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Monday, October 15, 2018

Safe Sleep Prevent SIDS and other Sleep Issues in Babies

Each year in the Untied States there will be 3,500 sleep related deaths among babies. The American Academy of Pediatrics has stated that this number is an accumulation of all sleep deaths including SIDS. Thus creating a safe sleep area for babies is very important.

Some tips that may help you prepare that safe sleep area include:

  • Babies should sleep om their backs at both night time and naps. A babies gag reflex will prevent them from choking while sleeping on their backs. Babies sleeping on their backs are much less likely to die of SIDS. 
  • Babies should sleep on a crib mattress or other firm, flat sleep surface. Softer surfaces can increase the risk of sleep related deaths.  The firm sleep surface helps reduce risk of SIDS and suffocation. 

  • Baby should sleep in same room as parents for the first 6 months years of age, some recommend the first year. Allowing the baby to sleep in caregiver bed may make unsafe sleep surfaces or lead to suffocation or strangulation. 
  • Blankets, pillows, bumper pads and soft toys should not be in babies immediate sleep area. Babies head should not be covered when sleeping. Blankets and comforters can increase heat and lead to suffocation. 

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