The weather in my neck of the woods: at this moment stormy it has been quite warm and a little evening storm will be a nice break
One of my simple pleasures: was this weekend when I visited my little lovely granddaughter
On my bedside table: too much stuff brought home from the trip oh it needs cleaned badly (any volunteers)
On my TV: nothing at the moment enjoying quiet
On the menu for tonight: girls cooked chilli dogs and doritos (I know junk but then I was tired and they need junk once in a great while)
On my To Do List: like I said to much going on been away and now lots needs tending too
New Recipe I tried last week: bad week for trying new with all going on
In the craft basket: present for my granddaughter (not sharing will show after she gets it)
Looking forward to: church picnic on Sunday
Homemaking Tip for this week: don't worry about what don't get done everyone has to have fun sometime
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other)and photo of the week can be seen by following this link here
lesson learned past few days: I learned a bit of history as I visited greenville Illinois as well as Vandalia Illinois
On my Prayer List:my family and extended family
I have been peeking into your blog! I have to tell you that your miracle granddaughter is absolutely ADoRABLE! :)