Annies Home a place where I love to share tips, recipes and wonderful products that I find for our family along the way.

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Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Sand Gone Giveaway
This is a picture of my niece our little Diva. Most people would be of all the sand being brought into the house with her. All we were thinking about is allowing her to have a great time having fun. You see we had a secret, well not really a secret not if you know about Sand Gone. Sand Gone is the product created by a mom who frequented the beach often. We all know how hard it is to get the sand out of our home once it has entered our car or house. So knowing there had to be an easier way Sand Gone was invented. Sand Gone gets rid of the rough sand leaving behind smooth skin and a great slightly coconut fragrance.
While we are in fall many in my area may wonder why I am sharing a product like this now. Well, people there are places in the country (world) that are nice and warm and perfect for sitting or playing on the beach. I know many of us dream about visiting there when the weather here gets cold and some of us do.
If you plan a vacation to a warm beachy destination or live in an area where the beach is near by then you will want to try Sand Gone. If you take your children to the playground where the landing at the end of the swings or slide is created from sand then you will want sand gone as well. Any where you have the chance of getting sand on you and hate that grimy scratchy feeling and tracking into your dwelling then you will want to try Sand Gone.
Buy: You can order Sand Gone from their website
Giveaway: One of Annies Home readers will win their own package of Sand Gone.
To enter this giveaway: follow this blog and share with me why you would want some Sand Gone.
Extra Entries:
We recieved a sample of the Sand Gone product was not paid in any other way. My thoughts shared in this post are those of my own.
While we are in fall many in my area may wonder why I am sharing a product like this now. Well, people there are places in the country (world) that are nice and warm and perfect for sitting or playing on the beach. I know many of us dream about visiting there when the weather here gets cold and some of us do.
If you plan a vacation to a warm beachy destination or live in an area where the beach is near by then you will want to try Sand Gone. If you take your children to the playground where the landing at the end of the swings or slide is created from sand then you will want sand gone as well. Any where you have the chance of getting sand on you and hate that grimy scratchy feeling and tracking into your dwelling then you will want to try Sand Gone.
Buy: You can order Sand Gone from their website
Giveaway: One of Annies Home readers will win their own package of Sand Gone.
To enter this giveaway: follow this blog and share with me why you would want some Sand Gone.
Extra Entries:
- like sand gone on facebook
- follow sand gone on twitter
- like me on facebook
- follow my blog on twitter (on sidebar)
- enter any of my other giveaways and tell me which one(s) (3 entries each)
- comment on any post other than a giveaway (1 entry each)
- share this giveway on facebook or your blog
- tweet about this giveaway (1 entry per tweet unlimited)
We recieved a sample of the Sand Gone product was not paid in any other way. My thoughts shared in this post are those of my own.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Barney Movie Giveaway
Barney is an old friend that was there with my grandchildren and now is there for my grandchildren as well. He is a big purple dinosaur that offers more fun than a barrel of monkeys (or at least that is my opinion) I can remember singing the many songs with my kids. Barney has a new Christmas DVD out and right now you have a chance to win it on the blog Thanks Mail Carrier This giveaway ends November 9, 2011
Hodge Podge Wednesday
1. Of all the tools and gadgets you own, which do you most enjoy using?
it would be my kitchen tools as I enjoy cooking and baking more than I do most everything else
2. When (if ever) is impatience a virtue?
In my opinion patience is a virtue but can not think of any time when impatience would be a good thing
3. What temperature do you keep the thermostat set to in winter? Do you have another way to heat your house besides a furnace of some sort?
around 67 degrees no there is no other heat source my electric heaters and the furnace is what we use
4. Do/did you have a close relationship with any of your grandparents?
yes, all of them remember spending many great days with my grandparents
been a while back probably when the kids were rather small
6. What does the word patriotism mean to you?
be loyal to our country standing up for our country. While not all of have been called to be soldiers there are other ways to take pride in our country
7. Do you like to play cards and if so, what's your favorite card game?
Love playing cards game perhaps one of my favorites that I have not played for a while is pinochle
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I want to say a big THANK YOU to all those who have served in the military to protect our rights as U.S. citizens
it would be my kitchen tools as I enjoy cooking and baking more than I do most everything else
2. When (if ever) is impatience a virtue?
In my opinion patience is a virtue but can not think of any time when impatience would be a good thing
3. What temperature do you keep the thermostat set to in winter? Do you have another way to heat your house besides a furnace of some sort?
around 67 degrees no there is no other heat source my electric heaters and the furnace is what we use
4. Do/did you have a close relationship with any of your grandparents?
yes, all of them remember spending many great days with my grandparents
5. When did you last have a family portrait taken?
been a while back probably when the kids were rather small
6. What does the word patriotism mean to you?
be loyal to our country standing up for our country. While not all of have been called to be soldiers there are other ways to take pride in our country
7. Do you like to play cards and if so, what's your favorite card game?
Love playing cards game perhaps one of my favorites that I have not played for a while is pinochle
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I want to say a big THANK YOU to all those who have served in the military to protect our rights as U.S. citizens

Barn Chics Who Blog
- Dreaming asks: What accomplishments make you the most proud?
- Suzanne asks: When did your family first come to the country which you now live?
- Wendell asks: What's your favorite way to serve carrots?
- Do you decorate with anything that has Santa or Father Christmas when you prepare for Christmas?
- Do you prefer big dogs or small dogs? Something in between, maybe?
2. it was only a few generations ago 5 to be exact. In one family I am only the fivth generation in America
3. raw with dip
4. yes it is a major theme in our house.
5. I am scared of all dogs

Wayback Wednesday: Rembering the Season of The Sluggers

1989 was the season of the sluggers. I can remember everyone that I would talk to would have their opinion of who would beat the record. Both Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa also challenged the national imagination Eventually McGwire would beat the record hitting 70 homeruns and Sosa would follow close by hitting 66 homeruns ``This is a season I will never, ever forget,'' an emotional McGwire told a roaring hometown crowd at Busch Stadium, ``and I hope everybody in baseball never forgets.
Hoo Are you : Here's A Bit About Me

1. Do you type on a keyboard the correct way or do you peck like a cute little chick?
learned how to type in highschool and while I did not care for it there I am so glad that I learned the tips ad tricks because it does pay off with blogging
2. Typically how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
I get up about an hour before I have to leave to work that allows me breakfast, get dressed and a few moments to just relax before work
3. Do you prefer lip gloss or lipstick?
lip gloss
4. Do you take clothes to the dry cleaner or wash them yourself even if they say dry clean only?
wash them myself unless they say dry clean only
5. Do you prefer Wal Mart or Target.
WalMart because it is closer to us
Focus on Child Hunger and Share Our Strength
Looking for a way to give back this year? I have a wonderful idea fo you. Share our Strength fighting so that no kid goes hungry. Justin Beiber recently stated remembering going to a food bank for food with his mother and there have been a time or two when I have had to go to one to feed my family as well. There is no shame in looking for help, only shame in pride that allows you not to help your family by getting help.
Childhood is mean to be a happy time. But often childhood for some children is filled with worries and stress because they see their parents struggle and wonder where they will find their next meal. No child should grow up hungry. One out of five children in America is not getting the food they need to live healthy and active lives. For every $1 that is donated to Share Our Strength a child can be connected with up to 10 meals.
Share Our Strength's goal is to end childhood hunger in America. They want to work with others to put an end to Childhood hunger and their goal is to get it done by 2015. They want to get every child in America the nutritious food he or she needs to learn, grow and thrive. All donations are tax deductibe and go directly to help end child hunger in the U.S. Share Our Strenght is a non-profit organization and uses donations to help provide nutritious meals to children.
Childhood is mean to be a happy time. But often childhood for some children is filled with worries and stress because they see their parents struggle and wonder where they will find their next meal. No child should grow up hungry. One out of five children in America is not getting the food they need to live healthy and active lives. For every $1 that is donated to Share Our Strength a child can be connected with up to 10 meals.
Share Our Strength's goal is to end childhood hunger in America. They want to work with others to put an end to Childhood hunger and their goal is to get it done by 2015. They want to get every child in America the nutritious food he or she needs to learn, grow and thrive. All donations are tax deductibe and go directly to help end child hunger in the U.S. Share Our Strenght is a non-profit organization and uses donations to help provide nutritious meals to children.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Get Fit For The Holidays
We all know that there will be lots of great food around for the holidays and because of the rush there may not be a lot of time to practice being fit. There is one easy thing that we can do and it all starts with a cookie. Yes you heard that right I said a cookie An Erin baker's Breakfast Cookie that is
Erin Baker was a young girl at the age of 9 years old when she fell in love with baking and decided to make it her life's work. Her easy to serve breakfast in a cookie was inspired by her mom's healthy baking. Simple ingredients like oats, fruit and honey are staples in her kitchen and in Erin's plan to provide healthier food products including Breakfast Cookies, Homestyle Granola, Breakfast Cookie Minis and Organic Brownie Bites Every product is handcrafted and baked to order
Our Review:
I am a nurses aid that works the early shift and this means many times going without breakfast. I decided to offer the girls I work with a bit of a snack and brought the cookies to work with me. The results were mixed. Some really enjoying the cookies and others quickly passing them by. The flavors of the cookies seemed to mix well and the taste was good as well. I enjoyed the pumpkin cookie that Erin Baker's sent to me but I gave a piece to a friend of mine and her reaction and taste was not the same. I believe the taste and choice to try Erin Bakers breakfast cookies is up to you. I do recommend you try them and share with your friends to see what they think
You can find special deals on Erin Baker's Breakfast Cookies by following them on twitter
Monday, November 7, 2011
Meet Me Monday

2. Do you hit the snooze button or get right up?
3. Do you still have your tonsils?
4. What was the last piece of candy that you ate?
5. Do you shop at thrift stores?
1. excited this year is going to be a great holiday year
2. snooze button but hubby is the one that ultimately gets me up out of bed
3. yes
4. milky way
5. yes love them
Monday Music Moves Me and The Ducktales
Golden Biscuits with a Creamy Mashed Idaho® Potato Center
• 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
• 2 red bell peppers, washed, cored and diced small
• 2 cups all-purpose flour
• 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
• 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
• 1 cup heavy cream
• 1 cup grated cheddar cheese
• 1 small bunch chives, minced
• Extra flour for rolling the biscuits
Mashed Potatoes:
• 3 pounds Idaho® potatoes, washed
• 1/4 cup heavy cream
• Salt and pepper to taste
• 1 teaspoon paprika (optional)
• 1 muffin tin, standard size, either non-stick or greased
- Preheat oven to 450ºF.
- Arrange the potatoes on a baking sheet. Place the tray in the center of the oven.
- Heat a medium-size sauté pan. Add the diced peppers and cook for 2 minutes, until the liquid escapes and the peppers become slightly translucent. Set aside to cool.
- Prepare the biscuits: In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder and salt. Add the cream and mix the dough by hand. Once the cream has integrated with the flour, add the cheese, chives and peppers and "knead" them in. Place some extra flour on a clean, flat surface. (Note: If using the pre-made biscuit dough, simply knead in the grated cheese and proceed with the recipe from this point.) Turn the dough out from the bowl onto the flour. Flatten it until it is no more than half an inch in thickness. Cut it in half and place the two halves on a baking sheet. Refrigerate.
- When the potatoes are tender when pierced with the tip of a knife, remove them from the oven. Lower the oven temperature to 375ºF. Split the Idaho potatoes in half and use a spoon to "scoop" out the flesh in the center. Transfer to a bowl. Discard the skins. Whisk in the heavy cream and season with salt and pepper to taste. Add paprika, if desired, to make it slightly spicy. Refrigerate.
- Cut the biscuit dough into large rounds. Each piece should be big enough to cover the bottom and sides of the muffin mold. Gently press the dough into the bottom and line the sides. Fill the center with the cooled potato mix. Cut a smaller round for the "top" and place it on top of the mashed potatoes. Twist the edges so the top conceals the delicious "mashed" center. Alternatively, bake them without tops.
- Place the tray in the center of the oven and bake until light-golden brown, 10-12 minutes. Allow to cool slightly before removing them from the tin. Enjoy!
shared at

Peanut Butter Toffee Turtle Cookies
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup DOMINO Granulated Sugar
1/2 cup firmly packed DOMINO Light Brown Sugar
2/3 cup creamy peanut butter
1 large egg
2 cups BISQUICK Original All-Purpose Baking Mix
2/3 cup almond toffee bits
2/3 cup coarsely chopped USA PEANUTS
2/3 cup NESTLE TOLL HOUSE Milk Chocolate Morsels
10 ounce vanilla caramels
2 to 3 tablespoons whipping cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2/3 cup NESTLE TOLL HOUSE Milk Chocolate Morsels, melted
TIP: The chocolate drizzle on the cookies will harden as it cools
Preheat oven to 350°. Beat first 4 ingredients at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy. Add egg, beating until blended. Add baking mix, beating at low speed just until blended. Stir in toffee bits, chopped peanuts, and 2/3 cup chocolate morsels. Drop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls onto ungreased baking sheets; flatten dough with hand. Bake at 350° for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown. Cool cookies on baking sheets 1 minute; remove cookies to wire racks. Microwave caramels and 2 tablespoons cream in a glass bowl at HIGH 1 minute; stir. Continue to microwave at 30-second intervals, stirring until caramels melt and mixture is smooth; add remaining cream, if necessary. Stir in vanilla. Spoon caramel mixture evenly onto tops of cookies; drizzle evenly with melted chocolate.
Bears Play Football : TouchDown Dogs
We are big Chicago Bears fans here. We have been fans from way back. Win or lose support the Bears we will. SO come on Bears pull it through. You may want to try this awesome recipe I found when you watch your next game as well. They are easy to make and allows all to have a great time
4 | OSCAR MAYER Selects Angus Bun-Length Beef franks |
1 | red bell pepper, sliced into strips |
1 | red onion, sliced into half moons |
1-½ | tsp. olive oil |
2 | KRAFT Provolone Cheese Slices, halved |
4 | poppy seed hot dog sandwich rolls |
2 | Tbsp. A.1. Thick & Hearty Steak Sauce |
¼ | cup French fried onions |
- HEAT grill to medium heat.
- GRILL franks 7 to 9 min. or until heated through, turning occasionally.
- MEANWHILE, cook vegetables in oil in large nonstick skillet on medium heat for 5 to 7 min. or until tender, stirring occasionally. Divide the vegetables into 4 portions and top with cheese. Cook on low heat until melted.
- PLACE franks in rolls, add steak sauce to each and top with the vegetable-cheese mixture and fried onions
The rest of the week looks like this
sausage, pepper and cheese skillet
taco salad
chicken, potato, gravy
weekend will see us spending time at the church enjoying meals there are having fun
Menu Plan Monday

Win a Dollie
Win this cute little doll in a giveaway hosted by the blog MomStart. This cute little doll can be found at Cracker Barrel. If you have ever been to a cracker barrel then you know that they not only have delicious food but a wonderful gift shop as well. I will never go into a Cracker Barrel without stopping and browsing at there gift shop. I have a little princess in mind who would love this little dollie. If you want to enter this giveaway as well do so before November 7, 2011
Joseph Allen Designs Giveaway
I love jewelry that leaves a statement of sorts. I am one that always has a reason for doing whatever. The Joseph Allen Design hand stamped jewely allows just this look. As I was looking through the jewelry line to ID a piece that catches my eye I found many that carry so much meaning. I entered a giveaway to try to win some of this beautiful jewelry on the blog Minnesota Mamas and yan enter as well but you must do it before 11/7/2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Scavenger hunt Sunday

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this is a tasty little dessert reffered to as chocolate mountain. Yes it is sinfully delicious |
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This is a purple and white bulldog flag. We are big bulldog fans as many in our community are |
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High School Spirit Week |
I love the pattern on the tablecloth provided so much fun for our pumpkin decorating contest at our halloween party
love this picture so peaceful.
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