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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Freedom of Information Day

While some holidays are created a long time ago in history. There are many more that have been created throughout history. There are many reasons for all of these special days to remember. Today, September 28th is International Right To Know Day was created September in 2002. It was the last day of a three day "Freedom of Information Conference" This conference had been hosted in Sofia Bulgaria

Fifteen Nations had sent representatives to take part in the "Freedom of Information Conference" The representatives helped establish the International Freedom of Information Advocates Network. The new group planned to work together to promote the right of access to information. Today there are over 200 organizations and civil groups around the world with representatives around the world. 

September 28th 2015 was declared "International Day for Universal Access of Information" The goal for this day is to raise awareness on the right information and to campaign for open , democratic societies that full citizen empowerment and participation in government is present. Everyone should from citizens, journalists and non governmental organizations should fee free to search for information. 


  1. I had no clue there was a Freedom of Information Day! Thanks for this post - I'm very looking forward exploring the conference and finding out more about these groups and what they do.

  2. I hadn't heard about this either, but it sounds very important. We all should have the right to know!

  3. This is so important! We all have a right to know what we want to know. Such a great day to have!

  4. As a librarian, I am all about International Day for Universal Access of Information. The more you know, the better. The world cannot run on secrets.

  5. As a former journalist, the Freedom of Information Act was so important. We used to dedicate a month to informing readers about freedom of information.

  6. I do think transparency is very important and I'm glad this day will bring that into the spotlight. Freedom of information is crucial!

  7. This is very interesting as I didn't even know this existed. I will be researching this 'day' a lot more.

  8. this is news to me, I had no idea there was a separate day known as right to information day.

  9. It's so important that we have access to this type of information. I'm glad people are exercising their rights on this day.


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