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Friday, May 3, 2024

Animal Lovers Be Aware stories about koalas, horses and disabled pets.

 Animal lovers all over the world will be ready for this weekend with all the awareness activities that are upon the animals. 

First of all, perhaps you have seen the super cute koala bears at your local zoo. how cuddly they appear. Their word Koala means no drink and that may possibly be related to the continent they live on. While Austria is not the hottest area it is definitely one that does not receive a great amount of rain. likewise, the koala bears food is often eucalyptus leaves that are considered toxic and extremely poisonous while, the koala bears have a difficult area to live the WWF organization is trying to draw attention and help the wild koalas before they are extinct. 

koalas are marsupials and are classified as such. They are related closer to the kangaroos than other bears. While wild bears live in social groups often near each other koalas choose not to be social. Their great sense of smell helps them greatly within their habitat. Unlike other bears that hibernate Koala bears sleep 18 plus hours a day and do not hibernate. They can live up to 15 years in the wild under the right habitat but due to statistics the numbers are starting to decline. 

By raising awareness into what is going on where the beautiful koalas live is the place to begin and is fairly easy via social media. Using drones to tract the area where the koalas live will help bring awareness of what is going on. Planning and saving the trees where the koalas live is also very important as it is where they live. Ensuring the animals health is important as well because they are spreading disease in the community. 

The way the world looked at animals, pets include changed when the animal welfare laws of 1972 were created. Disabled pets are still here to love and while like humans are very loveable but need extra care and help. Adaptive equipment, training and support for both the animals and pet owners as well, and groups for support all help disabled pets and their owners. 

This weekend May 3rd and 4th the Kentucky Derby will be hosted in Louisville Kentucky. The race as taken place with the first one being ran in 1874. Three-year-old fillies will take the stage ready to run the best race they can. Owners' spectators and others are all taking bets on which horse will win. The race has taken place at Churchill Downs since Colonel Meriwether Lewis Clark started them all those years ago. The gates opened for all to be welcomed in to watch the races at 9 am and the first race took place shortly after. 

Have a great day with lots of animal love today as you enjoy the rest of the day. 

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