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Monday, October 17, 2011

Meet Me Monday

1. The thing that scares me the most is __________?
2. Do you like nuts in your Chocolate Chip cookies?

3. If you couldn't change the channel, what tv show would drive you from the room?
4. Pulp or no pulp in your Orange Juice?
5. Who do you miss the most?
1. spiders, dogs, bugs
2. yes I do but not everyone in our house does so they are not always made this way
3. I can not watch some of those medical shows that show the operation in view
4. does not matter I really enjoy a bit of pulp but not too much
5. wow many are missed both living and passed on One that I missed the most that has passed is my dad and I really miss my grand babies that are very much still here


  1. Ya, I always have to change the channel whenever they are showing someone in the hospital.

  2. Hopping over from Java's playing MMMM for the first time in weeks. I just can't get in the groove since she's returned to the weekly scene. Oh pooh! Nice meeting you...

    Meet Me On Monday


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