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Saturday, January 10, 2009
giveaway: babyspareware
Do you have a little one who makes lots of messes? If so this giveaway at My Organized chaos is for you. It is for a spare set of clothes that can be kept anywhere you need them
giveaways: wooden pendant and shoo shoos
Wether you are looking for shoes for the little one or a pretty for your self you can look no further than Thrifty & Chic Moms for a giveaway for either.
give away: crock pot elume
I love to cook for my family and anything that I can find that makes that job easier but just as good is a friend of mine. 5 minutes for mom is having a giveaway for a crock pot e lume and man does it look good. Head over there to sign up for your chance to win.
giveaway: warm biscut music makers
Think of warm biscuts you think of something good to eat with gravy on the side. However this is not that type of item. These are for children to creatively make music and Frugal Mommy of 2 girls is giving you a chance to win through a giveaway.
giveaway: Tiny Bigs
So you want to know what tiny bigs are? Well let me tell you tiny bigs is another genius of an idea created by a mom out of necessity. Feisty, frugal and fabulous describes tiny bigs this way "TinyBigs! TinyBigs are a clasp and magnet combo that together keep your child's pants held up AND make a super cute accessory while doing so. " Want a chance to win it for yourself? Head over to Feisty, Frugal and Fabulous enter the giveaway for chance to win.
Friday, January 9, 2009
give away: sho shos and sei ka run shoes
Little baby toes are so cute I love them. Now you can win a pair of sho shos (those darling little shoes for little toes) and see ka run shoes at a giveaway from life in a house of blue.
giveaway slanket
I want one of these so bad. i believe that i take the trait of covering up while on the couch from my mother. I know that this slanket would make my day to be able to stay covered while moving around. Want one of your own? Two of a kind working on a full house is giving one away to a lucky reader
give away: earrings
I have a daughter who loves earrings and for one of her christmas presents I gave her a pair of silver earrings. She loved them and now I have a chance to win a pair of twisted silver earrings in a giveaway that An Island Review is holding.
give away earrings and oh my greeting cards
Valentines day is right around the corner and either of the two giveaways from Summertime and a glass of lemonade would be great. Both earrings from midnight blue and a great greeting card from oh my greeting card are being held as giveaways at Sumertime and a glass of Lemonade
giveaway: lemonjead hair accesories
My girls have always love to dress up with hair aids but now we have a little granddaughter as well I cant wait til she is old enough for this tradition. Now we have the chance to win some free from Lemonhead through a giveaway hosted by feisty, frugal and Fabulous.
Thrify and Chic Moms has started a weekly post titled Focus Friday and challenged each of us to make a focus list of sorts
THis week I need to
1. finish up the last 2 week meal plan for January
2. finish plans on my mothers birthday party plans for January 24
3. make a birthday list for 2009
4. start a gift list since I have been buying gifts but not for sure what all I have
I need a group like focus Friday to focus on what I need to do. You can see more list of what folks are focusing on at thrifty and chic moms
giveaway cute ruffle socks and Safe Sippy
Dont you love little girl socks with the ruffles? The safe sippy is a great way to safely give your lil one a drink. Well now you can win a pair of ruffle socks or a sippy cup by entering the giveaways over at The Funky monkey.
giveaway: shoes for the little ones
Does your little one get into trouble when you are get busy? Would you like to know where in the house they are all at all times? You need to check out squeaky feet shoes because as the child walks these shoes squeak. To cool and cooler yet you can sign up at Life In A House of Blue for a chance to win a pair.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
giveaway organically hatched product
everyone loves a good massage and great bath time and with organically hatched you can find just what you are looking for. Want to try a product for free? check out the giveaway at my organized chaos.
giveaway a soldiers flowers
A soldiers flowers company belongs to women whose husbands are in the military. But boy was I suprised with what I found. It may just be that little lady in my life but I loved these. I could just see what I could buy or better yet win for my granddaughter. My Organized Chaos is holding a giveaway for gift certificate to win your choice.
giveaway baby bib
My granddaughter can often be seen sporting a bib of many sorts. I believe her mother told me she had several different varities so why not wear one every day. I found a bib that she may not have but may really like over at dabib and I can win in in a give away from two of a kind working on a full house and you can to so go over and enter.
laundry time
For more wordless wednsday pictures go to Felicias over at
For more thousand word thursday pictures go to cheaper than therapy
Give away: little blessing book
Does your young one ask questions about God or Jesus that you need to think about yourself? There is a book series published by Tyndale Kids called the little blessing books which allows you to read with or to your young child and allow them to find many answers about the bible that children may have. You can recieve a book from the little blessing books series by entering the giveaway at Go Graham Go
giveaway safety tats
I would love to share with you a giveaway that I fould over at 1stopmom giveaways. These are safety tats I recently won a set of my own from Go Graham Go and these will go to my granddaughter. I have signed up over at 1stopmom for the safety tats for my sister in laws young family with 3 under the age of 5 she needs all the help she can get.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
give away: new moon girl sub
Did you have an older sister? Did you share alot of information or get helpful tips from her? Well I had a younger and a older sister but with the difference in years we really did not get along all that well and thus did not talk. I used friends which was not always all that great and sometimes helped but sometimes got me in trouble. The New Moon Girl Magazine is a magazine for girls that gives great helpful tips YOu can win a subscription to this magazine by entereing the giveaway over at 3 kids and us.
giveaway: mia belle baby
If you are looking for some real cute items for the little one in your life then mia belle baby is the place to go. If you are looking for a way to get a nice gift from mia belle baby then you need to go on over to Mom Buzz and enter the give away they are holding. Thats right Mom Buzz is holding a give away for a lovely bunny and pacifir set give away.
give away $25 tick a too gift cert
I love the items that tick a too have to offer. I found a way to win some items and boy do I want to the give away over at the soothie ranch will let me do just that
give away: baby boomba
I love the items that baby boomba have and all natural is the red of yesterday. If you want a chance to win an item from baby boomba head over to the giveaway at the soothie ranch and enter.
give away; baby bath aides
Hey do you hate being dripping wet when you get your little one out of the tub? Well I will tell ya I did. Now they have a bath cape that can save your clothes from being soaken wet. You can win this bath cape over at The soothie ranch if you just go and sign up for the give away.
House renovations for 2009
This year we have decided to fix up the old homestead rather. It needs to be updated because my children have grown and are no longer little
Oldest daughter room
armoire that I found will need to be refurnished
Sons room
floor and wall needs fixed because of bathtub leak (shares wall with bathroom)
closet needs cleaned out
several cabinets will be taken out and replaced with needed items
Sons room
shelves put up (bought but need hanged)
desk for my area (have in storage)
tub shower replaced
new floor
new shelves
Girls upstair room
Living room
We need to get this done so we can get ready for summer goods Will let you know as we progress Glad I am blogging it it will keep us honest
Oldest daughter room
armoire that I found will need to be refurnished
Sons room
floor and wall needs fixed because of bathtub leak (shares wall with bathroom)
closet needs cleaned out
several cabinets will be taken out and replaced with needed items
Sons room
shelves put up (bought but need hanged)
desk for my area (have in storage)
tub shower replaced
new floor
new shelves
Girls upstair room
Living room
We need to get this done so we can get ready for summer goods Will let you know as we progress Glad I am blogging it it will keep us honest
Claiming the word faith for 2009
My word for 2009 would probably be faith. Faith is one thing that I have when it comes to matters but often faith is one thing that I need more of. In 2008 we had many outcomes where if it were not for faith then we would not of made it out as well as we did. During 2008 we watched my daughter go through a challenging pregnancy, my granddaughter go through an illness which was there then miracously disappeared, watched my husband as he said goodby to his mother (who at times often felt like she was my mother), watched as our business which seemed so great was taken away from us when we could not afford the hike in rent. But faith carried us through all of these things and I know that faith will carry me through all that we face in 2009. Faith to me is the belief in the love of God who allthough allows us to face struggles carries us in his hand and will never let go of us. That is why faith is my word for 2009.
Looking for a word that fits you you may just find it over at the Tip Junkie.
Looking for a word that fits you you may just find it over at the Tip Junkie.
give away: pop a tot
Do you know what a pop a tot is? Have you ever heard the expression pop a squat? If so you know it means to findd a place to sit down. Well that is what this new baby item it is it is a place for the baby to sit down and play. It also has a place for their snack and drink just like dad does when he sits to watch sports or tv in his favorite chair. Now you can win one over at Two of a Kind working on a full house. Yes thats right go here for the give away.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
give away: jewlry pendant
Have you seen the new necklace pendants that can hold a picuture of the one you love? Neither had I til I visited Two of a kind, working on a full house which is offering a giveaway for the pendant from A passion for pendants. So go here and check out the giveaway or here and check out the pendants
Monday, January 5, 2009
monday menu
We have taken the new years to decide to eat healthier and cut back on indulging however we will still have a family night on Friday
cereal and fruit
our new casserole (recipe is on the blog), salad, and leftover desserts (been alot of baking over past days)
scrambled eggs
leftover casserole
Saturday night steak, green beans, dumpcake
boiled eggs
leftovers or lunchmeat sandwich
hotdog, chips, brownies (this is for those who practice or other wise are busy and do not make supper at church)
bagels, cream cheese
lunch meat sandwich
pizza meatloaf, salad, leftover dessert
leftovers or sandwich
family night out pizza hut
this will depend on who is at home
easy lasagna, garlic toast, leftover dessert
breakfast at church
pepperoni bites
ham, vegetable, cookies
Saturday Steak (not sure where I got this)
3 lb hamburger
1 c water
1 c saltine crackers
mushroom soup
mix all press on cookie sheet Chill Cut in squares roll in flour Fry Place in 9x13 Pour soup over all Bake 350 degrees til meat is done
the simple womans daybook
FOR TODAY January 5 2009
Outside my window...I can see blackness as the day has gone quickly but I have did many things and I am so up for life
I am thinking...About how many calories I have taken in today as I am trying to controll my sugar I am also thinking about filling my menu board for the last 2 weeks of January
I am thankful for... My family they are all so great I love each and every one of them. I also am thankful that we have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and house to call home
From the kitchen... created a sort of new casserole and you can find the recipe on my blog
I am wearing... gray sweat pants, my hoodie with the orange turtle, slippers, and my favorite warm socks
I am creating... will create snowmen for the window tommorow
I am going... to be busy tommorow just doing natural things after the holidays
I am reading... a devotional by joyce myers
I am hoping... that we do not get the freezing rain
I am hearing... tv as me and hubby are watching together in the bedroom
Around the house... snowmen have been put up and the christmas is down
One of my favorite things... my raggedy ann and andy doll collection
A few plans for the rest of the week: will do some baking as planned by the menu as well as get the activities ready for kids to begin again
Outside my window...I can see blackness as the day has gone quickly but I have did many things and I am so up for life
I am thinking...About how many calories I have taken in today as I am trying to controll my sugar I am also thinking about filling my menu board for the last 2 weeks of January
I am thankful for... My family they are all so great I love each and every one of them. I also am thankful that we have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and house to call home
From the kitchen... created a sort of new casserole and you can find the recipe on my blog
I am wearing... gray sweat pants, my hoodie with the orange turtle, slippers, and my favorite warm socks
I am creating... will create snowmen for the window tommorow
I am going... to be busy tommorow just doing natural things after the holidays
I am reading... a devotional by joyce myers
I am hoping... that we do not get the freezing rain
I am hearing... tv as me and hubby are watching together in the bedroom
Around the house... snowmen have been put up and the christmas is down
One of my favorite things... my raggedy ann and andy doll collection
A few plans for the rest of the week: will do some baking as planned by the menu as well as get the activities ready for kids to begin again
Maternal spark at Monday's Muse offers the following qoute and a question;
‘Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things. And the reason they were able to do that was that they’ve had more experiences than other people.’
— Steve Jobs
The question does creativity have anything to do with experience
I have to disagree and say yes I believe full heartly that experience has alot to do with creativity. Yes we are born with it in some wasy we are all born with what I would call natural talents. Perhaps you are an artist or can play music without being taught however does experience not make the creative juices flow more.
If one travels or lives through a struggle are they not inspired to do something perhaps more creative than they had ever done before? It is my opinion that yes creativity has alot to do with experience that one goes through in life.
give away: diaper case giveaway
I love items that makes something simple look more than simple and to me that is what hiccup does. You can win an item from Hiccup over at two of a kind working on a full house blogs giveaway. Thats right go sign up for the giveaway over at two of kind working on a full houseblog.
new casserole for supper
At our house we have all decided to cut back and eat healthy. Now having 6 teens that is a bit hard to do for them to go without all the things they are used to. Tonight I created a new casserole that was healthy for them but was a bit of what they loved. I made my healthy frito pie
1 lb hamburger (on sale this week 1.45)
1/2 onion, chopped (.17)
shredded cheese (1.50)
2 can tomato sauce (.50)
1 can chilli (.79)
1 can chilli beans (.59)
Browned first 2 Mixed last 3 and seasoning placed in casserole. Placed a thin layer cornchips in a 9x13 pan and layered the mix of veggies and meat over chips. I then placed cheese over that and topped with crushed chips. Now it may not seem healthy to you but in the past would have probably about 3 cans of chilli and 2 bags of chips with about 3 lbs hamburger. To make this and them be like it and not complain really made me feel good
For more make something monday check out Go Grahams Go and Jolly Mom
For more Tottally Talented Teusday head over to Two of a kind working on a full house
for more $5 meals head over to $5 dinners
recipes also available over at thrifty and chick mom
give away: Jewlry
I love jewlry and now have the chance to win a give away at My Organized Chaos offering Lisa Leonard Designs $50 gift certificate. Check it out enter and see if you can win.
Give away: coupons
Man do I love to save money today I saved by recieving a free bottle of shampoo by having both a manufacturer and a store coupon and yes it was one of my daughter favorite kinds. Want to save money? THe giveaway over at Mom Saves Money would help get you started they are giving away $160 in coupons. Definatly could save with this.
give away : homemade baby linens
Oh you should see such wonderful creations and you can over at Grandma's Baby Boutique Want to win some for your little one you can do that to at Summertime and a glass of lemonade
giveaway beatiful wooden bowl
The crafts that you can find on the internet always amaze me and here is one such. It is a wooden bowl that would look great anywhere. You can now win it in a giveaway at Summertime and a glass of Lemonade (love the name).
Giveaway: wall talk
Have you seen the words written on the wall? No i do not mean like in the bible but painted on the wall. One company that does this is wall talk and one place you can get it is in a giveaway from feisty, frugal and fabulous.
giveaway: shoo shoos
Another giveaway for baby shoes oh you need to keep those baby toes warm in the winter time. And one great way to get shoes would be to win a giveaway. Well over at Fiesy Frugal and Fabulous you have just that chance to win shoes from a great company called shoo shoos. GO to the give away at Fiesty Frugal and Fabulous and check them out.
give away: baby bling
Peanut Butter and Pickles is giving away some baby bling sponsored by baby steals. If you are a parent, grandparent or even someone who needs a gift for a baby or child you should check out baby steals to see how great of a deal you can get. So go to Peanut Butter and Pickles to sign up and see if you can win a great prize.
give away littlest pet shop
Have you seen these little guys? They are so super cute. I know several little girls and boys that collect them. We were just talking the other night about the giga pet and how everyone had them well in this area the littlest pet shop would be the in toy of sorts. The great thing is you can win in in the giveaway that An Island Review is having.
Not me Monday
This is my first time writing a not me monday post but I thought it sounded like so much fun that here goes. You can read more over at My Charming Kids.
This past week has not been so much fun playing games and taking it easy with the bunch of teens that I call my childrn. I did not play cranium like 4 times this past week and I did not loose each time that I played. I did not try to draw a monkey blindfolded and it did not end up looking more like a starfish.
Today is not the first day back at school. I am not startled by how quiet this house is today. NO not me. I would not miss my children and cant wait till they get back home.
Hubby and I did not take the challenge to loose weight and have healthier lives. It is not me who is a diabetic and had been ignoring meds and diets so much that sugar was in the 400s. I am not happy that now back on meds and diets that it has reached the 100 mark again. I am not happy that it looks like the food budget may be cut back if we continue to have a spirit of cutting back and loosing weight and this has not affected my children having them take more interest in exactly what they are eating.
I was not happy to have nice warm weather over the break. No not me it was not me who did not have to wear a jacket or enjoy taking walks. No it is not me that wishes that those temps would come back.
Oh and it is not me that has been keeping cookie dough that her athlete son sold to make funds for the team in my freezer. No it is not me that was so happy that her son sold 20+ boxes of cookie dough. It is not me that 7 more of those boxes of dough are out of my freezer and headed to school teahers today.
IF you want to read more not me Mondays head over to My Charming kids
This past week has not been so much fun playing games and taking it easy with the bunch of teens that I call my childrn. I did not play cranium like 4 times this past week and I did not loose each time that I played. I did not try to draw a monkey blindfolded and it did not end up looking more like a starfish.
Today is not the first day back at school. I am not startled by how quiet this house is today. NO not me. I would not miss my children and cant wait till they get back home.
Hubby and I did not take the challenge to loose weight and have healthier lives. It is not me who is a diabetic and had been ignoring meds and diets so much that sugar was in the 400s. I am not happy that now back on meds and diets that it has reached the 100 mark again. I am not happy that it looks like the food budget may be cut back if we continue to have a spirit of cutting back and loosing weight and this has not affected my children having them take more interest in exactly what they are eating.
I was not happy to have nice warm weather over the break. No not me it was not me who did not have to wear a jacket or enjoy taking walks. No it is not me that wishes that those temps would come back.
Oh and it is not me that has been keeping cookie dough that her athlete son sold to make funds for the team in my freezer. No it is not me that was so happy that her son sold 20+ boxes of cookie dough. It is not me that 7 more of those boxes of dough are out of my freezer and headed to school teahers today.
IF you want to read more not me Mondays head over to My Charming kids
giveaway: nice water bottles
Do you desire your own water bottle? One that says just by looking at it that it is yours? Well I do with 6 kids and now a grandchild let alone nieces and nephews I never get anything that is mine but if I win this waterbottle from earthlust that feisty, frugal and fabulous is giving away it will be all mine.
New Years Party with giveaways
Did you have a newyears party? Well over at The mom Buzz a new year pary of giveaways is going on you need to check this out. It is so cool and they have great giveaways. Both Mom Buzz and Busy Mom are cosponsoring this event. Sponsors include Mia Belle Baby which has super cute stuff for your little one, Jack and Lilly which have beatiful and cute shoes for the little one in your life, and photo greetings which create greeting cards from pictures of your choice.
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