SLowcooker Ribs (aka asian barbeque ribs)

it doesn’t have to be made in the slowcooker. i’m sure marinating, then grilled would work just as well
I got this recipe from another blog, originally meant for beef ribs. I’ve tried it with beef, pork, and chicken and they all work really well.
Slow cooker Pork Ribs
2 lbs baby back ribs, cut into pieces ( you can use chicken thighs or beef ribs)
5 cloves garlic
2 dried chilies, broken into a few pieces
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup soy sauce
3 tbsp white vinegar
a dash of sesame oil
1. put everything in the slow cooker, and cook on high for 3 hours (for pork. it takes longer for beef, and shorter for chicken)

3 hours later in the slow-cooker
Blog Trivia
Did you know that March 29th in 1886 Coca Cola was created? A pharmacist named John Pemberton (Doc) fought in the civil war. At the end of the war he decided to invent something that would bring him commercial success. In the past he had tried to invent medications and had always failed.
Pemberton moved to Atlanta and went into beverage market. In the mid to late 1800s the soda fountain was rising in popularity. They were the social hangout place. So to Doc making a soda - fountain drink simply made sense and would make him popular.
It would be a friend Frank Robinson would would help register Coca-Cola formula with the patent office and help design the logo. The drink did not do well in its first year and in 1888 Doc died. Pemberton would never see success In the end Coca Cola would be his legacy of sucess.
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