The beautiful crocuses have started to appear in the yard and even though it seems the winter weather wants to still hang out it is a clear sign that spring weather will soon be here. It may be time for early spring prep.
Take time to shop for grass seed and lawn fertilizer
The stores are all ready putting out spring merchandise such as seed, fertilizer, spring bulbs and bushes. Now is the time to shop for the best selection. When shopping remember to look for fertilizer that lighter on nitrogen. Its always a great idea to pick up some grass seed to fill in spots that may have been damaged over the winter. This year we saw more snow and ice than in most years which may have led to parts of the yard damaged.
Since it may be too cold to head outside to work on the yard it is the perfect time to get yard tools ready for the new season. Beat the rush to get the blades to the mower sharpened When it warms up a bit get ready to clear away debris left behind because of the weather.
Prepare what you can now and when the time comes you will be ready to enjoy the spring planting season.
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