Strawberry Cool
In the craft basket
lots of reviews and contest to write up
Looking forward to:
Princess birthday and mine as well
Homemaking Tip for this week:
quick tip freeze left over spaghetti sauce in ice cube tray easy to use later
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Favorite photo from last week:
Lesson learned the past few days:
take it easy the Lord will help us through all
On my Prayer List:
my son who is away in college
my son who is dealing with heart problems
the rice family
dave a friend from church
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses: James 1:5
share here or read more on the blog Diary of a Stay at Home MOm
At The Well: Change

My son has moved out of my house and into the dorm of his college. This is very difficult for both of us because the college is several hours away so coming home is not all that easy. This forces both of us to stay in contact with each other while living life on our own. As I watch my son make new friends, new life for himself I can not help but worry about him. But as we all know worry is not good so I pray for him and myself that we will be able to accept this change and that we will strive in this change. A special verse that I often think about while in traveling through this change is:
James 1:5-If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
Mellow Yellow Monday
Blue Monday: My son at college