As you can see the bio degradable biogreen bottles come in a variety of sizes and styles. You can pick the one that would match your style the best. The biogreen bottles are all 100 % recyclable but often the plastic that we can recycle goes unrecycled so is it not nice to know that if not recycled that these biogreen bottles are biodegradable.Water bottles can be expensive so is it not nice that after purchasing the biogreen bottle of your choice you can use this bottle for many many different times.
One of the fastest growing beverages according to the Beverage marketing Corporation bottled water is the largest growth area. Where do we consume this water? Most people consume the water while traveling, hiking, bike riding, at a park, at work or even while driving. What happens to these empty water bottles? Well unfortunately they are tossed out when they could be responsible. I know for me having a biogreen bottle would make me want to reuse the bottle and even after it has been used til it can not be used no more we can rest assured that the biogreen bottle will remain friendly to the earth.
Buy: BioGreen Bottles are sold through distributors and retail stores. They are currently available in selected bicycle and sporting goods stores. You can also look for them in health food stores and fitness centers were they are sold on a more limited basis. Several retailers are also offering them on the web at Amazon.com and Ebay.