Not Me Monday is a weekly meme brought to you by the blog My Charming Kids
Are you feeling guilty for not changing your children's bedsheets for weeks on end? Feel trashy taking your trash to the curb with no bra on? Overcome with embarrassment after your child wets his pants in public? We'll don't be! Not Me! Monday was born out of my desire to admit some of my imperfection and reveal a few moments I'd rather forget. You may find it therapeutic to join in and do the same thing!
This week has not been a week of boredom. My son did not say that he could not wait to get back to school. It is not me who is so proud of this son that I bragged all day yesterday about him. I do not see my son growing up and maturing. It is not me who is wondering where my little boy has gone to. It is not me even though my son is a senior in high school that wants to bottle him and keep him small forever.
I am not also an ecstatic grandmother who has a granddaughter princess who loves to talk on the phone. It is not me and princess talking on the phone chatting away and loving to hear her say Nana and papa. No it would not be me who would have a smile on my face for the entire few minutes that I chat with princess.
It is not me who is ready to have a party because all the load of laundry is done. It is not me who last week would have hired a professional laundry person to get it all under control. Nope not me. I did not work the entire week on that laundry and was not a bit pleased when it was all done. I do not believe that it had anything to do with camp or house guest that made that laundry pile larger than it normally is.
That was my week or maybe it wasn't What is your week or what was it not? List it over at the blog My Charming Kids
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