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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Goat milk can be traced to the ancient Greek time period. The goat was domesticated around 5000 B.C. It was this time that goat cheese was a popular treat in the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, Africa, South West Asia and India. The goat has always been a presence on the typical American farm since the early settlers.

Goat cheese has become more popular during the last decade. An enormous increase in consumer interest for domestic goat cheeses. There are currently over 50 producers in the United States. Goat cheese can be spicy, plain, subtle or fresh. Goat cheese is not as popular as cows milk but very close. Goat cheese also reflects the area that it is produced in.

8 oz goat cheese or cream cheese
1/3 cup Almonds
4-5 dried apricots, chopped
2-3 tsp fresh parsley or basil, chopped
1/4-1/2 cup apricot preserves
honey, for drizzling

serve with:
an assortment of crackers
fresh sliced granny smith apple

Remove goat cheese from protective packaging and soften to room temperature.
Spread fresh preserves on a cheese tray or serving platter.
Place your almonds in a bag or between two sheets of paper towel and crush using a blunt object, like a glass olive oil bottle.
Next chop your apricots and mix together along with parsley.
Roll your goat cheese in the mixture, pressing gently to coat.
Set the goat cheese log atop the preserves and surround with crackers and fresh fruit.
Finish it off with a hearty drizzle of honey + you're good to go!

recipe source here

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