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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Get Out And Vote Let Your Voice Be Heard

The ancient greeks gave us one of the first illustrations of Democracy. The ancient romans offered a way to use democracy and give us the people a voice. Today, in the United States our government offers us the chance to vote in a democracy and allows the people to have a voice and offer their opinions. In our democracy the elected officials are held accountable for their behavior while representing This is why it is so important to both register to vote and use our voting privilege to express our opinion.

Both voting and democracy are crucial in order for government to allow individuals a voice and participate in their government as well as holds elected representatives responsible for the decisions they make. By voting, casting a ballot allows self expression and with that comes free choice. The more that people get involved and participate the more democratic and fair a nation. The citizens of the United States have a voice and should use it to voice their personal opinion.

Once and in some places mob rule is still the way of life. Let us not see this happen again

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