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Friday, May 21, 2010

Growing Up

This week I have watched my children graduate from highschool, prepare for college and mature a bit more as well. I am delighted that they are finding their way through life. I am still there if they need me but they can also do it by their selves. I am watching my son as he prepares for his mission trip, making decisions without me is very special to me. I loved being involved but I also love watching from the side line as well. I watch as my oldest son prepares to go to the university. I am there for support but he takes the reins and leads the way as he prepares to change his life he changes the way I see him a bit as well. I watch my daughter as she realizes that she has made mistakes and decides how to fix the mistakes. Once again I am there for support and to catch her if she falls but she claws her way back to where she needs to be in life, fighting all the way in the spirit I watched as she grew up is once again there. For all these things and the ways my children are changing I salute these as my finer things in life this week.

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