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Thursday, September 21, 2023

Farm Safety Awareness

Today, September 21st is farm safety for kids' day. I grew up in a small town and my grandparents both had farms. As you can imagine there was a lot of work to be done but there was also a lot of fun. Of course, there were lots of rules to follow as well. 

The dangers on a farm are plenty ranging from livestock to tractors and other equipment. The same dangerous things were also what made a farm so fun. Kids are always or normally always to give a helping hand. I know that as kids we always had set chores on the list of things to do for the day. Our grandparents would always go thru the chores with us telling us what was important to do and what we needed to watch out for. Likewise, todays world demands the same in-depth preparation so a child can know what to do and what they cannot. 

One way to grab attention is to hang posters with pictures in places kids can see. You can find posters to order online that are perfect for kids of all ages. In addition adults need to make sure that keep tools, sharp objects, and poisons in and up out of reach.

Fencing is another great way to keep children protected. Ponds and places where equipment is located are great places to place fencing. Rules should be known by all so that the level is danger is kept at a minimum. Perhaps it is best to make it understood that adult supervision is needed to do certain activities/ 

supervision is one of the best ways to keep children safe. Keeping an eye on them at all times is nearly a must. Chores is a great way to get children involved with the work on the farm but must be age related to ensure safety. In addition, a reward for doing good on the farm, finishing chores etc would be a great idea. 

Farming is a wonderful way of life for the entire family both young and old. Keeping everyone safe is what makes it even better. 

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  1. This is a fantastic idea to promote farm safety awareness. I spent my childhood summers on my grandfather's farm - and understanding the risks was something my grandpa instilled in us. Stephanie

  2. I love these ideas. We live in a rurla area with a lot of farms, so I'm definitely behind anything that can help keep kids safe on the farm.

  3. Very good of you to share this! Children must always be kept on the eye, when they are on a farm or near animals. A lot can happen, in a blink of an eye.

  4. This book is such a great idea! I agree there are plenty of dangers on a farm kids should be aware of to stay safe while still enjoying farm life/being on a farm.

  5. When I was growing up, I lived near a farm. We spent a lot of time playing around the equipment.

  6. Your farm safety awareness post is such an important reminder. It beautifully combines personal experiences and practical tips. It's evident that you deeply care about keeping kids safe on farms. Thanks for sharing this valuable information to help protect the future generation.

  7. I love these tips! My kids would love to visit a farm one day! i need to purchase this book to get them excited about us one day planning a visit!

  8. I really admire this effort and I hope that it would be effective in keeping the kids safe even if they're having fun or spending time in the farm

  9. It's important to teach kids about farm safety. They don't always see the dangers.

  10. My dream is to own a farm one day and live there. But I do think about the risks of it on young children (or even teenagers) because I watched a movie before where it showed a 16 year old get into an accident while working the tractor. So I'm quite aware that there should be some safety education in place.


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