So here is your assignment: Write a fictitious Christmas newsletter to relatives without mentioning any outside activities or accomplishments. Write about the relationships in your family, the specialness of each person, the ways you are
all growing in Christ.
This year has been quite a wild one with the children growing quite rampant. I believe that as they grow either the values we tried to install in them or the services and bible studies they have been in have helped create them into God fearing and loving young adults. It is so fun to watch and as we look back it is as if the time has seemed to fly by.
We now have a granddaughter, 9 months old now. Seems like yesterday that she was born. What a time that was with all up in arms and upset. I know that we just wanted the best for my daughter and baby. We were afraid for all involved and in the end were justified.
Our grandaughters language has grown from babbles to full words. Oh lovely it is. Can remember when our oldest son at 7 years old could not talk all that well. The love for him and that he showed got him through life though. Now he is a junior and a football player. Came a long way from when they did not think he would learn to talk properly, let alone read or write. He is now an A student with pride.
Our second daughter to graduate highschool is growing in God as well. Oh her heart is so big. She is wanting to go to school to gain a social service degree where she can continue to help others. We have seen it all and I know with her experiences she will do well.
Our eldest son I worry some about but sure he will get his head on straight. As he continues onto a Christian based college my fears grow and lesson at the same time. It will be his first time living outside of the house but also he is going to a loving college where his love for God will hopefully be strengthened. How wonderful could life be?
Our youngest son some days his dad is ready to ship him off to the military. But I can see small changes in him they are signs that he is beginning to mature. After all he is the baby and he may need a bit more time to mature.
Our youngest daugther well we continue to worry about her. She has some learning skill problems but I think positive that she will continue to mature and get by. I love her so much that I am sure that others will as well.
Well to close this little note that turned long I will say talk more later
Excellent Angie. I so enjoyed reading this. It's wonderful to gain more insight :)