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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Pollution Patroll

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

While we are here on earth for just a limited time , it is our duty to take care of it for the next generations to come. By not cleaning up after ourselves we are not doing our part to take care of the planet. Pollution leaves harmful effects on the earth and is harmful to the health of people and the environment. Pollution shows up in many different forms including air, water, soil and others.

It makes no difference how the pollution came to be but it is up to all of us as protectors of the earth to take of the place that we live. That is why pollution prevention is so important. We must care for the resources that we rely on as well as ensure that these resources will be there for generations to come.

Every action or inaction that any person does in his or her own surroundings has an effect on the environment. These effects may be good, neutral or bad depending on what is done. Nature was created to provide our needs but it is up to us to protect it and use it correctly. Some things that we can do to protect the earth ourselves include:

  • stop smoking or at least smoke in designated areas
  • use unleaded gasoline and keep car running in good condition to avoid smoke emissions
  • whenever possible car pool or when possible walk or ride bike to destination. 
  • do not burn waste in open fires
  • reduce, reuse and recycle
  • composting brown leaves in your yard and green scraps from your kitchen
  • Hang your laundry out to dry will minimize the use of electricity 
  • Shop local farmer markets and shops this will help minimize
  • use paper bags rather than plastic. This will help cut down on toxins entering the atmosphere
  • Put more green in your life. Plant a garden, have houseplants, or plant more trees. Green plants help clean the air, provide needed oxygen and help beautify the are. 
  • Care for your pets the best you can and take care to get rid of their waste as well. 
  • Do not cause unneeded or unwanted noise 
  • Do not litter , rather clean up after yourself and start an anti litter campaign that can educate others

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