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Saturday, January 20, 2024

In the Snow and Ice Walk Like a Penguin

 Penguins are aquatic flightless birds that live in the Southern Hemisphere. Like everything else there is an exception and the exception to the penguins are the Galapagos penguins that can be found north of the equator. Penguins have flippers that they use for swimming. Penguins dine on sea life like fish, squid and other small species of sea life. Penguins spend their lifetime on both land and sea. Penguins normally stand approximately 3ft 7 inches tall and weigh and average of 77lbs. The tallest breed of penguin is the Emperor Penguin and the smallest is the little blue penguin (fairy Penguin). 

If you have not heard the state of Illinois has snow on the ground. Perhaps there are places without snow but for the most part the state is frigid and walking can be tricky. Walking takes more care and concern in making sure the muscles, bones, joints, eyes, inner ear, nerves, heart and blood vessels are all working together. Without all working together problems can occur. Perhaps that is why you have heard of the statement "Walk Like a Penguin" 

As I stated it is cold out there so be sure to dress properly and that should include a pair of gloves. Gloves protect and keep our hands warm which means that they do not have to be stuck in our pockets. Our hands and arms are very important when it comes to walking balanced as they can improve our balance so we dont lean to much on either side. Likewise, our feet aid in balance as well. Walking in winter weather we should be aware that ice and snow can cover hidden dangers. Walking a bit slower with shorter more careful steps are called for or walk like a penguin. Penguins walk with the point of their feet slightly outward, with the center of the body's gravity directly over the feet as much as possible. 

Some other tips to help you walk in the slippery mess known as winter:

Backpacks can be used easily by being carrying needed items on your back will keep your hands open. If this is not possible or you have more than one bag to carry be sure to take your time carry one at a time is easier and may save more time than dropping bags. 

The shoes you wear on your feet makes a difference as well. Grippers or treads on shoes will help keep you from sliding around and possibly falling. When you come inside be sure to wipe the bottom of your shoes off as the texture could be slick if they have snow or ice on them. It is best to keep from texting when walking on snow or ice This will allow you to pay more attention to what you are doing so that you will not have an accident. In addition, when going from one stance to another hold, like going from sitting in car to standing, hold onto something and avoid stepping on slippery surfaces. 

In the case that you may slip and fall make sure that you are ok. Take your time and ensure you do not need medical help

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