As a mother and grandmother I love to hang pictures of my loved ones so that I can show them off. Often times though picture frames can be expensive, we have pictures taken and forget to get a frame or we simply put the picture in a drawer until we find time to remind ourselves to get a frame for that picture that means so much to us. Now there is a new product that is trying to help us decorate with charm, love and pride in a easy manner that allows us the peace of mind to know we can easily show of that picture we are so proud of. Introducing Fracture the product that is the fastest, easiest, best way to get your pictures from your camera to your wall.
Fracture allows one to print digital pictures directly onto glass. There is no paper, film, or any thing else needed. All that is needed is simply ink and glass. Fracture combines printing, framing, and mounting into one simple process. Simply upload the photo to FractureMe.com and they print it on glass and send it on its way to me with everything neede to mount and display. Fracture is all a decorator needs to create an all new decor with photos.
At this present time I am sharing this information with all of you about Fracture in the hopes of being one of the first 100 bloggers to receive a Fracture. In the case that I do receive a Fracture I will create a second post and share all about the Fracture.
“I wrote this blog post in response to a TwitterMoms RAMBO alert, making me eligible to get a Fracture picture frame for review. You can learn more about Fracture at http://www.fractureme.com .”
OMGosh, I would love to try this product! Thanks for telling us about it!