I am thankful that I know for sure that my children are on their way to college. All papers filled out and all are ready to go. I am thankful that I have my son registered for high school. The youngest in the bunch is now a junior in hs. I am thankful for my daughter and son in law who are raising our precious princess in a blessed manner allowing her all the joys of childhood. I am very grateful to know that in a few months I will be grandma again. I ask that all of you pray for my daughter as she goes tomorrow to see a specialist who will fill us in on all that is going on with the baby she is carrying. I am thankful for my readers who have shared so much with me in the past year and 1/2 that I have been blogging. Thank you for your friendship and wonderful tips.
What are you grateful for?
Ooo gonna be a grandma again. How cool. I always so enjoy reading your lists. It's always so family oriented. I love that :)