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Monday, January 4, 2016
New Year Resolution Start Now and Keep Determined
Now that New Years Day has come and gone you may have made resolutions that you still want very much to work on and reach a goal this year. For many this will mean trying hard in the beginning and then stopping when they tire of it or believe their goal is unachievable. Part of making your goal should become your daily life style. Studies have shown repetition helps change daily life. So whatever it is keep it up and reach that goal.
For many their resolution is to get into shape and/or losing weight. It is estimated that over 1/3 of the population will make some sort of resolution that has something to do with these two. Moving is the game and starting out slow with just moving 5 minutes a day will help get you started and since you may have been doing nothing all ready this will give you something to grow on. With many many exercise and diet programs out there it will be no problem finding one. The trick is to find the best one for you and that you will stick to. It is a great idea to get a fitness buddy to keep you accountable. Key to remember diet and exercise go hand in hand without one the other will be harder.
Another resolution many make is to simply eat healthier. When there is junk food where ever we seem to go changing our diet habits and eating healthy may again be a challenge. But like any challenge it can be beaten. Determination will be the tool to use in this battle. Again it takes time and eating healthier will not happen over night. Planning is a key here as well. There are many healthy recipes here on annies home as well as throughout the great www do a quick search and find what you are looking for.
Start today don't put if til tomorrow because you will have the excuse tomorrow. The fun can be in the fitness or after wards. Perhaps you should take that walk to where ever the fun is at. That way you get fitness in as well as what you really want to do.
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