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Friday, February 2, 2024

Winter TIme Help FOr The Birds

Many of us love to watch the wild birds. This is not a new sensation as wild bird watching has been around for centuries. The birds often have beautiful colors, their own characteristics and we all wonder how they can stay out there in the harsh weather. Wild birds are survivalists that endure often but they all could and would never refuse a helping hand. So how could we help these winged friends of ours?? In the hard winter when snow covers the ground and the birds natural source of food can not be found we can offer them a chance for some other type of food. 

You will need 

Bird seed mix,


Boiling water, 

Mixing bowl and spoon, 

Cookie cutters,

Tray covered in foil,


These are great for kids to make as well but adult should closely supervise. Start making the bird feeder by pouring boiling water into a bowl. The amount of water should equal the amount of bird seed you want to use. Into the bowl of water pour 2 sachets of gelatine and stir til the gelatine has dissolved. Pour the birdseed into the mix in the bowl and stir. Ensure that all the bird seed is indeed wet as this will ensure it sticking to the feeder. Using cookie cutters that are mold like pout the bird seed mixture in and poke a hole at the top so when dry they can hang. Now let them dry. When dried push the figure out. PLace string into the hole make a hoop to tie so the birdseed can hang. 

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1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I love the mitten shape. I can’t wait to make these with my classroom!


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