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Monday, February 26, 2018

Eating Disorder Awareness

Behaviors you may take note of when some starts to constantly talk about weight loss, diets, and being able to control what they eat. When someone starts to be overly concerned about counting calories or carbs, fat grams and trying diets you may want to be aware there may be a problem. Individuals who start to be concerned about eating around others when they have never had this issue before is another sign of a eating disorder. 

Many times those struggling with eating disorders will have noticeable weight fluctuations, stomache cramps, menstrual irregularities, have difficulties concentrating, they may also struggle with dizziness and fainting spells. There are many other issues that may arise from eating disorders as well. 

Anorexia Nervosa is a eating disorder that may cause a dramatic weight loss. To hide the weight loss individuals with anorexia may dress in layers so others don't notice. Being preoccupied with eating and dieting as well as feeling fat are often trademarks of suffering with anorexia. Excessive exercise is another behavior that may be noticed. 
Anorexia can affect everyone no matter age, gender, sexual orientation, race or ethnicity. It is believed that individuals may have displayed symptoms of anorexia for hundreds or thousands of years. While many believe that this is a disorder for the young, and it does begin during adolescence there are many children and adults being diagnosed with anorexia. 

Do not try to diagnose or judge others to be anorexic simply upon sight of eye. It is hard to tell if someone is struggling with anorexia by looking at them. Not all individuals are underweight , large bodied individual can also have anorexia. Those that are obese are less likely to be diagnosed with anorexia. 
To be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa a few points must be met:
  • a fear of calorie intake that leads to significant low body weight according to charts for age, sex, and physical health. 
  • Individual has an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even if they are underweight. 
  • Inability to accept ones body weight or shape as experienced. Presence of undue influence of body weight or shape on self evaluation or denial of seriousness of current low body weight.

If this criteria is not met eating disorders are not ruled out. There may still be an eating disorder present. Atypical anorexia includes those individuals who meet criteria for anorexia but are not underweight despite significant weight loss. For a full list of symptoms and warning signs to look for visit here

The scary part is that Anorexia Nervosa can lead to death. So be careful and aware of how those around you behave Eating disorders is a secret illness because it is one hidden by those who suffer and not noticed by those in their every day life

shared this health related informational post at
friendship friday 

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