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Friday, July 28, 2017

Tips for using cell phone in public

If you have to use your cellphone in public then try to keep your speaking volum in check. No one wants to know your personal business. While the person on the other end may not be able to hear you be considerate and step away from the loud noise so they can hear better and you do not interrupt anyone else.

When out with others such as at a party, dinner or other social gathering, you don't want to be rude to your peers. Limit time on your cellphone so that you ar not rude. You may seem as if you do not want to be at the gathering if you put to much attention into using your phone.

By all means if walking and talking on your cellphone dont walk into others. Texting and walking can be dangerous as well.

Make sure your phone has a subtle ringtone or vibrate. Songs with curse words, loud obnoxious sounds etc... may suit your personality but may make you look bad in public

shared at
sundays best 


  1. I wish everyone would read this!! I hate when I am shopping, eating in a restaurant, waiting in a waiting room, etc. and someone is having a loud conversation for a long time. I do notice it happens more with the elderly. Thanks for a great post

    1. you are most welcome, thanks for visiting today and leaving a message. I shared with my girls at work that I wrote on this subject and they totally agreed

  2. These are great tips. There's nothing more annoying than being forced to listen to someone else's phone conversation.


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