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Saturday, January 31, 2009
give away: Lola Et Moi outfit
Just the name Lola Et Moi makes you think of high fashion. Can you imagine if my daughter dressed her daughter in an outfit like that what they would say? There is a chance that she could if we win it. Reviewin it up blog is hosting a giveaway for a lola et moi outfit.
Saturday Funnies

I wanted to share this since it is so cold and snowy outside but we are having fun inside. Besides where do you think annie comes from
for more Smiley Saturday fun head over to lightening online.
Saturday Social
Saturday Social Rules:
Post your answer to the Saturday Social question(s) in your blog. Be sure to put in a link to this entry and the blogger who tagged you too!
Come back, sign Mr. Linky and why not leave me a comment too ;)
Tag your friends... better yet, tag a stranger (what better way to meet someone new!) You can tag 1 or 100, it is up to you. The more you tag, the more you will meet.
Today's Saturday Social Question:
Since I completely forgot to ask a question this week, I will ask 2 this week. What type of computer do you have (laptop or desktop)? And, what is your favorite tv show?
I have a desktop computer and use it everyday.
My favorite tv shows are reality based love most of them right now would choose biggest loser
For more Saturday Social visit the blog Hell0! My name is Lisa:
Post your answer to the Saturday Social question(s) in your blog. Be sure to put in a link to this entry and the blogger who tagged you too!
Come back, sign Mr. Linky and why not leave me a comment too ;)
Tag your friends... better yet, tag a stranger (what better way to meet someone new!) You can tag 1 or 100, it is up to you. The more you tag, the more you will meet.
Today's Saturday Social Question:
Since I completely forgot to ask a question this week, I will ask 2 this week. What type of computer do you have (laptop or desktop)? And, what is your favorite tv show?
I have a desktop computer and use it everyday.
My favorite tv shows are reality based love most of them right now would choose biggest loser
For more Saturday Social visit the blog Hell0! My name is Lisa:
Saturday 9: Going to Pot
1. When was the last time you smoked pot?
Tried it one time in my lifetime and that was 20+ years ago
2. What do you think is your biggest weakness?
my biggest weakness is caring too much but then is that really a weakness
3. What is your biggest fear?
biggest fear used to be dieing til I met my savior and now my biggest fear is that those around will not follow him
4. Is there a particular goal that you’d like accomplish this year?
wouldnt hurt if I lost 20 lbs
5. What do you miss most from your youth?
oh lots of things but then again I love my family and would never change anything
6. What is your best physical feature?
my best physical feature is my hair I have long dark black hair and everyone comments on it
7. Are you very confident?
to a point but not to extreme
8. Tell us about the last time you were drunk.
that was over 20+ years ago and only remember being sick
9. Have you ever cheated on a lover?
for more saturday 9 go here
1. When was the last time you smoked pot?
Tried it one time in my lifetime and that was 20+ years ago
2. What do you think is your biggest weakness?
my biggest weakness is caring too much but then is that really a weakness
3. What is your biggest fear?
biggest fear used to be dieing til I met my savior and now my biggest fear is that those around will not follow him
4. Is there a particular goal that you’d like accomplish this year?
wouldnt hurt if I lost 20 lbs
5. What do you miss most from your youth?
oh lots of things but then again I love my family and would never change anything
6. What is your best physical feature?
my best physical feature is my hair I have long dark black hair and everyone comments on it
7. Are you very confident?
to a point but not to extreme
8. Tell us about the last time you were drunk.
that was over 20+ years ago and only remember being sick
9. Have you ever cheated on a lover?
for more saturday 9 go here

I truely love this song and feel the words each time we sing them. Our God is great enough to take care of us through all of our needs.
For more sings my soul post please visit signs, miracles and wonders
giveaway snorgtee
Do you like the tees with the funny sayings on them? I do and some of the tees at snorgtees really make me laught. There are several that I would love to pick up there. There is one that has vertical writing that says you look funny when you do that with your head. Hysterical, love it and now can win it. The funky monkey is hosting a giveaway sponsored by snorgtees wear a lucky winner can win a tee of thier choice.
giveaway: nana star n moon man books and toys
Have you ever heard of the moon man? Well I had heard of the man in the moon but that is not what we are talking about here. We are talking about a series of books where the character is a moon man. This series of books seems very interactive for your childs imagination. Why not get into a book. When we say interactive any more it often applys to electronics, but that is not what we are talking about here. We are actually talking about old fashioned imagination skills through reading a book. Riding with no hands blog is hosting a giveaway for nana star who is offering the winner 2 books, a doll and a lovey.
giveaway: monkey toes shoes
Shoes, shoes, shoes, I have not won a pair yet but I am keeping my fingers crossed. Monkey Toes shoes are so cute. They have so many cute styles and can be a conversation piece as well as keep your childs feet warm. These are great. Head over to Frugal Mommy of 2 girls to read a great review on these shoes and then enter their giveaway. Monkey Toes is sponsoring a giveaway for a pair of shoes pink lovebug shoes they are so cute. Would be perfect for my granddaughter.
giveaway: bella braclet
love jewlry? head over to the blog Simply Stacie and enter to win a bella braclet. or a Lauren Nicole necklace also enter to win the twilight pendant from Christy's etsy shop.
The funky monkey is getting into the act with a jewlry giveaway of thier own. The Funky Monkey is holding a giveaway for pink freshwater pearl necklace from pearl paradise.
The funky monkey is getting into the act with a jewlry giveaway of thier own. The Funky Monkey is holding a giveaway for pink freshwater pearl necklace from pearl paradise.
giveaway: snack food item
One of my families all time snacks is popcorn. We love popcorn. My husband recieved a pop corn tin for christmas but guess what he was not the only one that enjoyed it. We hold no reservation for popcorn and will eat all flavors. Momma Findings is hosting a giveaway for naked popcorn seasoning from kernel seasons for a basket of several different kinds of seasoning.
Mom TIme 09 giveaways to look great
Today several of the items offered In Mom Time 09 giveaway are to help you look great as well as feel great
Go Graham Go: Glow Momma Sampler Pack since my daughter is wanting to have another baby I would love for her to try this product
Jolly Mom: Rosy Glow Beauty which will help you look good and when you look good you feel good
Jolly Mom and Go Graham Go offer spinlash which will give my girls what they want fuller lushful eyelashes
Go Graham Go: Glow Momma Sampler Pack since my daughter is wanting to have another baby I would love for her to try this product
Jolly Mom: Rosy Glow Beauty which will help you look good and when you look good you feel good
Jolly Mom and Go Graham Go offer spinlash which will give my girls what they want fuller lushful eyelashes
giveaway: for your feet
I am a diabetic as some of you may know so my feet are always important to me. I love to go barefoot but must always worry about getting my feet cut up so most of the time you will find some sort of shoe on my foot. Winter is awful on my skin and I know I am not alone perhaps your skin is bad in the winter as well? Grammy Janets is offering a giveaway sponsored by The body shop for a foot care kit.
giveaway: music for little ones
Have your heard of the milkshake music? One my age would think of the music that was heard in the old milkshakes of my parents generation. One my nephews age would know it is some great sounding music configured to thier age group. Milkshake has great lyrics and a parent does not need to worry about what their child is listening to. Infact a parent can rest assure through this music they may just learn something. Grammy Janet in all her wisdom as a grammy wrote a review on milkshake and you should go read it. While there sign up for the giveaway she is hosting supported by milkshake for a dvd.
giveaway: money to shop on
Once again I have found a giveaway for a gift certificate. This time for something that I love. Toys for the grandchild. You know she loves to play with toys and I love to watch her play. It just reminds me what God has done. Grammy Janet's Place is hosting a giveaway sponsored by Good for Kids for a $30 certificate. Believe me the prices are great on this site and $30 will go a long way.
Friday, January 30, 2009
giveaway: sylvan
In life we need to give our children as much of a headstart as we can. This includes education, whether homeschool or school we need to be sure they learn all they can. Sylvan has always been able to help us succeed with this. Brimful Curiosities is hosting a giveaway sponsored by sylvan for a workbook.
giveaway: fireproof DVD
Have you seen the new movie fireproof? I have not seen this movie but is going on in several churches in this area. I am glad that a movie such as this is getting such great reviews. My son in love is a firefighter and a God fearing man as well. If you have not seen this movie it is worth watching. 5 minute for mom is offering the fireproof DVD in a giveaway on thier blog.
Want a DVD for the little ones as well? The blog An Island Life is holding a giveaway for the dvd Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! A Little Help From My Friends.
Want a DVD for the little ones as well? The blog An Island Life is holding a giveaway for the dvd Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! A Little Help From My Friends.
giveaway: help with communicating
Have you ever had trouble with expressing your thoughts? What do you think about the little ones that can not talk to share thier thought, feelings or emotions. I have a son who has a speech problem and at one time was severe in fact at one time as his parent I could not always understand him. When he was younger the words he was not to say came out clearer than those that he could not say to express himself or even answer a simple question. Now I have a nephew with this same speech problem and I feel for him and for all the young children or adults that can not express themselves. Now there is a new useful tool that is on the market to help those who can not express theirselves. This tool goes by the name feeleez. Feeleez is a game to help everyone express thier feelings. 5 minute for mom special needs is hosting a giveaway sponsored by feeleez.
giveaway: little miss clips
Just the other day my daughter was commenting on how our granddaughter was going to need a haircut. It seems that she did not inherit the going bald right after birth. She kept all of her hair and it is growing. Now it is getting in her eyes but not long enough to put up. She needs little hair clips but since she would not keep the little hair piece in her hair we are not for sure what she will do. 5 minute for mom is holding a giveaway for little miss clips and if we are lucky enough to win we may just get some more.
giveaway: movie and plush toy
I love a great movie night, don't you? I have always loved movies and to watch them with someone I love. Have you seen the new movie Space buddy? I think it looks like a great family movie and one that would make for a great family night. Right now 5 minute for mom giveaway is holding a giveaway for the air buddy movie and 3 plush toys.
friday 5
Friday 5
1) How would you define beauty?
I love the new show they have out where all the beautiful people think they are vying for a place in peoples beautiful people. Now I think beauty is on the inside and we should take time to find out how beyond the looks if someone is beautiful.
2) What is the best quality a person can have?
Caring and being able to show it. Someone who can truely care about another is a fine person in my book.
3) What is the worse quality a person can have?
The ability to keep a straight face and lie to a person without feeling any guilt.
4) What makes up your perfect match?
Perfect match once again must dwell within the ability to truely care. To share with each other thier thoughts and feelings and also be able to listen even when it does not feel great.
5) Have you met this person yet?
Yes been married to my best friend for 22 years
for more friday 5 head over here
1) How would you define beauty?
I love the new show they have out where all the beautiful people think they are vying for a place in peoples beautiful people. Now I think beauty is on the inside and we should take time to find out how beyond the looks if someone is beautiful.
2) What is the best quality a person can have?
Caring and being able to show it. Someone who can truely care about another is a fine person in my book.
3) What is the worse quality a person can have?
The ability to keep a straight face and lie to a person without feeling any guilt.
4) What makes up your perfect match?
Perfect match once again must dwell within the ability to truely care. To share with each other thier thoughts and feelings and also be able to listen even when it does not feel great.
5) Have you met this person yet?
Yes been married to my best friend for 22 years
for more friday 5 head over here
Slow cooking thursday Busy Day Beef Stew

I am not sure where I picked up this great recipe but if it is you thank you for sharing
Busy Day Beef Stew
2 lb roast meat 8 c water
1 onion soup mix 2 c peel potato
2 t brown sugar 8 carrots, sliced
1 t salt 1 c frozen peas
1 t pepper 1 c frozen corn
5 T cornstarch 6 T water
Place the meat in pot and sprinkle soup mix over all Brown Season. Pour water over top Cook low for 8 hours. Remove roast Stand for 5 minutes. Add vegies to pot Cube meat return to pot Cover Cook low another 2 hours. cornstarch and water Stir into stew cover Cook high 45 min.
want more great slow cooking thursday post and recipes check Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
giveaway: Geezees custom
There are times in your life that you want to capture forever. Times like your child being born, your marriage, graduations, life events that are special to you. We often take pictures of these events but these pictures are often placed inside of photobooks and at the most are placed in frames and hanged on the wall. What if we could take these special moments and make a piece of art from them? Geezees custom canvas does exactly that by taking your special photos and painting them onto large canvas creating art. Everything up close is hosting a giveaway sponsored by Geezees for a custom canvas of the winners choice.
Aloha Friday

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
Todays question is what are you spending time doing during the winter time?
I have been playing cards, games with kids, spending time with kids, baking and ofcourse computer
for more aloha friday visit an island life.

Breakfast: What is the longest you have gone without sleep?
Well I was a nurses aide with varying shifts along with being a mommy so there were many days/nights for years that I went with little to no sleep. I believe totally not napping or anything probably 3 days and then I got a couple of hours of sleep
If you don't live alone, do you think you would be able to, and if you do live alone, do you enjoy it? Why?
I do not live alone since I have 6 children, my sister and my husband and a dog who live in this house I have never lived alone and I am rarely alone I do not ever desire to live alone I think that would be very lonely.
Would you rather give a public speech or bungee jump?
I would rather give a public speech although do not like talking in front of lots of people I have had to do it a few times so I know it is possible. However, bungee jumping would never be for me.
Midnight Snack
Have you ever rode on a train?
no but think that it may be a great experience
Recipe for the Week
(instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for this week?)
Live life to its fullest as if it is your last day.
Want to play go to Beacon Of Hope.
Friday Fill In
Friday Fill in is a meme found here so that you can fill in your own.
I'd really like _____ right now. (be sleeping)
2. _____ is the word you'd most often hear me say if I stubbed my toe. (dern)
3. Possession is _____. (holding onto something)
4. _____ Captain Jack Sparrow. (Sir)
5. Marshmallows and fire go together like _____. (hotdogs and skillet)
6. _____ on and on. (life goes)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____! (sleep, time with kids, party)
I'd really like _____ right now. (be sleeping)
2. _____ is the word you'd most often hear me say if I stubbed my toe. (dern)
3. Possession is _____. (holding onto something)
4. _____ Captain Jack Sparrow. (Sir)
5. Marshmallows and fire go together like _____. (hotdogs and skillet)
6. _____ on and on. (life goes)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____! (sleep, time with kids, party)
more giveaway mom time in 09
Once again Go Graham Go and Jolly mom have found some great sponsors to offer giveaways. Here are todays giveaways:
Jessica Steele apron @ Go Graham Go these are so cute and I guess would be useful as well but I would be scared of getting mine dirty
layer clothing dress @ Jolly mom these would be nice and since I need to dress up occasionally would love to win one
ltdchix tshirt @ Go Graham Go these have really cute sayings you need to check them out
box o box care package @ Jolly mom these are cute and would be nice to send someone you love
Jessica Steele apron @ Go Graham Go these are so cute and I guess would be useful as well but I would be scared of getting mine dirty
layer clothing dress @ Jolly mom these would be nice and since I need to dress up occasionally would love to win one
ltdchix tshirt @ Go Graham Go these have really cute sayings you need to check them out
box o box care package @ Jolly mom these are cute and would be nice to send someone you love
giveaway: help for parents who need sleep
I have had 6 children and only 1 slept through the night at an early age. When the middle child did this I literally took a mirror to see if she was still breathing because she scared me. Now my granddaughter does not even sleep like my babies did. I always enjoyed when my children would take a nap during the day time. They would sleep for around 2 to 3 hours in the afternoon allowing me to do whatever i needed to do. Katelynn only cat naps for about 30 minutes at a time. However she is getting better sleeping at night. The book 52 Sleep Secrets for Babies gives some great tips for parents when it comes to putting your little one to sleep. Written by a lady coined as the sleep lady. Mudpies and MaryJanes are hosting a giveaway for this book so hurry over and sign up if you or someone you know needs some more sleep.
giveaway : etsy shop rhodworks
I love these etsy shops some of them have such great products. I also love little tees and onesies that have sayings. SO when I found 2 of my loves on ond sight I was in heaven. Rhodworks is an etsy shop that has some really cute items. The onesies and tees with sayings can be no cuter I could spend all day reading them. I sometimes wonder where they come up with them. STL Mommy is hosting a giveaway sponsored by rhodworks who is offereing the winner a tee or onesie of their choice.
Super Nachos
Super nachos is one of our all time snacking recipes and will be included in the super bowl menu
Super Nachos
2 lb hamburger, browned
doritos or nacho chips
shredded cheese
Place doritos on bottom top with hamburger and pour cheese over all. Bake in 400 degree oven til all melts and is hot
we will be having a great time while inviting others over to share with us. We will include nachos, cheese sticks, hot wings, and pizza. I have no idea what everyone else will bring but that is what we will be making
Super Nachos
2 lb hamburger, browned
doritos or nacho chips
shredded cheese
Place doritos on bottom top with hamburger and pour cheese over all. Bake in 400 degree oven til all melts and is hot
we will be having a great time while inviting others over to share with us. We will include nachos, cheese sticks, hot wings, and pizza. I have no idea what everyone else will bring but that is what we will be making
giveaway: inaginabox
We have a birthday in our family coming up super quick. The birthday is for my daughter who will be 18 years old. The imaginabox is a great where you can select items that go inside the box. What a great idea you actually get to pick the objects that go inside your box and then can have it sent directly to that special individual. Frugal mommy of 2 girls is hosting a giveaway sponsored by imaginabox. The items inside this box include a homeward bound dvd, spongebob book, and colored pencils. So you can share a special time with your little one coloring while watching a video.
frugal friday:
Today on frugal friday I want to share some of my favorite yet inexpensive and quick meals.
One of my favorite things to do is to take a whole chicken and boil it off the bones so that i have plenty of meat to work with. With that I can make many different meals. I can make cheesey pasta chicken casserole, chicken stuffing casserole, and chicken dumplings to name just a few.
Hamburger is another meat that I love to use. Walmart is the lowest place in my area to purchase hamburger unless a great sale is going on. But still even for my family of 8 a lb or 2 of hamburger can go quite a ways.
Peanut butter is yet another great staple in my cupboard that I keep. PB can go a long ways as you can imagine this frugal mommy can push it to a point of no come back. Peanut butter sandwiches, pb cookies, pb no bake cookies to name just a few.
I am listing a few of my favorite recipes so that you can add them to your list of quick easy frugal meals to make.
Mini Meatloaf
2 lb hamburger 1 c salsa
4 slices of toast 8 slices bacon
4 eggs
2 t garlic
Mix all but the bacon. Place mix in muffin cups. Top with bacon and bake 350 degrees for 30 minutes
Apple Chicken
cooked chicken meat
onion, sliced
4 apples, sliced
1 c syrup
2/3 c italian dressing
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Warm chicken in skillet. Place onion slices on top chicken. Place onions around chicken Mix last 2 and pour over top. Bake til your doneness
for more frugal fridays head over to biblical womanhood
One of my favorite things to do is to take a whole chicken and boil it off the bones so that i have plenty of meat to work with. With that I can make many different meals. I can make cheesey pasta chicken casserole, chicken stuffing casserole, and chicken dumplings to name just a few.
Hamburger is another meat that I love to use. Walmart is the lowest place in my area to purchase hamburger unless a great sale is going on. But still even for my family of 8 a lb or 2 of hamburger can go quite a ways.
Peanut butter is yet another great staple in my cupboard that I keep. PB can go a long ways as you can imagine this frugal mommy can push it to a point of no come back. Peanut butter sandwiches, pb cookies, pb no bake cookies to name just a few.
I am listing a few of my favorite recipes so that you can add them to your list of quick easy frugal meals to make.
Mini Meatloaf
2 lb hamburger 1 c salsa
4 slices of toast 8 slices bacon
4 eggs
2 t garlic
Mix all but the bacon. Place mix in muffin cups. Top with bacon and bake 350 degrees for 30 minutes
Apple Chicken
cooked chicken meat
onion, sliced
4 apples, sliced
1 c syrup
2/3 c italian dressing
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Warm chicken in skillet. Place onion slices on top chicken. Place onions around chicken Mix last 2 and pour over top. Bake til your doneness
for more frugal fridays head over to biblical womanhood
Thursday, January 29, 2009
giveaway: spa baby
One of the best times that I had ever had with my little one is bath time. Bath time involved one on one time as well as touching. Now my daughter with my granddaughter share this love of bath time. The one thing that I could never figure out is why do you have your little one lay down in the tub? We do not lay down in a tub to take a bath why should we make our babies. Now the spa baby comes along and it is made where the little one sits up in a secure atmosphere. It seems that europeans had been giving their wee ones baths this way for many years. Want to try the spa baby out for free well try and win one. The blog Two of a kind working on a full house wrote a great review of the baby spa and are also hosting a giveaway sponsored by the spa baby.
Mom Fuse valentine giveaway day 10
Great prizes once again are to be found at Mom Fuse. Mom fuse has had a great stretch of giveaways for 10 days now. Todays sponsors are bohtieque etsy shop and CD Baby. The bohtieque shop is offering address labels and the CD Baby is offering tell me a story cd collection. These are both great giveaways so head over to Mom Fuse and check them out.
Several giveaways can be found at the blog Aunt Pams Closet
1. Bonita Botanical
2.Thats Caring gift set
Everything Up Close Blog also has a few great giveaways
1. Bonita Botanical
2.Thats Caring gift set
Everything Up Close Blog also has a few great giveaways
A meme over at 3x thursday asked us:
List the 3 most important things in your life, and why they are important to you.
(1) One of the most important days to me happened January 3, 1987. Yes I was only 16 years old but it was the day I would get married. I was so very very happy. This day would be the day that I would come to live with the man that I loved and still love, 22 years later I am still married to that man. Through this marriage I have learned many skills and faced many challenges. That is why this day is one of the most important days of my life.
(2) Second best day actually happened on more than one days. I would consider the birth of my children the also a great day or days in my life. These babies as they once were are very special in thier own right first of all because they helped me as much as I helped and raised them. They helped me to learn patience and life skills and how to adapt while I raised them. With a large family there was never no telling what was going to happen.
(3)Third choice may be the day I graduated with an associates degree from college. This would of made my father very happy. It started to challenge me and taught me more of how to deal with my children. Now as they get ready to start college I know what to expect and how to prepare them with self esteem and knowledge of the world out there.
While there were several other great days I chose these to blog about today. Keeping checking back and learn more about me.
List the 3 most important things in your life, and why they are important to you.
(1) One of the most important days to me happened January 3, 1987. Yes I was only 16 years old but it was the day I would get married. I was so very very happy. This day would be the day that I would come to live with the man that I loved and still love, 22 years later I am still married to that man. Through this marriage I have learned many skills and faced many challenges. That is why this day is one of the most important days of my life.
(2) Second best day actually happened on more than one days. I would consider the birth of my children the also a great day or days in my life. These babies as they once were are very special in thier own right first of all because they helped me as much as I helped and raised them. They helped me to learn patience and life skills and how to adapt while I raised them. With a large family there was never no telling what was going to happen.
(3)Third choice may be the day I graduated with an associates degree from college. This would of made my father very happy. It started to challenge me and taught me more of how to deal with my children. Now as they get ready to start college I know what to expect and how to prepare them with self esteem and knowledge of the world out there.
While there were several other great days I chose these to blog about today. Keeping checking back and learn more about me.
Mom TIme 09 Giveaways
Mom time 09 reviews, posts and giveaways at both GO Graham Go! and Jolly Mom are terrific. I love them bunches and here are todays giveaways
Go Graham Go = Whats a dame to do Game a great game that looks like lots of fun
Jolly Mom = Mrs. Oops a first aid kit for your personals if you will
Jolly Mom = roll on go from lafbrand
Go Graham Go = handy hold all from simply sarah shaw finally a place to keep all your wanted items
Go Graham Go = Whats a dame to do Game a great game that looks like lots of fun
Jolly Mom = Mrs. Oops a first aid kit for your personals if you will
Jolly Mom = roll on go from lafbrand
Go Graham Go = handy hold all from simply sarah shaw finally a place to keep all your wanted items
giveaway: DVD fireproof
I love the great new video fireproof. This is a great film for the family and for couples. My son in law is a firefighter and there is alot that my daughter had to learn about when they were married. Firefighting is in thier blood and becomes a part of them. Their lifestyle is alot different than others but they love it. The bond that they form with others is great. Wan to win a copy of the fireproof DVD head over to the blog My Reason to blog.
giveaway: shoes
I love shoes and the little ones need shoes too. There are so many cute brands of shoes out there and one of these is pedoodles. I even love the name it seems to just roll off the tongue. Feisty, frugal and fabulous reviewed the pedoodle shoes and wrote a great post for all to read on their blog. In addition to this great article they are hosting a giveaway for a pair of shoes sponsored by pedoodle shoes. So head over to the Feisty, frugal and fabulous blog and read the review post, enter the giveaway and then follow the pedoodle link which will also give you some great information about shoes and little feet.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
giveaway: pearls and flowers
With prom season coming as well as graduations I am thinking that either of these would be great to win. I think that they are both great and the fun thing is I could be lucky enough to win. The Feels like home blog is hosting 2 great giveaways (1) flowers from flora 2000 and (2) pearls from pearl paradise.
giveaway: baby bottles
Do you worry about what the world holds for your little one? Want to make all as safe as can be for your baby. Pure and little that makes bph and lead free bottles are sponsoring a giveaway on the frugal mommy of 2 girls blog. Head over there and read the review that frugal mommy of 2 girls wrote up and then enter the giveaway.
giveaway: baby rock tee
Life in house blue holding giveaway for a baby rock apparel tee.
Peanut Butter and Pickle reviews is hosting giveaway for a book by David Michael Slater.
Blessings Abound is hosting a giveaway from etsy shop yum yum bubble gum for a mothersjoy necklace.
Mom Saves Money holding giveaway for $10 chilli gift card.
Mom Buzz hosting giveaway for flip and tumble bag and sponsored by stubby pencil studio.
The Soothie Ranch hosting giveaway for muscle rub from organically hatched.
Momma Findings holding giveaway for emergent c for kids.
Sage and Savvy hosting giveaway for a juicer from 877myjuicer. hosting giveaway for a handbag sponsored by Handbag Cale & Co and a support bra sponsored by Graccies Gear and Training.
Peanut Butter and Pickle reviews is hosting giveaway for a book by David Michael Slater.
Blessings Abound is hosting a giveaway from etsy shop yum yum bubble gum for a mothersjoy necklace.
Mom Saves Money holding giveaway for $10 chilli gift card.
Mom Buzz hosting giveaway for flip and tumble bag and sponsored by stubby pencil studio.
The Soothie Ranch hosting giveaway for muscle rub from organically hatched.
Momma Findings holding giveaway for emergent c for kids.
Sage and Savvy hosting giveaway for a juicer from 877myjuicer. hosting giveaway for a handbag sponsored by Handbag Cale & Co and a support bra sponsored by Graccies Gear and Training.
Toy recall link.
I recieved an email requesting that I share with you the latest toy recalls. Since this was a request from parents magazine I am super happy to do this. Here is the link to thier site so that you can update yourselves about what is going on in this big world of ours. Toy recalls I feel are very important because without them we would not always be aware of what may be dangerous for our children. Here is the link
valentine giveaway
Bella Casa News is holding a great valentine giveaway and here is what is included
apron from danica
red non stick spatula
cinamon jelly hearts (I love these really really do)
chocolate heart lollipop (this I would give to my sweetheart.
apron from danica
red non stick spatula
cinamon jelly hearts (I love these really really do)
chocolate heart lollipop (this I would give to my sweetheart.
talented tuesday

This little girl sporting her daddys golf cap talents include capturing the entire rooms attention and holding the spotlight. In addition talents learned this week are learning how to sit up byself and eating green beans. I remember first feeding her momma. Her momma is such a good mom sometimes I think I was not as good with my first one because I had noone to learn from but my grandbabies momma is well suited for the job and so is this little talented momma.

for more talented teusday post head over to the two of a kind working on a full house blog
giveaway: 2 things baby will love
The Two of a kind working on a full house blog is hosting giveaway for a lovie and pillow for your little one. Two blue peas is the company that makes lovely things for your little one and deserves to be looked at. The lovie and pillowwould be great gifts for your little one because they are so soft and adorable as well. They have many different animals to choose from and our choice would be the pink giraffe. A second giveaway for baby is also being hosted by the two of a kind working on a full house blog for a set of burpcloths. The burpcloths are darling and are sponsored by the company mothers boutique. Yet another giveaway at the two of a kind working on a full house blog would be the set of 3 sippy cups from safe sippy.
Recipe Lasagna Soup

This next month because it is such a winter month I decided to nominat one night a week to be a soup night and one of the first will be this recipe.
Lasagna Soup
lb hamburger 2 can diced tomatoes
onion, chopped 2 t italian seasoning
pepper, chopped 2 c noodles
1 T brown sugar 2 c shred cheese
32 oz. chicken broth 15 oz. tomato sauce
Brown the first 3. Drain. Stir in sugar, broth, tomato, sauce, season. Boil. Reduce and simmer 20 minutes. Add noodles and boil til tender. Sprinkle cheese inside of bowls.
If you have any great soup recipes would love to hear about them.
For more homemaker mondays head over to 11th heaven homemaking haven also check out whats for dinner at thrifty and chic mom
giveaway ; boon animal bag
My daughter was just stating how many toys Katelynn had started to get and that she was going to have to get her something to keep everything in . Well she does not know that the fun has just began. Katelynn is only 5 months old and yes by the way she is sitting up by herself. Anyways she is only 5 months old and as she grows will get more and bigger toys. Frugal mommy of 2 girls are hosting a giveaway for a boon animal bag that could help my daughter stay organized.
giveaway: boogie wipes and a tee
Feisty, frugal and fabulous is hosting giveaway for boogie wipes and a tee for the lucky boogie wiper which is normally mom. Colds are coming and drippy noses will abound so why not enter to win. A second great giveaway going on at feisty, frugal and fabulous is for a cart stopper and with the ice and cold weather we are having I think it would be a great object to have.
Heads or Tails
THIS week's theme/prompt is: HEADS - "Loud"Make any kind of post using "Loud" as your prompt. You can either use the word itself or post about something that IS loud.
When I was in highschool I played the clarinet in the band. While in highschool we had our own sort of group we were the band kids. Back then the bandkids were not geeks just a group of kids that spent alot of time together and knew each other better than the other students. Now that we are adults several of us are getting on facebook and guess whos remembering who. The bandkids are once again reforming. Ironic is it not? Well the reason I bring the band up on this day is because of the noise that we would make not only the band room was held by the gym but the talking itself would get so loud that often we would have to be yelled at settle down by the instructor. That is my answer and post for heads this week Allready know what tails wil be next week.
For more heads or tails check it out here.
When I was in highschool I played the clarinet in the band. While in highschool we had our own sort of group we were the band kids. Back then the bandkids were not geeks just a group of kids that spent alot of time together and knew each other better than the other students. Now that we are adults several of us are getting on facebook and guess whos remembering who. The bandkids are once again reforming. Ironic is it not? Well the reason I bring the band up on this day is because of the noise that we would make not only the band room was held by the gym but the talking itself would get so loud that often we would have to be yelled at settle down by the instructor. That is my answer and post for heads this week Allready know what tails wil be next week.
For more heads or tails check it out here.
thats my answer meme
Feeling challenged again but not a whole lot the question of the day is found here. The question is What do you set your thermostat at? Do you change the temperture at bedtime?
Well we keep the temp a bit warmer because it is an old house so we keep it on cold days at 72 degrees but on warm days keep it off as much as possible. Yes we turn it up I have always worried about kids getting cold and will often still check on them even as old as they are.
Well we keep the temp a bit warmer because it is an old house so we keep it on cold days at 72 degrees but on warm days keep it off as much as possible. Yes we turn it up I have always worried about kids getting cold and will often still check on them even as old as they are.
A new mem
I just found another new meme and though it was good enough to share Sleeping with bread is what the author and blog owner called a christian effort to look at both the negative and positive aspect of life.
Well the major event going on in my life is the weather. It is both cold outside with both snow and ice so while it is not good to be out in or to drive in. I am warm and toasty in my house and love to look at the snow through the window.
Recieved a phone call from my daughter and a message from my son in love on facebook that he is worried about being layed off. While this would not be good as they have a young child this may be exactly what my daughter needs to force her to go back to school. In fact I think they both need to go back to school. God will take care of them I know and only the heavenly father knows what will happen with them.
God bless all and if you want to read more of sleeping with bread go here
Well the major event going on in my life is the weather. It is both cold outside with both snow and ice so while it is not good to be out in or to drive in. I am warm and toasty in my house and love to look at the snow through the window.
Recieved a phone call from my daughter and a message from my son in love on facebook that he is worried about being layed off. While this would not be good as they have a young child this may be exactly what my daughter needs to force her to go back to school. In fact I think they both need to go back to school. God will take care of them I know and only the heavenly father knows what will happen with them.
God bless all and if you want to read more of sleeping with bread go here
giveaway: money to shop on
The Everything up close is hosting a giveaway sponsored by Mountains of the Moon eco friendly clothing who is offering a $50 gift certificate. That means the lucky winner can buy whatever they would want. I can use that money to shop on they have many nice items that are available and I would love to ust spend the day shopping. Since it is on someone elses money would be even nicer LOL
Manic Monday Questions and answers
What gives you hope?
I reckon I say that I get hope from the Lord but also from the way I was raised. I was raised with an I can sort of attitude where no matter what I could do it no obstacle stood in my way and yes I could figure it out.
How often do you get your haircut?
haircuts do not come often here last year I cut it myself and it needs cut again but I can go months and months no hair cut
Describe your worst haircut.
Probably when I got married I could not get her to cut my hair the way I wanted it cut and she just kept cutting turned out really really short
What's your most treasured piece of jewelry? Why?
Can be answered together its my grandmothers necklace you guess why
want more manic monday? Head over to here
I reckon I say that I get hope from the Lord but also from the way I was raised. I was raised with an I can sort of attitude where no matter what I could do it no obstacle stood in my way and yes I could figure it out.
How often do you get your haircut?
haircuts do not come often here last year I cut it myself and it needs cut again but I can go months and months no hair cut
Describe your worst haircut.
Probably when I got married I could not get her to cut my hair the way I wanted it cut and she just kept cutting turned out really really short
What's your most treasured piece of jewelry? Why?
Can be answered together its my grandmothers necklace you guess why
want more manic monday? Head over to here
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
giveaway: earthlust bottle
the mom buzz is holding a giveaway for one earthlust bottle hosted by earthlust also check out another giveaway being offered for the goody green bag
giveaway: polka dots for the walls
Do you like to decorate? Would you love to know a secret that may make it easier? Check out the murals etc.. located at the creative individual. The soothie ranch is hosting a giveaway for wall polka dots sponsored by the creative individual. Just think of the possiblities you can do with these.
giveaway: readeeze dvd
You have to check out this great readeeze dvd it looks like so much fun. It even caught my husbands attention I can just invision my granddaughter and her mommy singing these songs and watching this video. Head over to Does mommy love it for a giveaway sponsored by readeeze for a free dvd.
free diet dr pepper and a giveaway
Recently visited stretching a buck and saw that Dr. Pepper was being offered as a freebe go here to check it out. To go with that snack why not check out the giveaway for little debbies. Would your rather have a starbucks with your lil cake? Then head over to Mom Saves Money for a giveaway spotlighting $5 for starbucks.
tribute teusday

This is my husband Roy. He is the love of my life and my best friend. We have been married for 22 years and I love him so much. We have been through rough times, great times, sad times, and happy times. We have each burried one of our parents and been there to comfort each other, we have seen our children born and sick and been there to support each other. We have been there when we could cook feast and times when there was only enough food for the kids to eat. We have been through times where we owned our own business without a worry in sight and then saw that business quickly taken away from us. But through it all the thing was we were together and he raised me up when I needed it and some days that were so gray that I had no idea what to do. He was there when my father passed, when my grandparents passed and I did not know how or if I wanted to go on. He was there when our oldest daughter graduated from highschool and knew that we had suceeded as teenage parents and he was there when our daughter was married off which was a great day but a sad day as we knew things were changing. He was there to comfort me recently when our little granddaugther was born and I was scared for both her and our daughter. Oh I reckon I love this man just for being there.
This tribute teusday celebrates the man I love. For more tribute teusday check out Waynes Window into the world.
momfuse valentine give day 8
I am so upset at myself for not remembering to visit mom fuse everyday. But today i sure did and they have something that I need. The needed item is the daters manual titled daters ed. With 6 children, 3 boys and 3 girls I can use all the tips I can get hold of. Here is what mom fuse is offering today;
daters ed book (needed item)
mr and mrs smith dvd (make great valentine movie)
charity gift card (great as well as we love to help charities)
daters ed book (needed item)
mr and mrs smith dvd (make great valentine movie)
charity gift card (great as well as we love to help charities)
Momtime 09 giveaway
Momtime 09 has some great giveaways, some great information and things that if you are a mom you just need to check out. Here are a few of the giveaways going on
1. Alpinestars top at Jolly mom (super chicy)
2. Green chic Bag at GO Grahams Go (really nice these are great for shopping or other errands)
3. Just be shirt at Go Grahams Go (super cute I love these and their sayings)
4. invisibelts at Jolly Mom (I really need this)
1. Alpinestars top at Jolly mom (super chicy)
2. Green chic Bag at GO Grahams Go (really nice these are great for shopping or other errands)
3. Just be shirt at Go Grahams Go (super cute I love these and their sayings)
4. invisibelts at Jolly Mom (I really need this)
my princess
For a new meme that I am taking part in A Walk Down Memory Lane I wanted to share you our not so long ago memory. This is one that the doctors and people in know said would not happen but God knew better. This little girl is my princess and my granddaughter. She is very very special to me. I love her lots. My daughter and her husband were told that they could not have a baby. You see my daughter has sisk on her ovaries and thus made her to where she would not be able to have a bayb. Well let me tell you what they prayed and felt like God said take a break let me deal with it. So they started to save money for adoption or surgical process. Well guess what about 2 months later she found out she was pregnant and on September 2, 2008, exactly 1 week prior to my birthday on Sept 9 this little angel was born. God bless and glory to him. That is not where the story ends though. Approximately 2 months later she was diagnosed with the virus that causes meningitis. She was taken to the hospital in St. Louis and stayed a few days. When the second test was taken there was not a sign of any illness. God Blessed this baby again. Some say that the first test was wrong but I said God worked yet a second miracle in this little babies life.
want to read more memory walk Wednsday visit Lynette Kraft Blog
want to read more memory walk Wednsday visit Lynette Kraft Blog

giveaway: music cd and dvd for kids
Remember the old days of listening to records? My mother had lots of great records for us kids and I loved them all. That was retro I believe because now they have cds and dvds. Currently 1stopmom giveaways and reviews is hosting a giveaway for a musical gift set sponsopered by milkshake music. Head over and check it out.
Monday, January 26, 2009
giveaway: traveling games
I can't wait til it gets warm and we can go out and do some traveling. We own a RV and love to travel. So when I found a giveaway offering traveling games I thought it was right down my alley. The mom most traveled is hosting a giveaway for traveling games sponsored by minimus.
giveaway: elephant hat
Have you visited the etsy shop roslyns closet? Some of these etsy shops just make you fall in love with them. These products are so extra cute that I love them and can imagine our little one wearing them. Frugal mommies of 2 girls are hosting a giveaway sponsored by roslyns closet for a precious very cute elephant hat.
giveaway: italian food basket
They say the way to a mans heart is through his stomache. I say the way to my kitchen is this way. LOL> To show someone you care we often prepare food for that individual and now there is a company that sees caring is related to food as well. Thats caring is not only a company that allows you to share good food but a company that is good for the earth as well. Frugal Mommy of 2 girls is hosting a giveaway on thier blog for an Dinner Italiana With Tomato Basil Sauce Basket from That's Caring.
giveaway: baby cakes
Some really darling artwork can be seen over at a new (or atleast new to me) online shop babycakes art. They have frames, and I love the sibling silhoutte design or the name print. It seems as if they can never spell my daughter krystinas name correctly so to have a print with her name on it would be great. Check out the paper goods as well like the invitations, thank you cards, and note cards. These are nice and classy looking. Check out these great items through a giveaway hosted at babycakes blog as well.
giveaway: walgreens $10 gift card
Mom saves money is hosting a giveaway for Walgreens for $10 gift card. Wouldn't this be great to go shopping on someone elses money. I would probably buy my daughter her school logo sweatshirt for her birthday if I was lucky enough to win.
lemonade rewarded to me

The way the “When Life Gives You Lemons, make Lemonade” Award (for short, The Lemonade Award) works is:
1) You must link back to the person you received the award from.
2) You have to nominate 10 bloggers who are deserving of this award!
I love this reward because it has the same saying that my grandmother told me several years ago. This was very important at that time as I was a young mother with a housefull of children This award is very special because it is my first bloggy award and I feel very grateful for this award.
Here are 10 other blogs that I believe are just as worthy
1. Natasha @ the soothie ranch
2. St. Louis Mom
3. Mamma Snow @ catch the drift
4.Andreah @ Lifes A hoot mama @ Cozy Country Home
6. 4 little men and girly twins
7. Piera @ Jolly Mom
8. Felicia @ Go Graham Go
9. 11th Heavens Homemaking Haven
10. Peanut Butter and Pickle Reviews
I want you to know that I feel very lucky to have found these 10 blogs. Each of these ladies have helped me out in one way or another. In the bloggy world I feel these 10 meet the lemonade stand standards.
giveaway: princess castle
follow the link to read about a great contest for a castle for your little ones
giveaway: soap
Mudpies and Mary Janes are taking part in the big bloggy give. Mudpies and Mary Janes are hosting a give away hosted by Serahs cupcake soap.
Not me Monday
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week."/>
I was not a bit excited this weekend with my daughter, her husband and granddaugter here. NO NOT ME! I did not pay high attention to this little 5 month old baby that is as charming as can be and I did not hold every chance I got. NO That Was NOT ME!!! It was not me who told everyone that she was coming and ran outside in my slippers when she arrived.
That was NOT ME that just about screamed when she saw a big box and a fed ex man at her door. NO NOT ME!!!!! I was not even more excited when I found out that the box held the highchair that I won at the blog the giveaway. That was NOT ME!!!!!!!! That went through the house hollering that I had won and it had arrived.
IT was NOT ME that forgot to call the church bus last week and told the kids that we may not be able to attend church because of no vehicle. It was Not ME!!!!!!! that was excited after the church bus arrived to pick us up Sunday morning.
for more NOT ME!!!!!!! Monday postings visit my charming kids. blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I was not a bit excited this weekend with my daughter, her husband and granddaugter here. NO NOT ME! I did not pay high attention to this little 5 month old baby that is as charming as can be and I did not hold every chance I got. NO That Was NOT ME!!! It was not me who told everyone that she was coming and ran outside in my slippers when she arrived.
That was NOT ME that just about screamed when she saw a big box and a fed ex man at her door. NO NOT ME!!!!! I was not even more excited when I found out that the box held the highchair that I won at the blog the giveaway. That was NOT ME!!!!!!!! That went through the house hollering that I had won and it had arrived.
IT was NOT ME that forgot to call the church bus last week and told the kids that we may not be able to attend church because of no vehicle. It was Not ME!!!!!!! that was excited after the church bus arrived to pick us up Sunday morning.
for more NOT ME!!!!!!! Monday postings visit my charming kids.
giveaway: stroller pad and blanket
When ever we travel we always take along the stroller. When it gets cool or the son is in the babies eyes we have to pack a blanket with the stroller. Wouldnt it be nice to have a blanket that was just for the stroller? well the great folks over at tots on the go have just that very thing. Two of a kind working on a great house wrote a review and are hosting a give away sponsored by tots on the go for a great stroller pad and blanket. Now one of my first thoughts was will this work with only certian strollers. The question ended up being answered with a glorious no it works with all strollers. Yeah here we come summer trips. Want an accessory to go traveling with? Head over to my organized chaos and where a giveaway is being sponsored by Lets go strolling.
giveaway; apperman tee
I have tell you extra quickly that I won a giveaway a couple of weeks ago from the giveaway and today I recieved it. It is a great looking highquality highchair. Now i have a giveaway to tell you about. Busy mom is hosting a giveaway for an appaman tee.
giveaway: pacifier
Does your little one love pacifiers? Do you have a little one coming soon or do you know someone who will? Well pacifiers are often just what little ones need. Out of the 6 babies I only had one that would take a pacifier. But if you are searching for a great one checkout mypacifier. These pacfiers can even be personalized so no need in worrying about getting them switched up with another babies like in the daycare, church nursery, or elsewhere. Interested in winning some? Head over to feisty, frugal and fabulous read the great review, enter the giveaway sponsored by mypacifier for a set of 3.

I was trying to decide what sort of qoute I wanted to write today. Wether it be about the incoming snow or the recession that is choking our country that hits our family since my mother and brother own a little shop. When I went to look I found this one and oh how true it is I love it. I have heard it many times but never knew it had an author but I found that too.
If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right. Author: (Mary Kay Ash if you do not know who she was she was the founder of mary kay)
for more monday musings check out candy hearts and paper flowers
giveaway: boon ladybug
I love the looks of the boon lady bug for a couple of reasons. First because it is so darn cute, who doesnt love a ladybug? Second because it actually looks like it could make the mess near my bathtub into an organized fixture. Great I could actually have the shampoo and body wash in the same area. Well want to win one? Feisty, frugal and fabulous is hosting a giveaway supported by Boon for a ladybug pod.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
giveaway: nurse purse
Looking for a great baby shower gift? Well what about a nurse purse? What is a nurse purse? Well head over to Go Graham Go blog and read the great review that was wrote on nurse purse. Then sign up for the giveaway hosted by go graham go sponsored by risky beads for a nurse purse.
giveaway: organic tights
Little girls wear lots of dresses and one thing that they need are tights. Happy Green Bee create organic tights that look great and are better than other cotton tights. My organized chaos hosting a giveaway sponsored by Happy Green Bee for a pair of tights. Second giveaway at Organized Chaos to sign up for is the Petit giveaway. While looking good you might as well smell good and petit can offer you just that with an item of your choice. SO head over to organized chaos. To keep your clothes looking the best try out refreshn towels that are sponsoring a giveaway on the organized chaos blog.
giveaway: invitations
This giveaway is for your choice of paper product from expressions paperie. I would choose the football invitations because this fall will be my sons senior year and we will be involved in the senior football game. What would you use this gift certificate for? Have you got a big day coming up or do you need other items? Frugal Mommies of 2 girls is holding a giveaway sponsored by expressions paperie for a $25 gift certificate.
giveaway: boon highchair
Recieved a phone call tonight daughter said my granddaughter had sat up by herself today. Yeah!!!!!!! Another milestone passed and more to come. But you know what that means right? Well it means that she will need a highchair soon. Whats a better way to get one than to win one? Frugal Mommy of 2 girls is holding a giveaway sponsored by boon for a highchair. Yeah!!!!!!!!! A second giveaway being hosted at Frugal Mommy of 2 girls is for a tote bag with matching bib from cricket and monkey.
giveaway: silver/pearl ring
Do you love jewlry? I am the type that loves simple jewlry that leaves a large statement. One of my daughters however loves to wear large hoop earrings, rings that make statments and colorful jewlry. For jewlry is a way to express herself. Thrifty and chic mom are sponsoring a giveaway for a silver and pearl ring sponsored by Lagaz designs. In addition an earthlust bottle is being held as a giveaway on the Thrifty and chic mom.
Saturday 9: what's cooking
Saturday 9: What's Cooking?
1. Which meal is the one you cook best?
I cook lots of meals but one that they love the best is meatloaf, mashed potates, peas and dumpcake
2. Tell us what you would never eat.
chinese food to many stories
3. Is your hometown famous for anything or anybody?
yes the little drummer boy of shiloh was born there and died in the cival war. Also has a cemetary full of graves of civil war soldiers
4. Can you play a musical instrument?
yes clarinet
5. Tell us about your second ever lover.
always been the same one since age of 16
6. What is your favorite restaurant?
7. If it were your call, how often would you make love?
Several times a week husbands call would be like when we were younger several times a day
8. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
Abe lincoln or Jesus
9. Tell us about your job.
Right now I am a mom but have been a nurses aide for 13 years in the past
for more go here
1. Which meal is the one you cook best?
I cook lots of meals but one that they love the best is meatloaf, mashed potates, peas and dumpcake
2. Tell us what you would never eat.
chinese food to many stories
3. Is your hometown famous for anything or anybody?
yes the little drummer boy of shiloh was born there and died in the cival war. Also has a cemetary full of graves of civil war soldiers
4. Can you play a musical instrument?
yes clarinet
5. Tell us about your second ever lover.
always been the same one since age of 16
6. What is your favorite restaurant?
7. If it were your call, how often would you make love?
Several times a week husbands call would be like when we were younger several times a day
8. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
Abe lincoln or Jesus
9. Tell us about your job.
Right now I am a mom but have been a nurses aide for 13 years in the past
for more go here
Unconscious Mutterings
Unconscious Mutterings
see the word and write down what you think
Unwanted :: expired
You’d better :: mom
Woman :: me
Weighed :: ton
Upright :: fridge
I feel :: happy
Ill :: sick
It’s like :: same as
Poor man :: truman ransom (a neighbor man who did not have alot)
Great :: fab
for more go here
see the word and write down what you think
Unwanted :: expired
You’d better :: mom
Woman :: me
Weighed :: ton
Upright :: fridge
I feel :: happy
Ill :: sick
It’s like :: same as
Poor man :: truman ransom (a neighbor man who did not have alot)
Great :: fab
for more go here
Simply Delicious Sunday

For this week I want to post one of my favorite, easy, never fail, love to make snacks
PB Balls
1 c Peanut Butter
5 T dry milk
1 c rice krispies
4 T honey
Mix all Roll into balls. Chill
So easy and great for that quick snack or dessert
For more recipes check out Simply Delicious Sunday at 3 Sides of Crazy
PB Balls
1 c Peanut Butter
5 T dry milk
1 c rice krispies
4 T honey
Mix all Roll into balls. Chill
So easy and great for that quick snack or dessert
For more recipes check out Simply Delicious Sunday at 3 Sides of Crazy
favorite ingredient friday visit the blog Overwhelmed With Joy here
Sunday Seven meme
Name the last seven people you talked to on your cell phone.
daughter who I am talking to as I type this
my brother
my mother
my younger brother
my sister in law
my brother in law
my other brother in law
for more sunday seven go here
Name the last seven people you talked to on your cell phone.
daughter who I am talking to as I type this
my brother
my mother
my younger brother
my sister in law
my brother in law
my other brother in law
for more sunday seven go here
Sunday Stealing meme
1. If you could say anything you wanted to say to George Bush, what would you say?
How could you have messed our world up so badly. You are out of office and we still have to struggle
2. If you had to be the mother of Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan, who would you choose and why?
Britney Spears because all though she messed up and got side tracked she is stepping it back up and lifting her head up I would love to help her with this and with her children
3. You get to be Queen for a day. The kids are all taken care of, and you can spend as much money as you want. What do you do all day?
Sit, relax and eat bonbons. No probably I would garden if it was summer time and sleep if it was winter
4. Is there a song that brings tears to your eyes every time you hear it? If so, which one?
There are several that do this anymore. Just have it be about kids growing up, changing life etc... and you will see me crack. Dixie chics used to have a great song that would make me think of both my past, my dad and they way my kids have changed and then you would really see me cry
5. A fairy taps you on the shoulder and tells you that you can either have a perfect face or a perfect body for the rest of your life. Which do you choose?
I would pick the perfect body, because of arthritis and health problems this has never happened
6. If you could live any place in the world and money was no object, where would you live and why?
somewhere warm like a tropical island but not too hot
7. What is your biggest regret in life?
not continuing in college at an earlier age
8. If you could go back and visit one person in your life who is now dead, and ask one question, what would that question be and why would you ask it?
Allthough there are many people that I would love to talk to that are not here anymore like my dad, my grandparents and etc... I would probably ask my mothers mom what are here secrets were to living at times without money but living proud and where noone was aware that you were flat broke. She knew so much like recipes, budgets, etc...
9. If you had the choice to age forward (like we are now) or aging backwards (think Benjamin Buttons) which would you choose and why?
I can see the benifit of both aging events learning from mistakes but as a child individuals may not listen to what a child knows which may be very irritating.
10. What will the epitaph on your headstone say?
I hope it says loved by her 6 children and her husband of several years
for more sunday stealing meme go here
How could you have messed our world up so badly. You are out of office and we still have to struggle
2. If you had to be the mother of Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan, who would you choose and why?
Britney Spears because all though she messed up and got side tracked she is stepping it back up and lifting her head up I would love to help her with this and with her children
3. You get to be Queen for a day. The kids are all taken care of, and you can spend as much money as you want. What do you do all day?
Sit, relax and eat bonbons. No probably I would garden if it was summer time and sleep if it was winter
4. Is there a song that brings tears to your eyes every time you hear it? If so, which one?
There are several that do this anymore. Just have it be about kids growing up, changing life etc... and you will see me crack. Dixie chics used to have a great song that would make me think of both my past, my dad and they way my kids have changed and then you would really see me cry
5. A fairy taps you on the shoulder and tells you that you can either have a perfect face or a perfect body for the rest of your life. Which do you choose?
I would pick the perfect body, because of arthritis and health problems this has never happened
6. If you could live any place in the world and money was no object, where would you live and why?
somewhere warm like a tropical island but not too hot
7. What is your biggest regret in life?
not continuing in college at an earlier age
8. If you could go back and visit one person in your life who is now dead, and ask one question, what would that question be and why would you ask it?
Allthough there are many people that I would love to talk to that are not here anymore like my dad, my grandparents and etc... I would probably ask my mothers mom what are here secrets were to living at times without money but living proud and where noone was aware that you were flat broke. She knew so much like recipes, budgets, etc...
9. If you had the choice to age forward (like we are now) or aging backwards (think Benjamin Buttons) which would you choose and why?
I can see the benifit of both aging events learning from mistakes but as a child individuals may not listen to what a child knows which may be very irritating.
10. What will the epitaph on your headstone say?
I hope it says loved by her 6 children and her husband of several years
for more sunday stealing meme go here
blog of goodies giveaways
A blog of goodies have several giveaways currently going on at their site go there and check them out
1> bracelet
2. chocolate covered lollipops (12) from Hugs and Kisses
3. heart earrings from
4. heart frame from little diddle designs
5. heart tote gift bag from greenwillow crafts
1> bracelet
2. chocolate covered lollipops (12) from Hugs and Kisses
3. heart earrings from
4. heart frame from little diddle designs
5. heart tote gift bag from greenwillow crafts
giveaway: books for babies
I believe learning starts early and actualy would read to my child while still in my belly. All of my children love to read and I have to say that I think it must have something to do with me reading to them about anything and everything. Well frugal mommy of 2 girls has reviewed smart books which are developed for the younger bunch. Currently the frugal mommy of 2 girls blog is hosting a giveaway for 4 books sponsored by smart books. Head over there read the review and check the books out and then enter the giveaway.
giveaway: lighthouse labels
I could really use something to help me tell the kids clothes apart. With them all getting to be teenagers sometimes the tees begin to look alike and at times I have trouble telling them apart. Besides that they often buy thier own tees now and I am not had even seen it before it hits the washer. Anyways I may of just found the perfect product after reading a review at Mombuzz. The label lighthous has peel and stick labels to be used inside of clothes. Great the kids could do this by theirselves. NO sewing needs to be done. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Want to try them out before you buy them head over to Mombuzz where she is hosting a giveaway sponsored by Lighthouse labels for a pack of lables. While visiting mombuzz sign up for the fabric banner giveaway sponored by giggleberry creations.
giveaway: books
books, books, marvelous books, books that can take you anywhere you want to go, books that can help suceed through life. Would you want your child to be able to read about a character named after theirself within the pages of a book? Think of the imagination skills that could be built. Frecklebox creates books just like these. Feisty, frugal and fabulous is holding a giveaway sponsored by frecklebox for a choice of the winners of any book available on freckleface website.
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