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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Alcohol and Drug Related Birth Defects

God provided a way to refurbish the world with animals and humans alike. This process is known as pregnancy. Having a baby of your own is a sanctification like none other. Caring for your own child and watching them grow into adults is a rewarding gift from God.

When blessed with the ability to give birth one should take care and not only enjoy the experience but also be responsible with it. One challenge that pregnant women face is that of drug and alcohol abuse. Drinking or taking drugs while pregnant can lead to issues of the baby being born and the problems continue through the babies life.

Indulging in drugs and alcohol can leave negative effects on individuals. Suicidal thoughts, accidents, crimes and illness have all been been due to drugs and alcohol. Women who participate in drinking and drugs are not just facing danger by their selves but also the unborn baby. Babies whose mothers participated in smoking, drinking or took drugs can be born with defects Some problems these babies face include:

  • Low birth weight
  • Small head circumference
  • Development delay
  • Facial abnormalities like small eye openings or jaw defects
  • Epilepsy
  • Poor coordination
  • Poor concentration
Today I was given a tee that said I was blessed to be a mom You be the same way and if you are expecting a bundle of joy in form of a baby in your life Please do not indulge in alcohol and drugs. 

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