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Monday, January 22, 2024

Time to Clean OUt our Email Inbox

 Keeping out our inbox can be a tedious task at times. Some individuals will simply keep it all stating that they know where it all is and they want to keep it that way. Others may throw it all losing items that need answers, have important information, etc... How do we know what to keep and what to toss??

ONe way to do this is to take a look at the emails and see which ones are needing answers or neeing you to do something. Something to think about is what have we signed up for>??? Who have we given an email to, limiting the number of emails coming in may help quite a bit. However, there may be emails that are important that you need to hang onto. These emails need a special folder within your email. 

Those emails that you have sent and are awaiting an answer are important as well. Use the calendar and sub folders to keep track of these important items as well. Perhaps you also have subscriptions to groups, pages etc that you no longer use or want. Delete these if you can and if you want create a folder for the ones you want to keep

I hope that these tips and ideas will help you clean out your inbox as well. Perhaps it has inspired you just a bit that you will soon have an organized  inbox

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1 comment:

  1. I really need to go through all my email inboxes. They are a total mess


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