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Friday, June 7, 2019

Mens Health BPH

One common health issue that men face as they age is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. For the most part the term refers to an enlarged prostate gland. The job of the prostate gland is to produce semen. While an enlarged prostate is not cancerous it is the most common prostate health issue that men over the age of 50 face.

BPH affects nearly half of all men between the ages of 50 and 60 and 90% of all men by the age of 80. Symptoms of frequent urination, inability to completely empty the bladder, a low or weak urine stream and struggle to start urination are all included under the enlarged prostate arena. Many times aging and hormonal changes help bring the condition of BPH into view. However, at times the condition seems rather irritating as it includes an uncontrollable urge to urinate as well as the difficulty to start urination.

Risk Factors of BPH include:

  • the risk of BPH increases over the age of 45
  • an immediate blood relative being diagnosed with BPH 
  • health conditions such as obesity
treatment for BPH include medications, treatment and waiting and watching. 

Prostate enlargement early stages may make it hard to urinate as the bladder muscles must work harder to do its job because of a narrowing urethra. As time goes on the bladder muscles will thicken which may lead to over sensitivity resulting in urgent and frequent need to urinate. However, the bladder muscles often tire which leaves the process of urination incomplete.

Take note that while there is no link between prostate cancer and BPH an individual may have both.

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  1. This is the first time to use the herbs of [ ] ✨ 🍰 ✨ It felt good to see my husband cured from Prostate cancer and was also cured from weak erection

    1. Do you remember what the exact ingredients that were in the Hilton Herbal Prostate Shrinker formula? And also how much it cost?

      Thank you,


  2. Thank you for sharing this, I believe a key function of our existence as humans is helping others to find hope. This relate to my story so well. In keeping my promise to Mohan, I am sharing this to inform others about total cure to enlarge prostate or BPH which I discovered through HILTON Prostate Shrinker years ago. BPH was a challenge to me for over 5 years. I had terrible years of waking up every night to pee, getting to toilet stand for long minutes, no urine.  That was the struggle faced by a 68 years old grandfather like me. I got to know about Mohan, through my granddaughter who found his herbal medicine on the internet. She is my little angel, and always there to help. We read his blog together and contacted him to discuss my BPH challenge. I was on allopathic medications, and the option of a surgery was being considered by the doctor before I got to know about HILTON Prostate Shrinker.  I had doubt when Mohan told me his treatment was 4 weeks for a permanent cure guaranteed. I battled BPH for a whole 5 years, and hearing herbal medicine offers 4 weeks for a total cure, I was happy. I am glad I never let my doubts stop me. Long story short, it has been 3 years of freedom from BPH after using HILTON Prostate Shrinker. I know folks will ask why I am sharing it now, well, there is never a  too late to help, so if you have enlarged prostate and wants to get cured through natural herbal medicine, read Dr. Mohan blog here

    1. Did it really only take 4 weeks for it to work? I've suffered with prostate problems for decades and have found nothing that actually cures a swollen prostate.

      Thank you,


    2. Reach out to Dr. Ajay Mr. Daniel, his treatment works perfectly well. I can guarantee you that.

  3. There is a permanent cure for enlarged prostate in spite of the severity and I am happy sharing my testimony with you. This is not an advert and I am open to be contacted through reply. I got my cure through HILTON Prostate Shrinker which is a natural herbal medicine. It worked fine without side effects and in a space of 4 months I got cured completely. The medicine cured me of frequent urination, loss of bladder control and the discomfort that comes with BPH. Before I got to know about the medicine, I was already booked for surgery, after my treatment, I went for a test and the urologist confirmed totally shrinking of my enlarged prostate gland. I also saw all symptoms were gone! If you want to read about HILTON Prostate Shrinker, visit Dr. Mohan blog at

  4. Big thanks to Dr Aizonofe a great herbal doctor who help me enlarge my penis size.3.2 cm to 8.3 cm longer with his herbal remedies, if you are also in need of his help on how to enlarge your penis to become bigger and stronger I advice you to contact Dr Aizonofe on his email ( )or contact him on whatsapp number +2348136785562, if your penis is 4.2 cm and want to get it reach 9.2 cm within two weeks i recommend Dr Aizonofe, just feel like promoting his Good work, Give him a try and thank me later.

    As-Salaam-Alaikum! C'est formidable de voir ces informations sur la santé de la prostate. J'ai traversé cette même lutte pendant 10 ans sans cure malgré tout l'argent que j'ai dépensé en médicaments. Je me sentais mal à cause des effets secondaires que j'avais associés à l'inconfort causé par la prostate hypertrophiée. Quand j'ai fait le pas pour trouver une aide naturelle pour moi-même, je suis allé sur des vidéos YouTube et j'ai vu des commentaires qui m'ont conduit à la phytothérapie de Frederick appelée ZIGIMA-90. Cette phytothérapie a complètement guéri en 90 jours d'utilisation! Je sais que beaucoup de mes frères musulmans plus âgés sont confrontés à ces problèmes et il est difficile de trouver un remède. Les médicaments anglais proposés ont de nombreux effets secondaires sur la santé et n’offrent pas de remède. En tant que personne ayant relevé le défi et maintenant complètement guérie grâce à la phytothérapie ZIGIMA-90, je suis obligée d'aider les autres à trouver de l'aide. Le Prophète (SAW) a dit "Aucun de vous ne croit vraiment jusqu'à ce qu'il souhaite pour son frère ce qu'il souhaite pour lui-même". J'ai trouvé un remède et je veux que vous trouviez le même. Voici le blog j'ai trouvé ma cure

    My being diagnosed with an enlarged prostate was a relief after several years of discomfort. I am Earl, 78 years old Canadian. I battled with enlarged prostate disease for 7 years, used medications recommended by urologists without a cure. Looking back, I sometimes wonder how it got to my turn. I thought I could be among the 40% men exempted from this disease. I read the prostate gland becomes more enlarged at 50 and I noticed few signs when I clocked 65. It was not a regular thing so I thought it to be stress related. Slowly the symptoms became frequent and the frustration of waking up every minute at night hours to urinate with just little drops of urine got worse. When I got diagnosed, it was a relief, to know the problem and the solutions became my quest. I began treatment with my urologists in hope of an eventual cure. After several years of use; I found there were no signs of a cure, just side effects and interference with my health. I had to ditch these medications and sought a natural alternative completely. I tried Saw Palmetto and other herbal medicines but no success. My search led me to Dr. Fredrick herbal medicine called ZIGAMA-90 which I used for 3 months and came out with an outstanding result of a shrunken prostate  and a complete cure to all symptoms. ZIGAMA-90 worked without side effects. Get cured just like I did. Contact Dr. Fredrick email at  or visit his blog

  7. I have decided to make this post or testimony public. My husband was diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) four years ago. I loved my husband very much, and it was heartbreaking to have him develop BPH, and to stand by and watch him decline in his ability to take care of himself and to perform his duty as a man, struggling with day-to-day tasks with frequent urinating. It affected the quality of his life and eventually the ability to do basic tasks. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) doesn’t just affect the person who is diagnosed — it also turns your world as the wife and caregiver, upside down if your husband  is grappling with the condition. To be clear, there is no pharmaceutical medicine, no magic pill that has any significant effect on the progressive downhill course of this disease. Not until we use an Herbal Medicine called BRONGEE that puts an end to it. He has been well and living his best life again. While there may be other different options to look into. Never make your own success path a secret. There should be no shame. Contact Dr. Rohan with, It may also help you too.  

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  10. Enlarged Prostate comes with its frustrating pains, discomfort and life threatening ailments. I battled this for over 12 years. Putting my story here is to help people find a cure to tormenting BPH symptoms. THIS IS NOT FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSE. It has been 2 years since I finished my treatment with Dr. Mohan, I can say there were no regrets. My experience with Western medications taught me that it is easier to get a thousand prescriptions and not a cure. So when Dr. Mohan assured me of 100% cure through his herbal treatment mode, I had doubts because I have spent years on doctor’s prescription yet no cure. My one month use of HILTON Prostate Shrinker herbal medicine dissolved my doubts. I can tell you as a 77 years old man who was cured by Dr. Mohan herbal medicine, that in spite of your enlarged Prostate severity, his herbal treatment mode will help you achieve a new life without side effects. Read more via or write

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