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Monday, November 14, 2016

Nursing Home Adjustment

I must say that I am very much an advocate for long term care centers (nursing homes). I have worked in them for over 20 years as well as helped many family members move in when their care demanded more than we could do at home. So when I saw that one of today's choices to write about I decided that long term care would be a choice I would accept. 

Working in homes you are well aware when every bed is full and when you are at a low census. Most individuals unaware of long term care facilities may be very surprised to find that every bed could be filled at any one time and the next to find that there is a bed is open. Often a waiting list has unexpected amounts of time of waiting. So when you are waiting you may want to go ahead and prepare for your families moving day.

Dementia is very traumatic for those who have it. Moving in may be an event that is scary for many and anxiety may be very present. If the details that the administration can be filled out ahead of time then by all means do this move in day will be harder than many realize. You may consider hiring a home care aide or other professional to stay with your loved ones, now is the time to find out what the facility thinks about this. Often the facility will request that they just be there for your loved one and the care be provided by their own employees. 
I am often the first to walk up and introduce myself to new residents as well as family members. I want them to feel at ease in our home. Likewise, there are things you can do when your loved one comes to stay in a home. Prepare a short statement with information about who they are you may include:
  • Information on the person's behavior – are they active or passive, are there things or circumstances that agitate them, do they react badly when someone speaks to them in a loud voice?
  • Preferred activities and interests – do they like to walk, dance, listen to music, fold clothes, draw, paint etc.?
  • Food likes and dislikes – what do they like for breakfast, are there certain food that they won't eat, or are they allergic to any foods?
  • Tips on personal hygiene – do they need assistance with brushing their teeth, do they have trouble with bathing?
  • Abilities – have they lost their ability to communicate verbally, do they understand cues and directions, do they need assistance feeding themselves?
  • List of family members and friends who will visit.
  • Summary of their personal history – it's helpful for staff to know the work the person did, where they grew up, and who was important in their life, e.g., if the patient is often referring to Max, it's good for staff to know that he was a beloved uncle.

Adjusting takes time for all of us. Those with dementia may have days where they love the new home and others when they have more anxiety or have bad days they may forget. It is the nursing home employees to make them feel at home. Remind them they are loved and keep them company. 


  1. A wonderful post! I was a nurse surveyor for Long Term care in the State of Indiana for several years and so agree with everything you have written! Advocacy is so important for those who do not have a voice! Bless your heart.

    1. thank you so much for stopping by here today thank you for the kind words and yes advocacy is something that I guess I do and have never really thought about

  2. This is a very good post. It is hard to put someone in a facility like you described. The hardest part is finding something affordable with all the services needed.

    1. yes I know the cost is often outstanding
      thanks for your visit


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