Sunday Stealing: The 11/11 Questions meme
What is your favorite possession? well to me possesions are simply not that important but if I had to choose one thing I would say that it is my quilt that my grandmother made
Do you like to read? If so, which books do you love best? yes I do like to read, I love historical fiction the best
Do you have any pets? No
What was your favorite food as a child? Is it the same now? I loved pizza, in fact our family had a weekly pizza night
What is your favorite thing about blogging? I love to share my thoughts as well as meet other people
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? The mountains of Tennessee
What is your favorite number? 7
Which of these things would you find hardest to give up for a year? Chocolate, reading, coffee or smoking? not a big fan of chocolate and I dont smoke so guess i will keep the coffee
If you could make your life into a movie, what would you name it.. and who would you want to play you? She never gave up and I would like an actress like sally field to play me
If you had £20,000 for a shopping spree, what would you buy? I am not for sure snce I know that I could nealy buy whatever want with that money and would probably spend most of t on my kids and grandbabies
If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? Hillary Clinton
I chose Hillary Clinton, too!
ReplyDeleteThat is a good answer for lunch. I probably would have chosen Bill over Hillary to be honest though. LOL! And yes, I agree we do have similar blogging reasons!! :)
ReplyDeletePizza's my fave too, I could eat it almost every day :D