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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Bananas from green to too far gone

If your house is anything like mine then your shopping list normally contains a fruit item or two. Today in this post we are going to look at bananas. Ideas how to use.... HOw long they are good for and when we can no longer use. 

A few of our favorite recipes that include fresh bananas are

The first time I ever tried this type of dessert was as a girl at my grandparents. My grandmother made this banana split dessert. Oh so yummy and delicious. 

This recipe for frozen fruit salad is not only great on a summer hot day but also taste great and good for you. 

Bananas are Good For the Body. 

Bananas are good for the body as they contain fiber and other nutrients the body needs and uses. These include potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, as well as antioxidants. Bananas have been shown to help with blood sugar, aid in digestive help and with weight loss. In addition, bananas have been shown to help both heart and kidney health. For more information this article on the healthline website can tell you more. 

So now I have shared with you why and how bananas are good for our health and shared a few of our favorite ways to prepare and eat. Now the only question is when is the best time to use a banana?? When it is still green around the edges, fresh and yellow, with a few brown spots or when they begin to look like this....

Common to green tomatoes you can also eat green bananas. 

Green bananas are good to eat but many do not like the taste of these. Sometimes you will find green bananas mixed into smoothies. The best way to eat green bananas is by preparing it by cooking. You may not be aware but you can boil bananas and make up like mashed potatoes. Slicing and frying green bananas chips makes for a great delicious snack. 

There are a few recipes that request those bananas that have aged just a bit. These recipes include banana bread

However, there comes a time when bananas can no longer be used. If one of these following 3 happen you need to get rid of the bananas as they are too far gone

  1. If you notice any mold on your bananas, it's time to throw them away or toss them in the compost bin. ...
  2. If a banana smells rotten or fermented or is leaking fluid, it's time to say goodbye.
  3. If the fruit inside, not just the peel, is black, that's a sign that your banana is too far gone to safely eat.

I hope you enjoy the post and learned a bit more about bananas. If you get a chance try a recipe or two and let me know how it tasted. In addition if you have any information to add please place in comments would love to know what you think

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