play along here at Show My Face
Annies Home a place where I love to share tips, recipes and wonderful products that I find for our family along the way.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
the dark
2. Do you feel like you’ve been able to overcome this fear or does it still bother you?
yes i have
3. If you’re alone in the house on a “dark and stormy night,” and there’s a scary movie on TV, are you likely to watch or avoid it?
avoid it hate scarey movies
4. If you were to watch it, would it make you have any trouble at all in getting to sleep?
of course, just being alone does that
5. Take the quiz: Do You Have the Fears of a Child or an Adult?
well some of my fears both children and adults have like being alone
6. What is your biggest fear now that you’re an adult?
like I said being alone
saturday photo hunt: princess makes a mess
School Days: the 6 things loved or hated about school
Today’s topic is “6 things you loved or hated about school.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . .
My 6 were:
- Loved the friends I had some of the best in school days and several of us still get together and chat either on facebook or in real life
- Hated the categories you were put in because of what you had or did not have
- Loved competitions for grades, in band or in choir i ate it up and entered all that I could
- Hated P.E. I am just not that athletically trained
- Loved most of my teachers many of which I still have fond memories of
- Hated going back in warm weather with no air conditioning or having to walk to school in the snow and cold weather
Those were my 6 what are yours. Visit the blog
Saturday 9 answers
sometimes my children will take forever and at the present is the only way to communicate with my son
2. How do you eat oreos?
the usual way, lick the icing then each chocolate wafer
3. Are you cocky?
yes you could say that
4. Did you have an imaginary friend as a kid?
yep sure did or at least that is what my mom tells me
5. What t.v. station do you watch the most?
food tv
6. Have you ever seen the ocean?
yes i have
7. Have you ever been hospitalized?
yes several different times
8. What's your favorite brand of rootbeer?
9. Could you live without a computer?
I could but it would be awfully boring
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Sweet Desire Just a Closer Walk

With all that we have been facing daily I do not know where we would be without our dear Jesus walking with us and leading us through the path of life til one day we follow him home.
Want to find more great praise songs visit the blog Signs, Miracles and Wonders
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday Fill Ins
2. Back to School is what I look forward to most this time of year.
3. My best friend is also the man I am married to.
4. I love to be honest with you.
5. Appearances can be the thing that make or break you.
6. The last person I gave a hug to was my daughter.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping great, tomorrow my plans include blogging and Sunday, I want to go listen to music
play along here
Friday 5
I can put it away but pay for it later
2.How’s your tolerance for noisy neighbors?
I have them, as long as they don't wake me when I am sleeping
3.How’s your tolerance for physical pain?
little to none, suprised I had my children to tell you the truth LOL
4.How’s your tolerance for intolerant people?
I have patience but I too can become intolerable
5.How’s your tolerance for bad music?
I don't know I can tune most things out I am a mom of 6.
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Color Carnival

Wn a Snorg Tee
Do you want a tee that is fun and may or may not pick your personality? Then Snorg Tees have the tee for you. Snorg Tees have tees for men and women both with the new addition being hoodies just perfect for the crisp fall weather. I reviewed the great tees at an earlier time and you can read that review here.
- Follow my blog
- Follow me on twitter
- Subscribe to blog
- Tweet about the contest (1 entry each)
- Post on your own blog about the contest (5 entries)
Contest starts now and will run through September 28, 2009. Please remember to include email in comment or on your blog. No email no win. Contest opens to all and the winner will be emailed and then have 48 hours to respond.
Salada Tea
Aloha Friday
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response
Pencil Me In Cosmetics
As my daughter prepared to start college she looked into all the normal items that she would need, clothes, shoes, books, school supplies and then her attention turned to even more personal goods the right makeup that would fit her personality. My daughter loves to look her best and takes offense when she does not. When looking for the perfect makeup she considers many options color, style, texture, and ease of use are among the items at the top of the list.One item in particular that struck her as a great makeup products was made by the company Pencil Me in Cosmetics.
Now the best news of all.
Dick's Sporting Good $100 gift card
Abigail said...
Awesome giveaway! Finally a giveaway that my husband would be more than happy to put to use!! I follow DSG on Twitter - AMPaway
signature23 skin product
Shop with Me Mama said...
I like the Home > Mature Skin >
Tracey Singer CD sweets and treats
familytiesandgrowingpains said...
i like the song camping trip
We Love Colors $25 gift card
coriwestphal said...
My daughter is just getting into gymnastics and we're having a tough time finding leotards that are cute. I'd get her the Long Sleeve Scoop Neck Kids Leotard in Red. Thanks!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Yoplait Whips review and giveaway

Yoplait Whips are delicious as they are or for a cool frozen treat place your favorite Whips! yogurt cup in the freezer overnight. If you have never had frozen yogurt you should try this for sure. The Delicious taste beats most ice cream dishes that I have had. Just think of the great money that you can save by creating your own frozen dishes out of economical Yoplait Whips rather than paying top dollar for some of the grocery store novelties. Yoplait Whips! come in many tasty flavors including Strawberry Mist, Chocolate, Key Lime Pie, Orange Crème, Chocolate Raspberry, Lemon Burst, Peaches 'N Cream and Raspberry Mousse and vanilla creme.
Good News: Thanks to Blog Spark one of Annies Home readers will win the same package that I did. Which means you too will be able to create great frozen Yoplait yogurt pops.
First and Mandatory Entry: what flavor of Yoplait Whips out of the above would you love to try or have tried.
Extra Entries:
- follow my blog
- follow me on twitter
- subscribe to my blog
- tweet about contest (1 entry per tweet) remember please leave link in comment
- blog about the contest (5 entries) link in comment
Contest starts now and will run through September 9, 2009. Remember email on blog or in comment Good Luck
Tell Me Thursday:

Top Ten blogs I visit
- Thoms Place 4 Whatever: this is a great fun blog ran by my friend Thom. He has lots of fun daily and participates in many fun memes.
- Busy Mom Blog: very fun blog with lots of great fun including giveaways, coupons, freebies all the things I love
- 3 kids n us: This is one of my favorite blogs where the blogger is from the same state as myself. From contest to great post this blog is a great one to check out
- The Mom Buzz: This is the blog where fun can be found I love to always see what is going on here as well from post that are related to family to great giveaways.
- Leslie Loves Vegies: actually a great friend before she was a blogger. Leslie host great giveaways on her blog. She also loves to enter giveaways as much as I do and share the information with her blog readers.
- Two of a Kind Working on a Full House: this is actually one of my favorite blogs as well. This young lady shares alot of content as well as great giveaways. Dee is the mother of 2 and I have no idea where she finds all the time that she does to have such a great blog.
- Jolly Mommy: This is a wonderful blog. One of the first that I found. I loved the great contest that are offered, she also host a wordless wednesday, as well as many post related to parenting
- Go Graham Go: This is a great blog that I also love. This blog works super well with Jolly Mom. I love them both because they offer the same sort of content.
- Baby Loving Mama: This is a great blog offering contest, information about blogging, family, etc...
- 5 minutes for mom: This is a great blog and I love it lots. Offers alot of information on blogging, family, contest, etc...
Thankful Thursday

3x thursday
yes we went to florida as well as to my daughters
2. If you could take the summer off (Say, June 1 - September 1), what would you do with that time?
blog, blog, blog and visit my family
3. Is there anything resembling a ’summer vacation’ anymore? Why/why not?
not for wure the kind we had when i was a young girl are still around because of gas prices as well as the economy
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Jolly Mom and Go Graham Go giveaways
- Rain often accompanies the fall in this part of Illinois and soon your young child will be needing something to help keep them dry. Go Graham Go is sponsoring a great giveaway for a kidorable rain coat and umbrella. This contest will end September 10, 2009
- When the rain is coming down outside your child will have to play inside. Jolly Mom has the perfect prize for this as they are sponsoring a contest for a rocking horse from storkcraft. This contest ends September 10, 2009
- Would you rather play a game on the rainy day? Go Graham Go is sponsoring a contest from Pressman for a couple of fun games that you may love. This contest will end September 8, 2009.
Thursday Thunks
BS, Dog Kisses, Memories And You Guessed It...More!
Welcome to the August 27th version of Thursday Thunks!
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by
Kimber, the number of kids I have and the color of dead roses.
1. Have you ever played Bullshit?
not for sure what that game is but I have played pissed off which is a dice game
2. A dog licks you on your face. Are you disgusted or thinking it was sweet?
3. Tell us about a fun/special memory you have of a grandparent.
4. Have you ever pet a rat?
5. If I walked into your kitchen, where are the cups?
6. Since you already let me in your home, I found the cup and had water, now where's the bathroom from the kitchen?
7. Have you ever pet a turtle or tortoise
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Works For Me
That is what is working for me this week what works for you? Visit the blog We are that family.
Couple of fun giveaways
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
GameWright Games Review and Giveaway win a game
GameWright also sent me a game for the adults and older children to play as well. There could not be a more perfect game for our family. We had so much fun playing this wonderful game where names of business had to be created if two business of different nature were to merge. I was very surprised that we could come up with such a large assortment of names. Imagination skills were practiced well within this GameWright game. I loved this because I have teens that attend writing class in school the Funny Business game allowed my children to practice word and imagination skills in a fun fashion. I believe this would be great for any home school family with older children as well.
The last game that we received was the Say Cheese game. This game is a dice and card game that is fun for a group of different aged individuals from age of six to adult. The best news is that one of Annies Home readers will be able to win the game Say Cheese for their selves. Yeah!!!!!!!! So cool.
Mandatory Entry: you must visit GameWright website and tell me what game you would love to play and who with.
Extra Entries:
- follow GameWright on facebook
- follow my blog
- follow my blog on twitter
- follow GameWright on twitter
- tweet about the great contest @shopannies @gamewright (leave link in comment 1 entry per tweet)
- blog about the contest (10 entries)
contest starts today and will run through September 25, 2009. Email must be in comment or on blog.
Skin Free
One of my favorite products is the Skin Free Super Moisture Butter Creme. You can totally smell the butter ringing from the bottle. Squirt it into your hand and it seems to be gathered up by my dry skin. I can tell you that the Skin Free products are terrific for my dry skin.
Whether your skin is dry or you know someones who is why not try the wonderful Skin Free products.
VAT19 review
I am a candle lover and if that candle smells great then my day is suddenly brighter. We were able to review a wonderful candle from VAT19 that candle did not only smell great but actually looked like a gigantic cinnamon roll. Can you imagine what the kitchen smells like when I lit the wonderful Cinnamon candle? My children found out in a sort of different way as they smelled the candle burning believed they smelled Cinnamon rolls baking in oven and were a bit disappointed when all they found was the scented candle from Vat19.
One Hour Parties
How delicious does the wonderful ice cream sundae look to you? Let me tell you it looks pretty good to me. We have on occasion celebrated family events by allowing our children to create their own sundae. Now thanks to One Hour Parties any one could easily throw an ice cream party for that special occasion because the work of obtaining the supplies has been taken care of by One Hour Parties.
One Hour Parties ice cream social kit includes:
- vanilla ice cream
- chocolate sauce
- M&M's
- rainbow sprinkles
- gummy bears
- cherry
- whip cream
- ice cream scoop
- white napkins
- table cloth
- white bowl
- white spoon
With the list of greatness included in the One Hour Parties ice cream social kit everyone including the hostess will have a wonderful party.
Another wonderful One Hour Parties kit that caught my eye was the Sports Team Party. This is my sons senior year playing football. We will plan an end of the year party for the boys but the One Hour Party kit would make the job of being the hostess so much easier. Included in the kit is the root bear and ice, chips and dip, chocolate chip cookies as well as the table cloth, napkins and plates. Wow!!!! Great start to a wonderful party.
If you are as busy as I am then the One Hour Party has been created just for you. Whatever occasion you will celebrate the One Hour Party has a kit for you. So visit the fun One Hour Party website and browse for the makings of that creative wonderful party that you imagined only in your mind.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Great Sandwich Recipe 4 Back To School

Happy Homemaker August 24, 2009
The weather in my neck of the woods:
truly very nice with great temps
One of my simple pleasures:
the new coffee flavored candies that I just found
On my bedside table:
a great book to review
my sunday school material
stack of odd and end notebooks to organize
On my TV:
currently nothing as I am enjoying the peace of my children being in school
On the menu for tonight:
polish sausage, mac n cheese
On my To Do List:
folding laundry
resting been a long 4 days between colleges and hospitals
New Recipe I tried last week:
crockpot chicken and dumpling
In the craft basket:
lots of reviews, giveways to post as well as several items for fall bazar
Looking forward to:
grandaughters birthday next week, oh so fun she turns 1
Homemaking Tip for this week:
I actually was able to see habits that I use pay off in my daughters, meal planning, recipes, coupons etc... my tip would be to show those little hands eyes the way to keep home and when they need it those habits will shine through
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
been a bit busy so I am not sure what my favorite this week is
Favorite photo from last week:
check photos here out that shows house being torn down in neighborhood I will update to show you how much better it looks now that they have a new home in place
Lesson learned the past few days:
I have had many new life lessons of my own sending son to college and to live alone and find out yes he can make it on his own to spending time at ER and hospital with son having heart problems I am learning lessons of how God cares for us daily in both of these situations
On my Prayer List:
son with heart condition
my children as they create their path in life
a dear friend who passed away last night
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
reading a great book that I will share later in a review you will see why I am loving it
head over to the Diary of a Stay at Home Mom to see what others are doing or share your own information
At The Well

What is your opinion of T.V. and your child? Share them on the blog At The Well
Not Me Monday
Did you almost die of embarrassment when your child pulled their own pants down at the library? Want to scream bloody murder when your toddler took a pair of scissors to the dog's fur? Feel like a terrible mother when your kid said a four-letter-word at a back to school event? Well don't! Mothers aren't perfect and neither are children. Let's 'fess up today because it's Not my child! Monday!
This has been one for the record books. As my children are growing up we are beginning to see the start of many new events. For instance:
- It was not my son who in the hospital and being discharged undressed in front of not only his mother but the nurses. It would not be my child who did not see anything wrong with it and just told me he was getting ready to go.
- It was not my child who headed off to college not for sure what to expect. It was not my child that was going to walk up to the meet and great at this same college with his fly unzipped and his pockets out. It was not my child who was thinking so much about what he would do and say he forgot to see what he looked like.
- It was not my grand child who thought of his daddys arm as a table where only the potatos went as we sat at the kitchen table. Princess did not line the potatos up in a row on his arm as in a marching band
- It was not my son as in a treat for his brother who was discharged from the hospital bought him a donut and then found out that he liked white icing more than caramel icing that he bought 2 donuts one with caramel icing with the filling his brother loves and a white iced one and scraped the ice off the white topped donut.
what did your child do or not do? List them on the blog My Charming Kids
Picture of long ago

for more yellow pictures visit here
Great Picture of oldest daughter as todler

for more great blue pictures visit the blog Smiling Sally
My menu plan
Sunday, August 23, 2009
My Good Greetings Giveaway win $25 gift card
A short time back I received the wonderful opportunity to review the wonderful company known as My Good Greetings. You can read that review here Now one of Annies Readers is allowed the wonderful opportunity to receive some of their own great products known as My Good Greetings. With my granddaughters birthday rapidly approaching I thought that these wonderful little birthday invitations look beautiful.
Whatever you are looking for in great cards to send be sure to check out the wonderful cards, stationary, invitations and more at My Good Greetings.
Win: That's right did you scan all the way down here to see how one of Annies Home readers could win $25 gift card from My Good Greetings? If so then perhaps you should scan back up and take a look at at the wonderful invitations and cards that I shared. I would not want you to miss out on such great pieces of stationary.
How to win: Please visit the blog My Good Greetings and let me know what you would choose to use your $25 gift card on should you win.
Extra Entries:
- Tell me about how you celebrate either a holiday or special occasion with your loved ones.
- follow my blog
- follow my blog on twitter
- tweet about the contest (1 entry per tweet) leave link in comment
- blog about the contest (5 entries) leave link in comment
- subscribe to my blog
- enter any other contest currently on my blog and tell me in comment which one
Contest starts now and runs through September 9, 2009. Please remember email in comment or on blog.