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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

September Honey Month

Honey one of the secret ingredients my son uses in his cooking. Through time honey has found many uses and has been valued by many. Honey was once concered to be "enchanted" and is both a culinary sweetener as well as useful in healing as medicinal treatments.
Egyptian most likely used it as their are hieroglyphics as it shows up in the Hittite code. Honey was valued by Egyptians as a tribute or payment. Honey is also mentioned in the bible. The old testament and the "land of milk and honey" in Palestine and Israel. To the Romans and Greeks honey was a food for the gods same as ambrosia. German beer in the 11th century was sweetened with honey. The American colonies would use honey in food prep, beverages, cement, to help preserve fruits and for medicinal purposes.

Wild honey can be found in the hollow trees and rock crevices. But when it got harder to find honey and the need/want was still in great quantity man started to make honey. Honey farms started to spring up.

 The frame hive invented in the 19th century by L.L Longstroth helped to move the hive. Ten or more frames fit into the hive and honey production in exchange would increase.

Honey today has many uses including keeping dishes such as fruit cakes, steamed puddings, cookies and candies stay moist longer. Honey may be used instead of sugar but be careful as some candies and frostings made with honey will become too soft and gooey. This is because honey that has been extracted contains water which affects amount of liquid used in recipes when honey is used rather than sugar.

Many individuals make the mistake of keeping honey in the fridge. Honey will become partly cloudy and partially crystalize because of the low temps. Honey will also start to crystalize as it gets old. Do not toss this out but reliquify it by warming the container in hot water. High temps will destroy the flavor and color as well.

Honey since ancient times has been used for medical uses. Treatment with honey is known as apitherapy. Honey can replenish energy, enhance physical stamina, and improve immune systems. Honey seems to also have calming effects of the mind and help with sleep. Honey can aid in in digestion issues and has been used to treat cardiovascular disease and respiratory complaints. Honey can be applied to the skin to disinfect and heal minor skin wounds and chapped lips.

  • to help relieve asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory problems mix 1 teasopoon of finely chopped thyme in a little honey. Use orally to soothe inflamed lungs and airways
  • hay fever can also be benefitted from honey. Eating locally harvested honey helps to build immunity to local pollen via the honey made with pollen
  • Take a bath in 2 oz of honey in a glass of 5 drops of lavender oil Add 1 or 2 Tbsp honey laender mix to your bath water to help relax and fight insomnia
Honey can be dangerous to infants. Bacteria known as Clostridium botulinum is harmless to older children and adults but can be dangerous to children under 1 year old. The bacteria can cause a rare but serious disease that can affect the nervous system of young babies under a year old. The bacteria occurs naturally and can be found in dust and soil and older children and adults are exposed to it without harm. However if your infant demonstrates signs such as :
  • seeming to weat to suck or cry as normally
  • unable to feed or swallow
  • weakness in arms, legs or neck
  • constipation for more than 3 days

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