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Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Frustration : Eczema

I am looking high and low for treatments and aides for eczema. My nephews and niece are scratching like crazy. If you have any cures please let us know. It is sad to see them so missarable. This becomes very frustrating when you are not sure what you can do


  1. Penatan cream is the best thing for any skin irritation. We've used it for generations.

    Flash 55 - Earthquake

    One Single Impression - Running

  2. Following BACK from Friday follow. Thanks for dropping in over @ A Penny Saved to comment and follow us. Have a great weekend.

    Jen @ A Penny Saved

  3. I had eczema for years until I discovered that it was a result of my allergies....mainly food allergies and mostly to eggs. They should consider being tested by an allergy doctor.

  4. Hi, Contact me and I will send you some free product. I have formulated several effective eczema products. My son was covered head to toe when he was little. My products have helped hundreds with this condition. No need for children to be miserable :-(


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