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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

National Pet Month

May is national pet month. Most of us have at least a few memories of our favorite pets, some like me may have many. It seems that since my childhood I have been in love with animals and have some great pets along the way. The joys of sharing great times with my pets have created memories to last a life time.  Like our children our pets may be spoiled just a bit. They offer us more love, comfort and happiness into our lives and in return we give them the care they deserve.

National Pet Month is a great time to show our pets just a bit more love for being there. While I have had many great days with my pets there have been those sad moments as well. Our pets are not to be taken for granted as they live and die just like us. National Pet Month is a great time to share with others the great things about being a pet owner.

National Pet Month was created to:

  • share with others the benefits of having a pet
  • bring awareness to pet adoption
  • offer stories of how a bond between pets and owners benefits both
  • Make the public aware of services that are available from pet professionals
  • Raise awareness on the issue of working companion animals

History of National Pet Month:
National Pet Month was created in England. While the month of National Pet Month occurs in the U.S. in May, in England it is still celebrated in April.

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