I had a wonderful weekend and now know that what I have shared with my daughters, helped my daughters with and taught my daughter through actions truly pays off. I am a mother of 2 daughters and a third that I have raised since birth. Oh these girls are my life and I love them very much. I recently was given a present from my daughter who shared with me that I am her inspiration. How sweet those words were. I have tried my best to help these girls to create a future for their selves.
The theme of Gathering At The Well this Monday morning is
Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent IN THE WAY THEY LIVE, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. THEN they can train the younger women….. (Titus 2:3-4, emphasis mine).
Why is the “way we live” so important?
Why does Paul tell Titus to first teach the older women to “be reverent in the way they live” before they can train younger women?
Thinking about your own life, do you have mentors you can LOOK to….watching them live their lives reverently, AND, are there others (children, younger women in the church, friends of your children) who are watching you live out your life?
Is there a difference between what you SAY and how you LIVE?
The verses shared today bring memories of my grandmother to mind. I love her very much and she was my sort of inspiration. I can remember times when I did not know what to do that she would help me out with simple words she would share. I would love to be like her. I believe that while her life was not pampered it was what she made of it. She was the wife of a farmer and her life was harder than most. She made the chickens her business, her little yard garden was special as well. Oh how wonderful when I look back on it her life was. I loved to visit her as a little girl. Yes, she was rough on us but I believe as I look back on it she was rough to make us individuals we should be.
She carried herself upright with pride in all situations. She was not one that was easily beaten but one that could stand strong in all situations. She was a Sunday school teacher for many years 20+ I know and carried that privilege with pride as well. As I said she was the wife of a hard working farmer and she worked hard as well. Her house was always clean and her yard was a piece of beauty. I strive to keep my house like hers yet know that there are times that this can not be done. She was frugal in her habits buying a dress for herself possibly every six months, saving with coupons and shopping sales. I have learned lots from her and share lots with my daughters. She did not smoke, drink, or act inappropriately. I try to reflect her behavior in all that I do. Her reputation is one that I feel must be upheld through out the following generations. My daughters have followed such behaviors as well. We do not draw attention to ourselves nor do we act inappropriately.
I know that like my grandmother I represent a lifestyle choice to both my daughters, my granddaughter and all generations that follow. My prayer is that my attitude, behavior and actions are as well spoken as my grandmothers. For the generations of young women in my family following my path deserve the best.
For more submissions on this subject or to place your own please visit here
I am also listing this on the blog SevEn cLoWn CirCus for the tuesday tribute
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