With all the great blog questions of how to get veggies into your child's diet I think one of the best answer is to offer them something they love. Most children love juice and first juice is a great organic juice that is made with a bit of carrot juice. First Juice is not new on my blog if you would want to read a past post of where I shared about First Juice you can go here 

First Juice is made up of fruit and vegetable mixed together with purified water. First Juice comes in 8 oz. bottles which contain 43% juice and a large bottle that contains 49%. The label states that the ingredients are fruit,water and vitamins. How great no sugar or other ingredients that we prefer our children not to have. Starting young children out building good healthy eating habits helps to foster those habits as they get older.

Taste is a bit different than other juices. While the teens thought it was great they noticed the lack of the sweetness. A great example of why starting toddlers out on First Juice is a great idea. Our family loves the 8 oz. spill proof reusable sippy top bottle. Perfect bottle for little hands as well as my sport players who love to take a bottle along with them to games and practice. I also love the 32 oz. bottles as I find the fit perfectly in the fridge door. Keeping the bottles here allows me to pull the bottle out easily for snacks or whenever a glass of juice is needed.
First Juice come in flavors that are a bit different sounding but taste great including banana carrot, blueberry purple carrot, peach purple carrot & apple carrot

Are you thirsting for some First Juice? Well that's great because one lucky Annie's Home reader will receiver their own delicious bottles of first juice.
To enter: visit the first juice website and come back here and let me know something that you learn there.
Extra Entries:
- follow my blog and the blog of monkey mommy (2 entry per follow)
- fan first juice on facebook
- follow first juice on twitter
- follow my blog on twitter
- tweet about the giveaway (2 entries per tweet)
- blog about this giveaway (5 entries)
contest starts now and will run through March 6, 2010. Email in comment or on blog. Good Luck
I learned that they have purple carrots in two of their flavors of juice.
I follow your blog and monkeymommy blog entry#1
I follow your blog and monkeymommy blog entry #2
I learned that carrots used to be purple! My kids would love to see a purple carrot. lol
ReplyDeleteI learned that it contains 43% juice.
I learned that purple carrots have different nutrients than orange carrots, but taste the same. Thanks for the review and giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI follow both your blog and monkeymommy blog entry#1
ReplyDeletewow i never knew carrots were purple and even black! i learned that some scientest mixed red and yellow carrots to make orange.
i follow both blogs
entery #1
i follow both blogs
entery #2
i follow first juice on twitter
ReplyDeleteentery #1
ReplyDeleteentery #2
never heard the purple carrot legend. Very interesting!
ReplyDeletenancy at 513ventures dot com
following your blog
ReplyDeletenancy at 513ventures dot com
following monkey mommy's blog
ReplyDeletenancy at 513ventures dot com
following first juice on twitter: nanceattack
ReplyDeletenancy at 513ventures dot com
I learned that purple carrots have different nutrients than orange carrots!
ReplyDeleteFollower! 2
ReplyDeleteI follow monkey mommy! 1
ReplyDeleteI follow monkey mommy! 2
ReplyDeleteI learned that First Juice has 12g of sugar per serving compared to 27g of sugar per serving of 100% apple juice.
ReplyDeleteI follow annies home and Monkey Mommy 08 through Google Friend Connect. #1
ReplyDeleteI follow annies home and Monkey Mommy 08 through Google Friend Connect. #2
ReplyDeleteI'm a facebook fan of First Juice under username Jennie Tilson.
ReplyDeleteThey sure luv purple carrots at that site...I learned that purple carrots have different nutrients than orange ones but still taste the same. katklaw777 at yahoo dot com Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThe purple pigments in purple carrots are the same found in blueberries & grapes.
Follower of First Juice on Twitter. @moneypincher
Blog follower on Twitter! @moneypincher
Thanks. :)
[Entry #1] Giveaway Tweeted!
[Entry #2] Giveaway Tweeted!
[Entry #1] Blogged about the giveaway!
[Entry #2] Blogged about the giveaway!
[Entry #3] Blogged about the giveaway!
[Entry #4] Blogged about the giveaway!
[Entry #5] Blogged about the giveaway!
Thanks a bunch!
I learned that just like other carrote, purple carrots are grown and harvested in the same way.
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog and the blog of monkey mommy.
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog and the blog of monkey mommy #2.
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan of first juice on facebook.
ReplyDeleteI learned all First Juice brand bottles are made of BPA free and phthalate-free plastic. tylerpants(at)
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower. #2 tylerpants(at)
ReplyDeleteI'm a monkeymommy08 follower. #1 tylerpants(at)
ReplyDeleteI'm a monkeymommy08 follower. #2 tylerpants(at)
ReplyDeleteI learned that with First Juice there's no need to dilute the juice with water for your child.
ReplyDelete1 I'm a follower of your blog
ReplyDelete2 I'm a follower of your blog
ReplyDelete1 I'm a follower of monkeymommy08's blog!
ReplyDelete2 I'm a follower of monkeymommy08's blog!