Annies Home a place where I love to share tips, recipes and wonderful products that I find for our family along the way.

Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday Fill Ins
2. I loved highschool homecoming when I was young.
3. Mama told me thered be days like this
4. its only you and me.
5. Take your time and get it right
6.These feelings too will pass!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to parade and homecoming football game, tomorrow my plans include birthday party for grandbaby and Sunday, I want to go to church and have a great time
play along here
2.What are the titles of between three and five magazines you subscribe to or used to subscribe to?
3.What’s on your night table? (we figured this one was borderline, since it involves the bedroom, but if the vibe is right and you preface the question with the background story I told above, you could make it work)
4.What are the three best things that happened to you in the past seven days?
5.What was your senior yearbook quote, and what would your yearbook quote be this year if there were such a thing?
1. song of the mocking bird, loser, and farmer boy
2. womans day, family circle, taste of home
3. well I have my bible and my journal there
4. son went to leadership training, granddaughter coming to see me, and son coming for visit
5. did not give a qoute, but i would say dont run to fast take it slow and under controll
play along here
Green Tomato hotdog relish
6 cups finely chopped green tomatoes
2 large onions, minced
2 green peppers, seeded,chopped
1 red pepper, seeded chopped
1/4 cup pickling salt
2 cups vinegar
3 cloves garlic
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
1 tablespoon dry mustard
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon whole cloves
4 inches cinnamon sticks
1 teaspoon celery seed
1In a large bowl combine green tomatoes, onions and pickling salt.
2Cover and let stand overnight.
3Steriloize 6 1/2 pint jars.
4Rinse tomatoes & onions well, drain and rinse out excess moisture.
5In a large saucepan combine vinegar, garlic, brown sugar, mustard, sal t& ginger.
6Tie cloves, cinnamon stick & celery seed in a square of cheese cloth, add to the pickling liquid.
7Bring to a boil, add tomatoes, onions,& peppers simmer for 1 hour stirring frequently.
8Ladle relish into hot sterilized jars to within 1/2" of top, release air bubbles by running a spatula around the inside of the jar, cover with heated snap lid, screw on band.
9Bring water in a large pot (use the pot & water that you used to sterilize the jars) to a boil, place jars in and water process for 10 minutes.
Friday Fragments

Friday Fragments, where we gather up our bits and pieces from the week; those that weren't big enough for stand-alone posts but were too good to discard.
- Homecoming parade was rained out yesterday so today we will have parade and football game all in same day. This day promises to be quite busy.
- Judgement house set up at church has begun. I somehow have found myself on the receiving end of the advertising department. This is my first time so not for sure how it will all go. I do have a great leader though.
- Granddaughter is coming to visit today. I am looking quite forward to this.
This week really has not had a lot in it. Have any thoughts of your own? Well share them at the blog Half-Past Kissin' Time.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Because Princess daddy is a fireman her momma logically loves all fireman related objects. This super cute towel will fit right into that category. So when Kidorable allowed me to choose an item to review the fireman kids towel was the object I chose. Wherever Princess needs a super cool towel she will have it.
Kidorable was created in 1997 by a couple that wanted to create fun loving product for children. Kidorable wants to help your child's imagination grow from being a princess to a firefighter fun is all around. Kidorable employees work together to foster growth in nurturing personal and professional growth.
Kidorable is the company creating creative products with those little folks in mind. Children from age 2 to 6 will easily be pleased. Kidorable also makes some products that may make those just a bit older happy as well. Safety is always on the mind of the makers of Kidorable products as well. Employing a full time team of quality control experts helps to assure that all Kidorable factories meet high standards. Test for lead, phthalates and other toxic substances are ran on a constant basis ensuring that all Kidorable products meet or exceed all safety standards.
You can purchase Kidorable products on line from their website or from a store near you. To find a store near you follow this link
Thursday Thunks
yes i think so at least this is what mamma always told me
2. Do you have a long standing joke with someone that you still laugh about every time you talk to that person?
with dear friends we have times that we will never forget not really a joke but great memories
3. Share something that happened to you this past week that was unusual.
all that I can think of is that I accidently sent one of my dear friends (strictly religious) a beer on facebook on accident that was very acward trying to explain why I did that
4. If you dropped a purple crayon and a green crayon off a roof, which would melt faster in the sun?
depends on how dark they are or then does it really mater because they are wax? Maybe this would be a great expirement one day
5. You are standing in line (grocery store, bank, etc.), and someone gets in line behind you that stinks. The stink is so bad that people in line in front of you turn around and look to see if you are the one causing the stink. Do you cover your nose, hold your breath, breathe through your mouth or just get out of line altogether?
reply "it wasn't me"
6. If you dropped your cell phone in the toilet, would you fish it out? If so, how much soap would you use to wash your hands afterwards?
oh my kids have dropped lots of hotwheels etc... in toilet and had to drag it out scrub my hands good after that eeewwww yuck
7. Sydney Australia dust storm (link). How long do you think it would take you to clean your house after that sort of dust storm?
and I thought the road was bad
8. Do you think you can dance?
nope know I can't never said I could
9. You are out to eat and someone across the room is staring at you. Do you get paranoid, try to ignore them, or go find out why they are staring at you?
wave and see if they wave back or turn the direction they were looking
10. Come up with a crazy, wacky Thursday Thunk question
not feeling very creative here so I will ask if you were in the Big Brother house how would you play the game?
go here to play
Thankful Thursday
Thankful Thursday is hosted by the blog Truth 4 the Journey
Here are my top 5 things I am thankful for:
- Happy that we are having such a great and fun week. We are in the midst of homecoming week and I look forward to meeting with old friends tomorrow night
- Thankful that last weekend my son went to Christian leadership conference and I love how much he loves the Lord and what he is doing with all this new knowledge
- Thankful that my children in college are taking their studies seriously. Only praying that the MAP grant will be reinstated for all those that need it
- Proud of my son for so wanting to help with the fall project at church. Each year they do a judgment house and this year is the same we will once again be offering this wonderful project to the public.
- Thankful for the cool fall weather.
What are you thankful for?
Caramel Apple Pie recipe
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons Sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 cup lard or shortning
4-6 tbsp. cold water
3 pounds Apples, peeled, cored, and sliced (approx 9 cups)
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup Brandy
40 vanilla caramels
1 can (14-oz.)sweetened condensed milk
3 tablespoons Cornstarch
1 Teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 Tablespoons ground Cinnamon
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup chopped nuts (optional)
Crust: Place flour, Sugar and salt in a large mixing bowl. Cut in lard or shortening until pieces are pea-size. start adding cold water, 2 tablespoons at a time, until flour mixture pulls away from sides of the bowl. Separate dough into 2 equals parts, cover, and refrigerate while preparing apples. Note: The crust and filling recipe make enough for two 9" apple pies.
Filling: Put the apple slices in a large bowl and toss with juice of one lemon (keeps the apples from turning brown)and brandy. While the apples are soaking, put 40 caramels and sweetened condensed milk in a 4-cup microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on 100 percent power (high) for 4 to 6 minutes, stirring every minute until just boiling and caramels are melted. Pour apple slices into a strainer (to pour off juice), then put back into the large bowl, and coat with cornstarch, nutmeg, Cinnamon, brown sugar and nuts(if desired). Toss well until all the apples are well coated, then pour caramel sauce over the apples and stir until coated. Roll out pastry and line 2 9-inch pie plates with half of the pastry. Put filling in pie crusts and cover with second pie crust, brush the pie crust with a little milk, and sprinkle with additional sugar, cut a design in the top (to let steam out while baking) and bake at 350 for about 1 hour or until apples are tender and filling is bubbly. Cool on a wire rack.
I originally found this recipe on the website
I have posted this on the blog Life As Mom
Veggies for Halloween
We all know that Halloween and Fall can both bring sweets, high calorie food and feast. Because I am a diabetic I want to offer you an idea that travels well with the holiday season. Vegetables can be transformed into lots of different creatures both big and small. By creating an attractive display children and adults will be more likely to try the veggies. Here is one such idea that I found on the internet.
1 c. low calorie mayonnaise
1 c. plain yogurt
1 tbsp. parsley
1 tbsp. dill weed
1 tbsp. onion, minced
1 tbsp. Lawry's seasoned salt
Mix above ingredients together until smooth.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
ikookie review and a buy one get one free discount code
Last of the summer days

Look at me now

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Top Ten things to do in the fall
love all the fall baking that takes place
the leaves change such wonderful colors
halloween although not observed by all is such a great time for make believe
pick a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch
or apple picking
and best of all jumping in the leaves
what are your top 10 picks this week? Visit the blog oh Amanda
Kitchen Tip Tuesday
- great for holding snacks such as cookies, crackers and popcorn. I have used this idea numerous times for my children
- cover the top of an item heating up in microwave. The coffee filter works as a splatter guard
- coffee filters make the perfect thing to help protect stacked plates when moving. Simply place a filter in between the plates. I reckon this would also be helpful for that special set of dishes that you only use on occasions
- great to wrap around tacos or those half sandwiches that we give our children no paper towel needed and the filter is so easy to fold down
I bet you did not know there were so many uses from simple coffee filters.
Want more great kitchen tips? Head over to Tammy's Kitchen
My thoughts about Autumn
My Crazy Week To Do's

straighten daughters room (I will do this because she has been studying super hard in college)
straighten living room
vacuum boys room
dishes in kitchen
clear off fridge top
3 loads of laundry
bathroom clean up
parents prayer walk
porch straighten (I want to prepare for fall on the outside as well)
pick up sticks in yard
3 loads laundry
bathroom clean up
sweep floors
vacuum and straighten my room
busy all day long
make sure all wear their purple and white for large parade
baby sit nephews / niece
prepare for family to be here friday
last minute spiffy up
visit with grandbaby
football game
relax enjoy each others company,
visit pumpkin patch
Well this is my week at a glance how about yours:
visit the blog Crazy Adventures In Parenting to Join in
Monday, September 21, 2009
Hippocratic Press review
The characters in the Hippocratic Press books suffer from illness as well. With The Moose with Loose Poops, Peeper Has a Fever, Sadie's Sore Throat, Katie Caught a Cold and The Little Elephant with the Big Earache. With the great illustrations and wonderful stories your child is bound to feel just a bit better knowing they are not the only one.
Dr. Charlotte Cowan created The Hippocratic Press. Dr. Cowan's primary mission behind the press is to create medical children's stories that entertain, educate, and reassure both parent and child. Not only does the child feel bad when they are sick but so does the parent because they never know what to do. To have a fun book that they can share together and makes them both feel better is often worth its weight in gold. One of the things that I liked allot about the Hippocratic Press books was the parents guide that each book had. The parents guide gives a bit of guidance concerning the ailment that was discussed in the book.
Want to purchase a set for yourself? The Hippocratic Press books can be purchased from
Kupcake Konz review
- 1 box cake mix - any flavor
- 2 cans (16 oz.) frosting - any flavor
- 24 flat bottom ice cream cones
Optional: candy decorations
Prepare cake mix according to package directions.
Fill each cone to top. Making sure cones aren't cracked or batter will seep out of cone.
Place each filled cone in baking pan, making sure they are sitting flat.
Bake in two batches or use two 9" x 13" baking pans. (this step has been made easier by the product Kupcake Konz. Bake at 325°F, 30-40 minutes.
Let cool, frost and decorate however you would like.
Buy: You can purchase Kupcake Konz products from their online website.
Monday Menu
Here is what we have planned for this weeks meal plan:
- lasagna, garlic bread, green beans, icecream
- buritos, corn, cookies
- pizza, chips, icecream
- chicken patties sandwich with fixings, chips, cookies
- chicken/dumpling , roll, cookies
- out to eat family will be here
- hamburger helper, vegie, biscuit, icecream
What does your menu this week look like? Visit Organized Junkie to see more
McDonalds perfect time for lunch

This guy has a birthday coming up
At The Well

- talk to friends
- journal
- blogging
- taking a walk
What do you do to bust your stress? You may want to share them here
Not Me Monday
I am not the type of sister when my brother and sister in law were arguing last night that I simply told my sister in law that they just needed to calm down. No it is not me who is not a drama queen and wishes all would remain without drama. It was not after I gave this amazing advice that they were better talking and getting along. After all that is not me.
It was not me that helped at the high school lunch at church. I was not totally in charge of the fryer and the cheese sticks that the teens loved. No not me after all I do not have lots of practice raising 6 teens myself. I was not pleased with 43 teens attending the lunch. Praise God is all that I have to say for 30 minutes on Monday for lunch they eat delicious food and listen to devotions of other teens.
Well what has been going on with you this past week. Or better yet what did you do that you did not do? Head over to My Charming Kids blog and MckMama to join in
Winner alert :
fashionfrugality said...
I would buy the Pompom Classic shirt!
I will email and then fashion frugality you will have 3 days to respond
How to get vegies in your diet
1 lb hamburger, browned
2 c cheese
2 can corn or veggie of choice
mashed potatoes
Layer all and also add cheese to top if you wish. Bake oven 400 degrees for 25 minutes just needs to be warm and cheese melts
/2 lg. bag tater tots
1 can cream of mushroom or cream of celery soup
1 c. shredded Cheddar cheese
1/2 c. milk
1 lb. hamburger
1/2 c. chopped onion
1 can whole kernel corn
Brown hamburger and onions; drain put hamburger in bottom casserole dish. Pour milk and soup mix on top. Pour drained corn over the hamburger and soup. Put tater tots on top of everything cover and cook at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes; take cover off and cook 15 minutes more. Turn oven off and put shredded cheese on top. Put back in warm oven and let cheese melt.
Zucchini Bread
3 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups coarsely grated zucchini (loosely packed)
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)
Preheat oven to 350°F.
In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat 3 eggs until frothy. Gradually add 2 cups sugar. Stir in 1 cup vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Beat until thick and lemon colored. Stir in zucchini.
In a medium bowl, whisk together to combine 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1/4 teaspoon baking powder and 1 teaspoon salt. Stir dry mixture into wet mixture, stirring to combine. Add chopped walnuts or pecans, if desired.
Spray two bread loaf pans (approximately 8"x4"x3") with Baker's Joy, or grease and flour to prevent sticking. Pour batter into pans and level off with the back of a spoon.
Bake for approximately 1 hour or until done.
Allow loaves to cool in pan for 10 minutes, then run a knife along the sides to loosen bread and remove from pans. Cool on wire rack. Brush tops of loaf with melted butter while still warm
Any and all of these recipes I shared can help add vegetables to your diet. Little Blends is also a wonderful way to get the nutrition that your child needs into their diets. Little Blends is an all natural yogurt blend of fruits and vegetables. Each 4 oz. cup of Little Blends offers your child 20% of the needed calcium, 25% protein, omega-3 DHA and probiotics. Its an easy way to sneak fruits and veggies into the child's diet. There is no worry with Little Blends because it is an all natural yogurt without any added growth hormones, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives or high fructose corn syrup. Sounds like a wonderful way to give your child the best you can.
Gap Outlet Coupon 10% off purchase
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sweet Shapes review
•3/4 cup sugar
•1 teaspoon vanilla
•2 1/2 cups flour
Preheat oven to 300°F. In a medium mixing bowl, cream butter, sugar and vanilla. Add flour and mix until dough is smooth. Spray pan with vegetable pan spray. Press in prepared pan. Bake 10-15 minutes, or until very lightly browned. Cool 5 minutes in pans and remove shortbread to cool.
Makes 4 dozen shortbread cookies
The baby bottle cutter would be perfect for a baby shower or a little surprise for a set of new parents,
need to make a batch of some special birthday cookies? Well then here is the perfect cutter for you
As many of my followers know my son in law is a fireman. Yes that's right that is the exact reason why when offered to review a few different cutters this was one that I chose. If you can tell this is the fireman set with a hydrant cutter, a fireman cutter, an axe cutter, a fire truck cutter, a flag cutter, and a few others. When my daughter was dating her husband we looked all over the place to find a fire related cutter and could not do it. That was before I knew about the great company Sweet Shapes.
The next time you are looking for the perfect cookie cutter or perfect decoration product you desire check out the Sweet Shapes website. Great prices and great creativity.
Sunday Qoutes
The United States government must not undertake to run the Churches. When an individual, in the Church or out of it, becomes dangerous to the public interest he must be checked.”
Abe Lincoln
Billy Graham, evangelist: "Eighty percent of the American people want Bible readings and Prayer in the schools...Why should the majority be so severely penalized by the protests of a handful?"
As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools. ~Author Unknown
add your own qoutes or read others at A Daily Dose of Toni